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  1. NyxLune

    1x1 rp [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. NyxLune

    1x1 rp [Inactive]

    LilithNightbane92 submitted a new role play: 1x1 rp - Roleplay between lilithnightbane92 and ... Only Read more about this role play...
  3. NyxLune

    Well howdy do! I'm finally back! Ended up moving to ny instead of visiting. So I'm back and...

    Well howdy do! I'm finally back! Ended up moving to ny instead of visiting. So I'm back and hopefully here to stay!
  4. NyxLune

    hello, i'm new here xD

    *smiles softly "well there are always things to do" she says with a giggle*
  5. NyxLune

    1 x 1 Roleplay

    Hmm... Grand ideas? *giggles* I am a woman of MANY ideas, but not all of them are grand... ^_^ I don't know what to start with! You got anything?
  6. NyxLune

    Hello there.

    OH! Then we should get along just fine! ^_^
  7. NyxLune

    Aye There~

    *gasp* Never heard of? Well, you basically create your own "universe" or you can join others' and you have to create a character for that "universe" and some have to be approved, others don't. I don't know about the home life getting better... There are like 10 people living in a 2 family...
  8. NyxLune

    Aye There~, emailing, Skyping and RolePlayGateway. I do supernatural, considering all the characters I make are usually vampires. Do you do role playing in the form of the asterisks [*action*] or go by paragraphs writing out what happens and using quotes? Some people role play different. I do both...
  9. NyxLune

    Well Hello again (my intro thread and all other posts from me disappeared)

    Hello there. Well I am sorry to hear the you lost some stuff on the move to the new server! O.o That is something I've never heard of, but I am also completely LOST on how to maintain a website... -_- What was your role-play, if I may ask?
  10. NyxLune

    hello, i'm new here xD

    ...from real life problems. Role-playing is part of my lifestyle now, especially when I'm stressed. It is a fun easy way to get away from your problems. ^_^ Hope you enjoy it here! *walks in after Awesomeness and waves. "Hello other person! How are you today?" holds out hand to shake politely.*
  11. NyxLune

    Aye There~

    Hello Abigail! How are you? You role-play on Gaia? I could never really get into role-playing on Gaia... Heh.. XGen? What's that? I've never actually heard of it.. -_- You're in a band? That's wonderful! My brother plays the guitar too.. I love guitars, of course I've never really been able to...
  12. NyxLune

    Hello, Hello, Hello

    Hello ProfessorScarecrow! How are you? What kind if role-plays are you into? I am looking for people to role-play with 1 x 1.. I know that others know this because I have 2 people already from this site that I role-play with. One is with Skype, the other is through messages here! I would love to...
  13. NyxLune

    Hello there.

    Aww, you don't role-play other-worldly? *pouts* How come? Other-worldly is sooo much fun! But anyways, I'm not a welcomer, and I'm not sure if I'm going to get in trouble for this, if I am out of site ADMINS, I'M SORRY! But, welcome to RpNation! I hope you like it around here! I know I do! I...
  14. NyxLune

    Well, going to New York from the 8th to the 11th, so I may NOT have much internet access.. Sorry!

    Well, going to New York from the 8th to the 11th, so I may NOT have much internet access.. Sorry!
  15. NyxLune

    1 x 1 Roleplay

    Okay, well, do you do plots or play-as-you-go? I am VERY good at play-as-you-go. And fantasy is my personal favorite. It's all I do, considering all my characters tend to be vampires.. Heh...
  16. NyxLune

    1 x 1 Roleplay

    Really now? Well, tell me what you're into and we can go from there. You can send a PM if you wish.
  17. NyxLune

    what's the point of watching WWE anymore? all it is, is fucking garbage.. All the fucking...

    what's the point of watching WWE anymore? all it is, is fucking garbage.. All the fucking cheating that goes on... The good guys are victims
  18. NyxLune

    1 x 1 Roleplay

    Hello all! I have found 2 people on here to role play with, and I am loving those role plays so much! Now I am looking for another role playing partner, whom may be interested in role playing through either skype or email. I am open to all types, but if you want to be my partner, either reply...
  19. NyxLune

    Feel so detached ATM....

    Feel so detached ATM....