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  1. Flame Demon

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways OOC

    Thst gives us some way to move forward with the plot
  2. Flame Demon

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways OOC

    @DracoNightshade you could have Sara responde to Aruna about keeping order near the gates
  3. Flame Demon

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways OOC

    @IcarusEm @SheepKing I really hate to do this, but if you guys aren't posting within this week (so till next Friday) I have to kick you from the rp under the assumption you've lost interest and the items you picked will be opened again
  4. Flame Demon

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways OOC

    Hence why I asked if Dia could be moved outside for plot purposes
  5. Flame Demon

    Fandom Voltron: New beginnings

  6. Flame Demon

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways OOC

    @SheepKing @IcarusEm @DracoNightshade I completely understand it if you guys are too busy with real life, but could you at least let me know this so I know you're still interested in this rp instead of just disappearing?
  7. Flame Demon

    If you were in a video game, what would the character above you drop when they die?

    A little animal companion who can cook so you won't have to
  8. Flame Demon

    Fandom Marvel: The next gen

    @LumaThePhoenix @roxas Next one to post can do a timeskip of a week or two and then, if we have them, we can introduce new characters
  9. Flame Demon

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways

  10. Flame Demon

    Fandom Marvel: The next gen (Reboot)

    "And maybe if you focused more on the actual battle then protecting Vi she wouldn't be gone!" Alex snaps back at Atreus "I lost my sibling, we lost Victoria and Thalia and a lot more people, but you don't care! Go back to fucking Asgard if you can't be bothered with us!", usually he wouldn't say...
  11. Flame Demon

    Fandom Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

  12. Flame Demon

    If you were in a video game, what would the character above you drop when they die?

    A broken horn, can be used a stabby weapons in an emergecy
  13. Flame Demon

    Fandom Marvel: The next gen

  14. Flame Demon

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways

    "I think most of them are outside now, but I'm not sure to be honest." Rosalyn tells him and she rubs one of her shoulder "I'm actually happy you showed up, I'm not sure how long I could've held that by myself." she admits, it probably wasn't the intention to enter the building, but she's glad...
  15. Flame Demon

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways OOC

    @SheepKing can we move Dia outside for plot purposes?
  16. Flame Demon

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways

    Rosalyn hears the canine before the door is forced fully open again and she loses her balance, however since there's now extra chain length and she let it go, the window she was holding open slams shut "Shit." she says, there were still people fleeing the building, guess some students and...
  17. Flame Demon

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways OOC

    I put the link to the wiki on the lore page in case you need to search for something
  18. Flame Demon

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways OOC

    @SheepKing @IcarusEm @DracoNightshade @Extra123 I have made a lore page! Feel free to add stuff to it
  19. Flame Demon

    Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways Lore Page

    TIMELINE Map BotW Stables are now inns Vehicles run on fuel, not food or monster parts Traveling by horse everywhere is still possible Castle Town Twilight Princess Exit gates are still there, just no longer in use and constantly open Still has a ton of cats Triforce The sacred Triforce has...