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  1. Aviator

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams" // Suicide Squad RP // RP Thread

    Liling // “Verdigris” // Age 9 // Inmate // Artificial Intelligence // Cat Burglar and Pianist Liling snorted as she and the two other women were herded off of the colorful rug of a tree with books sprouting from it in place of fruit, unable to believe that this oversized peabrain was still...
  2. Aviator

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World RP // plot & chat

    One of my friends is on a pool league now and has all his own equipment, so it'll be pretty fierce competition. Also like damn Naomi shatter this boy's heart into a million pieces. I'm glad you finally found your part-time psycho character.
  3. Aviator

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World RP // plot & chat

    Working and then at night going to a pool hall and bar with friends to get messed up to high hell and back. XD
  4. Aviator

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World RP // plot & chat

    Happy birthday, Einar! I remembered cuz we share one. :blowkiss: any character who posts on my bday CST time gets a free 30 minutes with either of my boys
  5. Aviator

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World RP // plot & chat

    @Wolfiee @WanderLust. Please respond with Malaika and Kiara today or tomorrow! Just a reminder to everyone that the activity expectation for this thread is supposed to be two weeks per character. Of course, that's not always realistic and going a few days over that span is completely...
  6. Aviator

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World RP // plot & chat

    @Wolfiee Skipping class to get drunk with a professor, no less. :coolshades:
  7. Aviator

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World RP // plot & chat

    @Sanctuaryforall1 Plot twist the whole reason behind the tournament is to demolish every castle in the challenges so that insurance covers the renovations 100%. According to Altair specifically, Ilvermorny dearly needs a facelift.
  8. Aviator

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams // Suicide Squad RP // plot & chat

    @BuggaBoo Just... props. That was a more stylish demise than I ever could have given Missy Kimmy. I now understand why Moon Prism!! has a dedicated fanbase lol.
  9. Aviator

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Chahaya “Cha-Cha” Arif // “Dysfunctional Ex-Con” // Male // Age 32 // Castelobruxo Professor // Legilimens The events of the past day flooded over Cha-Cha like a strong drink as he teetered to the library, pain lancing through his leg if he walked too briskly. Clara Winters’s hair gusting...
  10. Aviator

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams // Suicide Squad RP // plot & chat

    @BuggaBoo Those are some dark recesses indeed. XD Given that he currently doesn't believe in spirits, Azrael will prolly think Nouvelle is trying to deceive him and make him afraid when she describes the danger, especially if she initially entered his Dreamscape to attack him. He might need a...
  11. Aviator

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams // Suicide Squad RP // plot & chat

    @BuggaBoo Perhaps Nou and Az have to team up to ward off the malicious spirits? Like it comes down to her having to trust him because otherwise she will almost for sure be overwhelmed by them on her own. But like since I'd imagine they'd also pose a threat to him if this happens in his...
  12. Aviator

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams // Suicide Squad RP // plot & chat

    Cyrus is highly superstitious, but part of it is because he comes from a heavily religious Christian-tribal background. His superstitions include: - an itchy palm means money is coming your way - rain on a wedding day means the marriage is blessed - stumbling on your left foot is a sign of bad...
  13. Aviator

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World RP // plot & chat

    Better Mey than Vasu taking the fall :P
  14. Aviator

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams // Suicide Squad RP // plot & chat

    @BuggaBoo No worries! I'll hold off till Levina replies then and hopefully give others a chance to react to baby Shi too lol. Honestly yahs please Nouvelle knocking Azzy down a few pegs would be great. This man is nauseatingly arrogant to the point where I want bad things to happen to him...
  15. Aviator

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams // Suicide Squad RP // plot & chat

    @deadly king Please reply with Jupiter in the next day or two! @BuggaBoo In my next post with Liling, am I good to have your NPC guards crash the therapy sesh to move the plot along? Or would you rather do that post yourself your next turn, so I'm not stepping on your babes' toes? Also super...
  16. Aviator

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams // Suicide Squad RP // plot & chat

    @TobiornotTobi I mean, we can always do both lol. I meant it as a badass whose real identity almost no one knows and they just call her Warden Hollows, if she's even a her. But twist villains are always fun. Perhaps Hollows isn't from this world and she has her own agenda. I'm open to...
  17. Aviator

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams // Suicide Squad RP // plot & chat

    Up to y'all, but what do you think if the Warden is an unknown big bad? Like they give instructions on a computer with a voice encryption, so no one sees what they look like?
  18. Aviator

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World RP // plot & chat

    @honeycoves Gonna need posts for Mey and Piper, @irregular-neptune the crew, and @WanderLust. for Theo by Wednesday, please!
  19. Aviator

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World // RP Thread

    Vasu Saini // “the Snake Charmer” // Male // 5th Year // Koldovstoretz Champion // Parselmouth Sweat shining on her dark face, Aurelia Quansah scurried into class ten minutes late. Ooh, this will be interesting, Vasu thought, leaning forward in his seat, eager to witness the young professor...
  20. Aviator

    Fandom Octowizard Tournament // Wizarding World RP // plot & chat

    Chimere with Kaz in the class: You've had disappointing professors. Vasu while looking directly at Kaz: *deliberately answers the question wrong* Chimere: *steeples fingers* Very disappointing indeed...