The Mental Health Club


New Member
Character Sheet

(Appearance pic here)


Age (around 14-18, you can be a prodigy or a repeater, within reason):


Mental Condition (illness, if you will):


Bio (at least your mental health history):



Theme Song (optional):


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Lacey 'Lace' Ann Richardson





Mental Condition:

Intermittent explosive disorder


Lacey is a very quite girl who keeps to herself most of the time. She mostly opens up to those she is close too including those she dates or crushes on. She doesn't think things through and mostly takes action on the spot. Lacey is very dependent of people, especially her lover. She believes she is nothing but a dead puppet without someone to guide or control her. She is a hopeless romantic which results her falling for men and women easily. She is a follower, not a leader.


All of this violence started after a boy cheated on her in ninth grade, toyed with her emotions, and stringed her along. Finally the boy completely broke it off with Lacey and she lost it. Lacey later found out that a group of preppy girls had the boy do it and the boy was dating the girl who put the plan in motion. They say she is an emotional wreck and a safety hazard for the community. She has attacked many of her boyfriends/girlfriends in the past; mostly because they tried to break things off or they cheated on her. She has even attempted to attack one of her lovers in public. She has a history of throwing fits and rages in public. One time she went to court for attacking a lover of hers and she attempted to attack again during her trial but was never sent to jail due to her age and disorder.


~ Sweet people

~ Bunnies

~ Zombie movies

~ Ghost stories

~ Spicy food


~ Liars

~ Cheaters

~ Smokers

~ People who call her crazy

~ People who talk to her like a child or like she's a threat

Theme Song:

by Skylar Grey

The boy she ever first attacked and the group of girls still attend the school she goes to; she tries to avoid them at all cost.
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Name/Nickname: Hazel (Charlie) Green

Age (around 14-18, you can be a prodigy or a repeater, within reason): 15

Gender: Female

Mental Condition (illness, if you will): Dissociative Identity Disorder/ Multiple personality disorder. (If you don't know what that is here is a link:

Personality: Well Hazel usually a quiet and shy person, she keeps to herself and usually doesn't talk unless spoken too. You will usually find her alone either writing or reading somewhere. She is sweet and doesn't usually hurt people, at least not on purpose. Only serten type of people can get close enough to her to get her out of her shell and see the bright and more talkative.

Thought Hazel has two parts of her: Hazel, her real self and Charlie: her more outgoing and talkative self that she switches too when she cant handle the situation happening around her. Charlie is a bit more agressive and has a loud mouth. She has more of an attitude but she stands up for what is right.

Bio (at least your mental health history): Hazel had a hard childhood, witch is why she has her illness. Hazel NEVER speaks about her past because she cant remember it, she blocked it out. She thinks her father has been gone on a business trip for the last 5 1/2 years, when in reality her dad is in prison for beating/ abusing her and her sister. She also thinks that her older brother Charlie is away at collage when he really hung himself a 5 years ago. Hazel now lives with her mother and older sister. She has moved school 3 times already from fights at school. She doesn't remeber any of them but her sister tells her everything. Her biggest fight happened last year when a group of kids came to school with nooses around their necks, their shirts read, in blood red, GOODBYE CHARLIE GREEN. She turned into Charlie and beat one of the boys in the group that was laughing, he had to go to the hospital and the fight was recorded and went viral on YouTube. Then she transferred here.

Likes: Reading, writing, cats, music, Books, Her big brother Charlie.

Dislikes:When people get angry, fights, cocky people, her dad (she isn't so sure why but she gets scared every time his name is mentioned)

Theme Song (optional): We are by: Hollywood Undead

Other: Deep down she knows what happened with her father and brother, it is just going to take a little push for her to unblock that memory.
Character Sheet

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/billie_piper_3-1024x768.jpg.96a28dbcb8c7be4a0c51f042427d1ff9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/billie_piper_3-1024x768.jpg.96a28dbcb8c7be4a0c51f042427d1ff9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name/Nickname: Nova Trafton

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Mental Condition: Early-onset Disorganized Schizophrenia

Personality: Nova is considered odd by most people, mostly because her emotions don't seem to match what's going on, a symptom of her illness. She's almost always laughing, and finds it hard to keep a straight face in most situations. Despite her unnerving laughter, people find it easy to get along with her, as she's quite nice. She has a tendency to talk to herself.

Bio: Nova's symptoms started when she was 13, starting with disorganized thoughts. By 14, she was talking to herself and making random statements on a regular basis. It was at this point that her parents got her a psychiatrist, who quickly prescribed an anti-psychotic. Nova took it for a while, but decided she didn't like the side effects, and soon stopped taking it. She currently refuses to take any medication.

Likes: Classic rock, people-watching, dancing, parties, laughing at sad situations.

Dislikes: Pop music, sweets, intensely flavored drinks and foods, beer (she's had one at a party).

Theme Song:Crazy, by Gnarls Barkley 
Okay so I'm not sure if anyone else is going to join, but if you all know anyone that might be interested, send em a message, yeah? If no one else joins, I'm not sure if we have enough people...



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Well if no one else joins, I suppose we can start... tomorrow? My internet's out right now, though, so all I've got is my phone...
I mean, it doesn't matter that my internet's out cause I have my phone, but I'll probably be slow lol

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