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  1. godjacob

    Fandom Pokémon: Galar (Roleplay Thread)

    The Blazed Heart Crew Route 9 (Circhester Bay) August 1st The sentry and his Fearow were in a no win situation, the Fearow credit to it continued to fight aggressively but against these two coordinated Pokemon the odds were impossibly stacked against them. The Fearow's attack was blocked by...
  2. godjacob

    Fandom Pokémon: Galar (Roleplay Thread)

    The Blazed Heart Crew Route 9 (Circhester Bay) August 1st "Shit this dumb Sandstorm, is this part of those Blaze punks?" "No idea but the sooner we dispel it the better." The two grunts off to the side outside saw the Sandstorm swirl around their base and indeed Flygon by the front outside...
  3. godjacob

    Fandom Pokémon: Galar (Roleplay Thread)

    The Blazed Heart Crew Route 9 (Circhester Bay) August 1st "We're preparing to enter the back Captain. Keep them busy and we'll get the Pokemon to safety." The voice of Zeke seemed to speak up through an earpiece as he and Maddie arrived on their sky bikes to the back of the facility. Rodriguez...
  4. godjacob

    Fandom Naruto: Last of the Fallen Blossoms

    Tokita Hagami (Cloud Invasion) Tokita felt her hair raise on the back of the neck and the tension rise, she was new to having comrades in the field but determined all the same to keep them alive within whatever degree or power she'd be able to manage. Though much as she tried to she seemed to...
  5. godjacob

    Fandom Pokémon: Galar (Roleplay Thread)

    The Blazed Heart Crew, Route 9 (Circhester Bay) "S-shit man didn't tell me it'd be so cold here." "Quite whining already. This spot is a walking maze, gives us cover so none of the feds are on our tail." "...still, I feel a chill on my neck." A pair of figures traversed through what seemed...
  6. godjacob

    Fandom Pokémon: Orange Islands (RolePlay Thread)

    Adrianne Silvers (Normal Class: 95,044) Pokemon Park, Tangelo Island, Orange Archipelago (June 2nd) Interactions: @ThAtGuY101 (Briar), @Sir Mayday (Floric) & @Merciless Medic (Reggie) Adrianne seemed to smile a bit, happy her words could help the situation. She lacked Briar's life experience...
  7. godjacob

    Fandom Naruto: Last of the Fallen Blossoms

    Tokita Hagami (Cloud Invasion) Tokita cursed to herself as her opponent seemed to just vanish out of thin air before her chakra slash could deliver the finishing blow. Much as she wished to lament a missed opportunity, her instincts screamed at her to move as her foe's partner in crime seemed...
  8. godjacob

    Fandom Naruto: Last of the Fallen Blossoms

    Tokita Hagami (Cloud Invasion) Tokita had no such context behind what this woman was being fed in her earpiece or what her agenda was, and frankly the young samurai cared even less as her only goal was to dispose of this villainous invader and thus far she seemed to finally get a leg up on her...
  9. godjacob

    Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

    Desmond Andrews (Unranked) Olivine City, Johto (July 25th) Interactions: @ThAtGuY101 The sounds of the mechanical electric time caused Desmond's heart to jump a bit but thankfully he managed to avoid a scream as he considered that a minor victory for himself as Aldon seemed to catch up with...
  10. godjacob

    Fandom Naruto: Last of the Fallen Blossoms

    Tokita Hagami (Cloud Invasion) Well she didn't get to slice her hand off, but she seemed to disrupt whatever technique her opponent had up her sleeve which seemed to require her to sheath her blade a precise way to get off whatever it was. Tokita had figured out that much and that it was more...
  11. godjacob

    Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

    Desmond Andrews (Unranked) SS Maine, Johto (July 25th) Interactions: @ThAtGuY101 (Aldon), @Cmeriwether6 (Emma) Politoed again found itself captivated, to most Skol probably seemed to speak nonsense but either call it a hunch of its own ignorance it found this gospel to be quite fascinating...
  12. godjacob

    Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

    Desmond Andrews (Unranked) SS Maine, Johto (July 25th) Interactions: @ThAtGuY101 Politoed seemed happy to see Skol once more, as a familiar face only made this little cruise that much more exciting! It hopped over by the fellow Water type and as it returned its greeting it couldn't help but...
  13. godjacob

    Fandom Naruto: Last of the Fallen Blossoms

    Tokita Hagami (Cloud Invasion) Tokita's eyes seemed to widen in a bit of understandable surprise, as her blade had made contact...but not with the intended target. The woman whose neck she tried to slice clean through seemed to vanish in an instant, swapping herself with her partner whose more...
  14. godjacob

    Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

    Desmond Andrews (Unranked) Cianwood City Docks, Johto (July 25th) Interactions: @ThAtGuY101 (Aldon) "You certainly know how to put some flair on that old legend." Desmond mused, he had no idea if such a legendary Pokemon really could be found there but it was one of those wonders of life that...
  15. godjacob

    Fandom Naruto: Last of the Fallen Blossoms

    Tokita Hagami Chaos and cries in the city streets seemed to just reflect the kind of carnage these Cloud Ninja brought with them. Destruction and people fleeing in a panic as these rogue ninja seemed to delight in tearing the town apart as the civilians just tried to get out of the line of...
  16. godjacob

    Fandom Pokémon: Orange Islands (RolePlay Thread)

    Adrianne Silvers (Normal Class: 95,044) Pokemon Park, Tangelo Island, Orange Archipelago (June 2nd) Interactions: @ThAtGuY101 (Brair) @Sir Mayday (Floric) @Merciless Medic (Reggie) They seemed to ascend to the top, and the view of things was so amazing! Adrianne felt she could see the whole...
  17. godjacob

    Fandom Pokémon: Orange Islands (RolePlay Thread)

    Adrianne Silvers (Normal Class: 95,044) Pokemon Park, Tangelo Island, Orange Archipelago (June 2nd) Interactions: @Sir Mayday (Floric) @ThAtGuY101 (Brair) @Merciless Medic (Reggie) "Woah~!" Adrianne said as they began to move up, the view as they were ascended high on the ferris wheel seemed to...
  18. godjacob

    Fandom Pokémon: Orange Islands (RolePlay Thread)

    Adrianne Silvers (Normal Class: 95,044) Pokemon Park, Tangelo Island, Orange Archipelago (June 2nd) Interactions: @ThAtGuY101 (Briar) @Merciless Medic (Reggie) @Sir Mayday (Floric) Adrianne walked with Briar in line and thankfully as Briar noted it seemed to be short, good. Adrianne wanted to...
  19. godjacob

    Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

    Desmond Andrews (Unranked) Cianwood City Docks, Johto (July 25th) Interactions: @Cmeriwether6 (Emma's Togekiss) @ThAtGuY101 (Aldon) Desmond walked along the dock to the ferry, though no sooner had he climbed aboard had his Politoed jumped out to spook the young man who sighed as he knew he...
  20. godjacob

    Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

    Desmond Andrews (Unranked) Cianwood City Docks, Johto (July 25th) Interactions: @Cmeriwether6 (Emma) @ThAtGuY101 (Aldon) @Merciless Medic (Naka) @CloudySkyLoftyMoon (Esther) The sort of slight from Esther had not gone unnoticed, so it seemed his hunch was correct as she had no problem being...