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  1. Brittany

    A Game of Cat and Mouse [Closed]

    Tony     Tony rolls his eyes, the more she spoke the more he wanted to hex her. Yet something about her always made him chuckle, he always liked her spunk. Tony stands up and walks to the edge of his balcony type seat and looks down at her.   “Well, as we say around here, we you think...
  2. Brittany

    Realistic or Modern The Dead Have Risen (Always Open)

    "Well, I guess you do have a point there." She says and watches him work on her arm.
  3. Brittany

    Realistic or Modern The Dead Have Risen (Always Open)

    "Oh you little-" She cuts herself off and refrains from swearing, "yeah, uh thanks for that." She mumbles as the pain begins to dull down. She glances to the cuff around her right wrist. "What's with the five star prisoner treatment here dollface?"
  4. Brittany

    Realistic or Modern The Dead Have Risen (Always Open)

    Lia smiles, and then grimaces in pain. "I'm pretty educated in basic medicine, enough to where I can probably figure this out." She says and looks around the tent, "My father was a doctor."
  5. Brittany

    Realistic or Modern The Dead Have Risen (Always Open)

    "I'm Liadain." Lia says and then quickly looks around, "I need a sling, and maybe some twigs to set my elbow, and elderberries if you have them, for the pain." Lia explains quickly.
  6. Brittany

    Realistic or Modern The Dead Have Risen (Always Open)

    Lia swears under her breath as her elbow bends back, and she follows the kids through the gate, trying to keep her wits about her.
  7. Brittany

    Realistic or Modern The Dead Have Risen (Always Open)

    "I- I can't, my elbow is busted." Lia says but slowly puts her good hand behind her back, 
  8. Brittany

    Realistic or Modern The Dead Have Risen (Always Open)

    "Please, I'm hurt. I fell off the wall." Lia grips onto her elbow, but is ready to reach down for her knives at any second. The throbbing pain her elbow, dulled when she saw a bow pointed in her direction. "C' mon, kid, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I just need some help." She takes a step towards the...
  9. Brittany

    Realistic or Modern The Dead Have Risen (Always Open)

    Lia walked a bit further along the inside of the wall, holding her elbow against her chest. She had hurt it pretty badly. "H-hello?" She calls out, desperate for anyone who could help her.
  10. Brittany

    Realistic or Modern The Dead Have Risen (Always Open)

    Lia ran through the surrounding woods, her breathing heavy and her footsteps light against the Earth. A group of other humans had caught her going through their stash and who knows if they were still chasing her. She turned on her heel and see's a chain link fence up ahead, she throws her bag...
  11. Brittany

    Realistic or Modern The Dead Have Risen (Always Open)

    ... (Lee-ah-dane “lee-ah” full-gore-a) Age: 21 Appearance:  Weapons:  Six throwing knives that she wears on her belt at all times Other equipment:  * Has knowledge of healing herbs and basic medicine. *A backpack that contains extra clothes, and whatever food she can steal
  12. Brittany

    A Game of Cat and Mouse [Closed]

    Tony   Tony smirked, then clenched his jaw as he turned to the newest member of the auror department. Sure, she was beautiful, but damn did she have a mouth on her. He looks her up and down, everything about her made him agitated. She had just shown up in the department once and from then on...
  13. Brittany

    A Game of Cat and Mouse [Closed]

    Lia     Lia had been born two days late according to her father, and that habit of being late hadn’t changed a bit since the day she was brought into this world. She hurried along the busy streets of New York, he three inch kitty heels click-clacking down the pavement. She had...
  14. Brittany

    A Game of Cat and Mouse

    Lia     Lia had been born two days late according to her father, and that habit of being late hadn’t changed a bit since the day she was brought into this world. She hurried along the busy streets of New York, he three inch kitty heels click-clacking down the pavement. She had...
  15. Brittany

    Looking For RP Partner (ignore prefix)

    So I'm willing to RP almost anything, with anyone who has any level of experience. I'm just desperate for a RP partner at this point haha, feel free to either comment here or message me!
  16. Brittany

    Futuristic Tandem Terra [OPEN]

    Earth as we know it is long gone.  Now all that exists is Tandem Terra, our “Last Earth”.  Created by the builders, those who survived as humans destroyed our planet, Terra is a vast modern city enclosed inside a wall in the middle of a desert. This is where the elite members of Terra’s society...
  17. Brittany

    Tandem Terra [OPEN]

  18. Brittany

    Tandem Terra [OPEN]

    NAME: Liadain “Lia” Fulgora  (Lee-ah-dane “lee-ah” full-gore-a) GENDER: Female AGE: 18 APPEARANCE: WEAPONS: Six throwing knives that she wears on her belt at all times SKILLS/ABILITIES: She is a midwife, and has knowledge of healing herbs and basic medicine. She is talented with...
  19. Brittany

    Tandem Terra [OPEN]

    Earth as we know it is long gone.  Now all that exists is Tandem Terra, our “Last Earth”.  Created by the builders, those who survived as humans destroyed our planet, Terra is a vast modern city enclosed inside a wall in the middle of a desert. This is where the elite members of Terra’s society...
  20. Brittany

    Futuristic Tandem Terra (Last Earth)
