Aye There~


Teifling Rogue
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Well, Someone suggested that I eventually get around to posting this. So here I am. Its only been like, a week or so? I have no perception of time.

Well, I'm Abigail. I've been role-playing for abut 4 years now. Some on Gaia, but mostly on XGen. When I'm not on here, I'm either out skating, at band practice, a concert, or just playing my guitar. I guess that's about it? I dunno. I'm not really exciting of a person. But it's glad to be here, and I absolutely love Rp'ing with you guys!
Hello Abigail! How are you? You role-play on Gaia? I could never really get into role-playing on Gaia... Heh.. XGen? What's that? I've never actually heard of it.. -_- You're in a band? That's wonderful! My brother plays the guitar too.. I love guitars, of course I've never really been able to play one... Just simple songs like twinkle twinkle little star.. Blech... So, what kind of role-plays are you into?
Hi! I'm wonderful, and you? Yeah, I used to. Not anymore really though, infact I don't even remember my password! haha.

And XGen is this one website. On their game Stick Arena Ballistick there's an entire server for role-playing. Most people just find it by chance if they aren't told. And yeah, we don't really have a name or anything, but I sing and play guitar for it. Maybe you'd be god playing Bass. It's a lot easier since there's only 4 strings. And you aren't really strumming, just picking it with your fingers and slapping with your thumb. It took me a while to learn acoustic, so it's chill.

Im usually into Slice of Life or Supernatural type stuff. But honestly I haven't tried anything else out yet, so you never know where that can lead.
I have an acoustic and a bass. I bought the acoustic online and the bass from a friend. I have NO idea where to buy strings for it though... Ugh! I think it's cool you're in a band though. Seems like it's something that could be relaxing. I can't play EITHER of my guitars so... Sorry if I'm answering questions out of order, I usually reply to what I remember reading last! Haha!. I'm doing... Okay-ish... Home life is very bad at the minute. Too much drama! I don't even remember what ANY of my Gaia's are... Thinking of making a new one actually.. Not sure if XGen is my type of thing.. I'll stick to the places I know! Like here, emailing, Skyping and RolePlayGateway. I do supernatural, considering all the characters I make are usually vampires. Do you do role playing in the form of the asterisks [*action*] or go by paragraphs writing out what happens and using quotes? Some people role play different. I do both ways.
Usually any form of music store would sell them. Most will even replace them for you. And yeah, it can be. It's kind of like my escape from reality I guess, other than -. Music's the only think keeping me sane right now to be honest. Maybe teaching yourself to play could help take your mind off of your home life? I understand how that stuff can be though. Me and my dad have been going through some rough patches lately, infact I haven't spoken to him in nearly 4 months. Things will get better though, I promise. People and parents can suck, but it all blows over eventually one way or another. Id have to say I do both. Currently the role-plays I'm in are going by paragraphs and quotes, but I absolutely love using asterisks. It's what we use in XGen. Hm, I'll have to check out RolePlayGateway though. I don't think I've ever heard of it before.
*gasp* Never heard of? Well, you basically create your own "universe" or you can join others' and you have to create a character for that "universe" and some have to be approved, others don't. I don't know about the home life getting better... There are like 10 people living in a 2 family home... I'm looking for an apartment for me, my husband and my kids. If I have to, I'll find some place for my mother and sister too, but we are trying to stay together. It's not easy with the way this economy is... -_- ... I'll have to look around for the strings then... Hope I can find them... Mine only has 3 strings right now... I hope your home life gets better! I use asterisks when I'm texting a lot... *giggles softly* 90% of my texts of asterisks in them! ^_^ Do you like 1 x 1 or group role plays? I am on a search for more 1 x 1 partners... I have 2, moving up to 4, but I like having a lot of people to role play with because not everyone replies fast. Then there's vacations with no wifi.. So... *smiles sweetly*

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