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  1. Gemini

    Not really new.

    I am a daedric artifact hunting, duel wielding conjurer capable of summoning the gods to hang my enemies head. Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold, destroyer of the Dark Brotherhood and reaponsible for turning the tides of the civil war. I slay chickens and wolves with ease, I turn and flee...
  2. Gemini

    Playin' With My Friends - A concept.

    ...don't play with dolls, but like i said though, depends on the concept of the male build, no? XP Similarly wih he girl, its fine hough, in that regard I figures roulette it is and you are teamed up with who you are given to make it fun (*Likes the idea of a princess type wielding a godzilla...
  3. Gemini

    Playin' With My Friends - A concept.

    ...if that would limit it a touch though? I mean your toy would have to suit the child and vice versa. . . mind you if there is a limit on both *say 3-4 either side* it may work. . . i mean for example take the MH doll concept, if all the players make male builds it wont work, and even then if...
  4. Gemini

    Fight and Flight of Serendipity [RP]

    In no particular order, speech was often the first to go as the mind would slow and slur, and of cause now this is where things get interesting. You know that little voice in the back of your head? Well that little voice says fuck it, and you lose the filter on thought and word as he for once...
  5. Gemini

    Playin' With My Friends - A concept.

    That's because you rock! question is with so many to choose from. . . xD I'm going to hopefully start plotting an outline later today hat can work, not sure yet of direction, but if anyone has any suggestions lemme know, i'm listening. I'll post those I come up with perhaps to give a general...
  6. Gemini

    Playin' With My Friends - A concept.

    I don't think it has to be expressively limited to children per se, or even just teens, there's a stretch armstrong wielding child in all of us after all and this is a working development, as it stands though i'm thinking typical ages 16 and below. Once a plot IS formulated it could however wind...
  7. Gemini

    Playin' With My Friends - A concept.

    Yeah, one kid per toy, there are after all only many action figures out there that DON'T do the same thing. I'm thinking either imaginary friend type or an actual toy that grows big when 'Wielded'. . . I guess it's like a magical girl magic card except the card is a toy?
  8. Gemini

    Playin' With My Friends - A concept.

    What: General interest check. Why: Crack. When: Maybe never, depends. Who: Me. (*is not the greatest GM, in fact I outright sucks.*) I'm toying with a concept that involves a type of magic which turns toys/mundane items into 'guardians' or whatnot via contracts with the creatures that...
  9. Gemini

    'Many of them are plainly bizarre and some are mildly sexual in nature (for example: "do you...

    'Many of them are plainly bizarre and some are mildly sexual in nature (for example: "do you want to go to my place - bouncy-bouncy?")'.
  10. Gemini

    The Fight and Flight of Serendipity [Sign Up]

    ...(his diet may consist mainly, if not purely of alcohol,) - Magic (Such as the moving of small objects, illusions, liquid manipulation* opening locks and some slight reality warping** etc.) - Confusion inducement (via illusion & liquid manipulation, spiking fluids with alcohol.) -...
  11. Gemini

    [Signups and OOC] Bloodpurge 2.0

    Name: Iiokl (Ik-Yol), formerly Adam Wright. Age: 27. Generation: Ninth Sire: Carol Reading, (Dead) Appearance:
  12. Gemini

    Gloriosa; Resurrection. - Character creation / Sign up

    MAIN THREAD UP. Notes: ALL characters were in the bus when it crashed, this happened 6 months ago. A meeting regarding the incident will be the first act of this RP in the hopes of getting some interaction going, you may opt to attend or you may not but all have been invited to take part, get...
  13. Gemini

    Gloriosa; Heroes Rise // The Resurrection

    Gloriosa; The Resurrection Heroes Rise. ​ Six Months ago . . .
  14. Gemini

    Gloriosa; Resurrection. - Character creation / Sign up

    Pass Legendless Rejected Drez
  15. Gemini

    Gloriosa; Resurrection. - Character creation / Sign up

    EDITEDPass: Chaotic, Autumn, Dylan, Twinneh (Kagura), Alexina, ErisianDialects, HeartBrokenIceQueen, ninbinz
  16. Gemini

    Alley Cats

    He shouldn't have been as suprised as he was, should have known better by now, or perhaps anticipated the potential of others being trapped in human form as he and the sisters were, and yet the sound of the feline's voice had him looking up, initial not at the cat but the area about him. The...
  17. Gemini

    Gloriosa; Resurrection. - Character creation / Sign up

    Full Name: Stephen Rose Age: 26 Gender: Male Personality: A procrastinator, eccentric, accident prone, confident and somewhat quirky, Stephen is prone to exaggerated emotion and is easily agitated, he can also become overly cautious. Appearance:
  18. Gemini

    Gloriosa; Resurrection. - Character creation / Sign up

    Gloriosa; Resurrection. Let's do this. What: A Superhero/semi-crack* RP concept. Based about the trials and errors of the aspiring, this Rp will follow characters as they discover their powers and come to terms with how best to apply them and just as important, how crap being...
  19. Gemini

    Alley Cats

    The terrier yawned, stretching both paws as he shook it's short haired mane, moving and relief itself against the nearby wall shortly before rising to sniff at the ground idly in curious exploration, taking several steps forward from it's box before lifting, and looking about as Alexander...
  20. Gemini

    Alley Cats

    Alexander smiled, finishing of his drink only to push himself upright to stand, picking up and draping his 'mustard' scarf about Rinji's neck, no doubt adding to the multi coloured clash of her existing attire, and yet unable to witness the results for himself but for those shades that were...