Gloriosa; Resurrection. - Character creation / Sign up





Let's do this.

What: A Superhero/semi-crack* RP concept. Based about the trials and errors of the aspiring, this Rp will follow characters as they discover their powers and come to terms with how best to apply them and just as important, how crap being super can be.

When: Modern Day.

Where: London. SCREW YOU New York! You always get the good stuff!

Why: Derp.

The term crack is used to signify stories that are so strangely insane they can only be written and read under the influence of heavy drugs i.e. you'd have to be on crack cocaine in order to think up things like this. . . . Simply put: my definition of comedy.

Original Concept:


When Applying it is first and foremost it is important that you understand that these will NOT be of your choosing, nor are they predetermined, rather they will be randomly assigned by myself with possible help from an unnamed source (because two minds are always better than one and expand horizons) via pm to make it more interesting. Not all of these will be mainstream, not all of them will be flashy and everything will have a provided starting point that you as the player and your character can develop upon as the RP progresses, however regardless naturally the end product/baseline ability may not be something you wanted or are used to. Because of this it is important that upon applying you are wiling to accept what you given without complaint or plans to drop out, otherwise it's a simple waste of everyone's time.

To use my favorite, more extreme example:

Lactokinesis; the ability to control lactose based products. The starting point for this would be the ability to 'control milk', perhaps create a puddle from what you've spilt, make it hop into your cereal. Bit stupid. True. (If you have read this section please put your characters name in italics). But consider this, you could treat the milk as though water (such as in the case of a whip etc.) and you could even later kill someone who has recently eaten cheese or a yogurt.

This is not to say that all the powers will be as unusual/odd as this (in fact, probably none of them will be), there are definitely mainstream abilities such as telepathy, elemental manipulation etc. available too. It is simply a way of showing you the player, that my intent is not to spoil the fun or create limit, but provide you with an opportunity to think outside the box and outside your comfort zone and give an otherwise generic power based roleplay an interesting spin in regards to character development/creation.

"I could definitely see you giving someone a power that might seem really awful at first, but the more they use it, and the more they realize what they can do with it, the more enthusiastic about the rp they'll be" - Vive (in the SB a long, long time ago, when this little nugget was originally being formulated)

Due to nature of this RP (a heavy chunk being steady character development that relies solely on the player and also their maintaining a semblance of realism throughout despite the weird; it is after all modern life), and my own standards as a player myself it is important for me personally that I trust your skills as an Rper before accepting you and thus I reserve the right to reject any and all applications based on both the character itself and also the player's Rp background (there are so many one liners/single paragraph posts these days that provide you with nothing to work with that this has to be done unfortunately). Also just know that I dislike Mary-Sue's and John Smiths so I hope to see some interesting characters and look forward to what you come up with~.

Feel Free to ask questions here, and/or I'm in the shout box quite often, PM's are good too if i'm not around. Remember that I am god, I can tell you 'No' and give you a rejection sticker for your troubles when you ask why. I also reserve the right to kill off your character without prior notice if I feel you are meta/power gaming (If there is one thing I hate and I will say this right now, it is overpowered douches).

Apply Skin to these bones:

Full Name:




(Description or image; please put this in a spoiler or link)


Full Name: Garrick Rake

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Personality: Disreputable, hedonistic, arrogant, rakehell, surprisingly intelligent, tenacious.


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Background: The elder of three, raised in the upper middle class in a loving family, noone is really sure where he managed to pick up all of his bad habits. He made it through school with high distinctions, going into law at Oxford. He somehow managed to pass through it, showing a habit of being able to talk his way out of every situation including the incident with one of his professor's wife and daughter.

His habit of practiscing law as he picked and chose made him most able to select cases that would offend the senses of others, or those cases others wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. He mostly started as managing to delegate cases he deemed pointless or stupid to other members of wherever he was practiscing off on other barristers, and has reached a point in his career where he moves from office to office because noone wants to give him one of his own. His methods however have brought him up against bar council more than once for his techniques in court, and his behaviour outside of it.

In his personal life, he has never been married, his siblings refuse to speak to him most of the time, and his flat is small, cramped, and generally clean if in a state of disarray. Of course, the fact he hasn't had a relationship last more than a week because of his habits barely fazes him.
Full Name: Stephen Rose

Age: 26

Gender: Male


A procrastinator, eccentric, accident prone, confident and somewhat quirky, Stephen is prone to exaggerated emotion and is easily agitated, he can also become overly cautious.



Excerpts from 'Stephen Rose's Piki page:

Stephen Rose

From Pikapidiah, the free encyclopedia

Stephen Rose (born 13th October, 1987) better known as Stephen 'Azrael' Rose, is an English musician, actor and poet. He is best known musically for being the lead-guitarist and front-man of 'and as the longest standing drummer of the underground indie rock band Double Yellow Line, more commonly referred to as 'Dylan' by it's fans, which he joined in 2009. Since the unexpected announcement of the band's hiatus later that year Stephen has ventured into a variety of non-musical projects including acting, modelling, teaching and writing.

Early Life

Stephen 'Azrael' Rose, born Stephen Ashley Raphael Rose, was born in Balby, Doncaster, and spent much of his childhood travelling to and from London, as his time was divided between divorced parents. His Catholic mother, Clara, is a nurse and his father is a former artist who worked in several London Galleries before founding a small theatre in East Croydon that hosts small performances. He has one sister, Carrie Ann, ten years his junior who is studying zoology.

He was placed into foster care from July, 1996, after his mother was unable to take care of him, returning home in late October, 1997.

Music and influences

Good at school though bad with grades, Rose initally began writing and drawing from an early age at his school counsellors suggestion when he was eleven in order to voice and express those thoughts and emotions he outwardly struggled, or more accurately could not otherwise make known; particularly his frustrations with life. . .

Though not a particularly relgious man, a frequent and recurring theme throughout Rose's writings and works are references to
Azrael and Raphael, whom he claims to share a close and personal relationship after his time spent in Double Yellow Line. He draws inspiration from the world's created by the likes of author Terry Pratchett, and has a wide-range of musical influence born from his parent's old record collection. . . His poetry incorporates everyday events and themes, enabling many to relate to them and opening him up the world of music as he began to focus on lyrical compostion. . .

Drug abuse and legal problems

During his short career as a member of the Double Yellow Line, Rose began to drink heavily . . . cocaine. . . reportedly suffered anxiety attacks after an on stage accident when an overhead light fell and crashed through the stage and Rose's drumkit mid performance. . . grand theft auto. . . driving with a suspended licence and under influence . . .

Excerpts from the 'Double Yellow Line's pikapidiah page:

Hiatus and Solo Careers

Shortly after the release of their second album 'Purple Daisies' in 2010, the Double Yellow Line announced an indefinite hiatus, stating that they had not broken up and it's members were taking a break to pursue various side projects they felt they could not partake whilst the band was active. During a solo interview for The Independent online frontman Johnathan Monroe gave his personal reasons for agreeing to the break stating 'Everything was blowing up faster than we expected after 'Purple Daisies' went public. There's this tension regarding what to do, where to go next, how to evolve our palette; we just felt like it was time to step back before we did any real damage to what was already there and stop ourselves falling face first in the mud, we all needed a break . . . '

In May 2010, Rose announced that he had signed a book deal with
Orion Works to publish several of his journals, in which he had recorded a documentary tale through various writings, short fictions, poetry, drawings and photos of his time spent in the Double Yellow Line. The book, titled 'Teatime with Azrael, was released on 23 May 2011. . .

An exhibition of Rose's paintings simply titled '
Cannot See the Sign' took place at Meryll's Studio, Camden Town, London, between the 14 February to 15 March 2012, appearing and featuring in the The Metro newspaper.

Rose became the face of a Fall 2011/2012 fashion advertising campaign, the photos gained praise for portraying a healthier and cleaner image of the former Double Yellow Lines drummer. . .

Full Name: Nora Elisabeth Anne-Marie Marthon ((hope this counts know ;P))

Age: 17


Personality: Has Anorexia and is in a state of being suicidal, strong depression. Is dark humored and lonely. Fiesty and bipolar, untrusting, none-serious but at the same time so controlled and calm that she seems as cold as a robot. Former alcoholic and smoker.


Usually wears baggy clothes to hide...Her condition..

Background: Nora Elisabeth Anne-Marie Marthon, daughter of best seller author Anthony Marthon and designer Acqua Teia has grown up in a rather spoiled life style. Spoiled with anything she wanted but time and love from her family that is. This created her many but not few disorders; being unbelievable behaved in front of her mothers gaze and her fathers quests she has learned to sneak out of the house. It was her way of rebelling, acting out. Alas, it did not work. Her parents scolded her, cared for a few days of her rebellion to then become ignorant of a growing depression.

Never meeting friends that stuck around long enough to know that her strong shell of rude comments, feisty and cocky attitude was just that. A shell. Leading to more rebellions like drinking and smoking. They never succeed and soon enough it ended when she 16, two years after she started. Then Nora started more impulsive rebellions, begging for attention from her parents. Such as decorating her classroom in blood red and icy blue, starting food fights, getting bad grades and it continued. Her parents had enough of calls from school and that lead to Nora getting home-tutored. During this hard time of her life; quitting smoking and alcohol, her only trusted and beloved was her grandma Rory. Rory was Acqua´s mother by birth but not by will, leaving the small girl with an angry mother whom hated her only friend. Rory never liked her daughters lifestyle and understood Nora and thus it was an great impact for Nora when she passed. The depression led to her not eating at all, getting an eating-disorder in the process.

Now Nora is 17, living with her parents more or less and is on the verge of getting anorexia. Her parents has decided for her to start school again....And gain friends.
Full Name: Eliza Rose Smith



Personality: Sassy, stand-offish at first, Fiery, Flirty (when it comes to extra tips), has a kindness to her in ways



Eliza was born in a family that was welcoming and warm at first. Daddy’s little girl all the way, and happily so, of course like all happiness that was fleeting. Father died doing his job as a fireman in an attempt to save others when she was only eight. It was only then that the true jealousy that her mother had over their connection started to show. To avoid the harsh words, and pain that they brought Eliza lived a lot of her life out of the site of her mother keeping to her room if not outside of the house when she could.

This of course worked well, until her mother found a lover and remarried by the time Eliza was eleven. The mother ended up worrying that her daughter would steal some of this man’s love from her as well. It got to the point in which Eliza’s room was the only place she was allowed when in the house. The ease of using the window as a door instead became almost natural after awhile. One Eliza’s eighteenth birthday what everyone knew was coming happened, and the girl was kicked out of house and home.

At first she crashed at friend’s places until she managed a job as a waitress and a cheap apartment. Barely getting by, she goes day by day through that same routine even now. Constantly reminding herself that flirting gets you better tips, and that stabbing the customer’s hand for grabbing her bum would only end up putting her back out on the streets.

*Copied and pasted, if you need me to change anything tell me.
Full Name: Logan Toby Moore

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Personality: Anything but obvious; her persona is very hard to pin down as she is talented with both words and intellect. She is rather aloof, reserved, and mysterious to those who try to befriend her; often acting or lying with ease for her own benefit. Logan seems rather false in her formalities of relationships, but there is a heart somewhere there.



Logan spent most of her life under the proverbial radar; one of the middle children of a large family of five. Her parents often paid her little mind, as the only time she got to be alone with them was the first four years of her life, when she was the baby. The girl continued to stick to her wall-flower nature, getting average grades, being rather average looking and by that time, quiet. Sure, there were a few soccer teams that she joined, but due to the hassle she eventually had to quit.

Kate Wallaby was one of the things that she gained from this, a close friend that had molded her when they met in the last years of primary school. She picked up her rebellious and deceitful tendencies, and also started smoking around the age of sixteen. All friendships had their ups and downs, but the two of them often caused extreme ruckuses when they were pitted against each other. Starting actual physical warfare, screaming, and cussing throughout the fight, the two were eventually suspended from school.

Of course her parents had forbidden her to see her anymore, but Logan was already lost by then…

If anything, it was the fact that they were still angry over trivial matters that upset her, and she knew Kate refused to talk to her. The girl’s methods only started getting worse; staining her locker with mean names, hurting some un-mutual friends, and she soon hated her. Logan eventually got her revenge by throwing Kate down the social food chain. Always the better liar, she bullied the girl with rumors and acted that she was the one being hurt in front of teachers.

Kate apparently had enough, as she had committed suicide in the last years of secondary, leaving Logan with extreme guilt. The girl was at a disconnect with the world, which she had put on hold; even failing her last year of school and having to go back. There was a certain loss of what to do on her part after she graduated, but she eventually decided to follow in what would have been Kate’s footsteps.

Logan soon became a Lawyer.
Full Name: Sydney "Sid" Margrave




*Sidney is lazy and tries to get out of doing menial tasks as much as he can, he has a passion for learning

but only for those things that hold some sort of interest for him. He is a geek, not to the extreme but one

nonetheless, video games and books are his staple when trying to kill time. Sid is cautious to the point

of being overtly cautious and indecisive, he tends to spend much of his time observing any situation than

taking an active role in any confrontation. He is self conscious and awkward, he will often avoid contact

with other people simply to avoid an awkward moment. He will more often than not try to remain as

aloof as he can but will converse at the very least when pressed into an unavoidable situation.


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Sidney Is the first of five children and had been treated s the only child until he was five until his sister was born, following his sister came three brothers all only three years apart. Despite his minor childish resentment of his younger siblings he has been able to foster a somewhat cordial relationship with them. His family's traditions have placed him under some pressure, since the eldest's role within the family is to look after their siblings. A tradition has been passed on generation after generation on both his parents' sides of the family. As a child he had been groomed at a private school to be the best his family could offer, were he to succeed and make his way into tertiary study he would bring great honour to his family name.

Sidney hadn't begun to totally develop as an individual until he had reached his teenage years when he gained the freedom to act autonomously from his siblings and make choices of his own. It was also at that age he had found out for himself that rising to the expectations of others was too much work and instead of excelling in school he decided it would be best for him to coast. Henceforth Sidney would be happy with being mediocre, this choice would lead him to meet his future bestie; Ryan Faverone who attended the same private school. Ryan had been playing Pokemon Blue under his desk on a Nintendo Gameboy Colour, intrigued and curious Sidney asked his future friend what he was doing and consequently got them both a detention. From then on they became almost inseparable friends despite their rocky beginnings.

Sidney is currently flatting with Ryan and attending The Imperial College London and studying Computing (Games, Vision and Interaction) and worrying about his upcoming tests and the pressures of being an awkward geek loner type person with an inability to approach people unless forced to. Adversely; Ryan had become more outgoing and spent more time partying often forcing Sidney to go along with him. Sidney had unwittingly been manipulated by his best friend into various, stupid situations leaving him with very little time to keep up with his studies. Sidney is now worrying over whether he can continue his studies in the coming semester, to cope with his stress Sidney has turned to the immersive world of Dragon Age Origins.

Full Name: Mia Patel

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Personality: Mia's is a relaxed temperament, curious and observant with quiet confidence. She is considerate and protective, and can become guarded in uncertain company building walls to protect herself and is the type to be passive-aggressive rather than scream out loud. Overall Mia is content in herself and with who she is and is.


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Mia grew up in a soft spoken and comfortable home environment. Her father, Peter Patel, is a pharmacist and a thoughtful man whose voice Mia describes as a lull (that which is pleasant to the ear and can soothe you into sleep via bed time story), while her mother, Aida (Patel by marriage), is a doctor at their local NHS walk-in center. She also has an older sibling who recently left home.

Awkward school days, navigating the social scenery are what make up a large portion of Mia's life. Avoiding bullies, talking with friends, attending lessons. . . she is neither on the hierarchy or a victim of it. Overall out of the lime light, her hobbies are an array of the weird and wonderful such as building lego constructions, rubix cubes, slinkies and watching the likes of tom and jerry and looney toons, she finds enjoyment in the little, and somewhat retro, things in life. A nineties child born to the wrong era with an interest in indie music.

Needless to say she is not a girly girl or one to follow the crowd, with few close friends rather than a ring of many and is more the 'dork' of the bunch.

Creator's note: Mia is still an adolescent, she can be just as chatty and stubborn as the next fourteen year old despite my not listing it depending on the company and situation.
Full Name: Madison "Madi" Grace Delmont

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Personality: Madison is a kind person. She does all she can to avoid upsetting people. She isn't very talkative unless you are close to her or she feels like she's in an awkward situation. It tends to be a challenge to get close to her as she is very guarded about giving information about herself away. Still, she often cares very deeply for people rather quickly, though she has trouble showing it. She rarely displays or talks about her emotions. It takes a lot for her to get angry. She tries very hard to keep calm. She has a tendency to not think before she speaks and sometimes she seems a little spacey. Her few close friends would say she's a bit crazy. She rarely understands the things that come out of her own mouth and she often jumps from topic to topic very quickly, confusing people she's speaking with. She is an intelligent girl who's interested in writing and marine biology. She has very strong morals and often feels guilty for even telling a little white lie. She is fiercely loyal and expects the same from her friends. She can be quite stubborn and very opinionated. Often, she asks very personal questions that make people feel terribly uncomfortable.

Appearance: here. Madi is 5'5".

Background: Madi was raised by her hard-working, loving parents along with her three younger brothers. It was a loud, active home with the boys running around. Madi grew up rather quickly in an attempt to help her mother take care of the boys. She did her best but often felt like she fell a bit short. She worked hard in school, doing her best to keep her grades up so she would be able to get into college. Really, her life was rather uneventful up to this point. Nothing traumatic had happened to her or her family. Her parents never had enough money to travel and Madi never knew she was missing out. She made a few really close friends in school, most through the high school swim team. She had never been super outgoing and the same thing continued into college. She always had a small group of friends that she cared for dearly. She hoped to one day be a marine biology researcher.
Full Name: Rosalie Grace Paulmer

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality: She has a deceptively calm and disconnected feel to her and a tendency to smile even when it seems out of place in her current situation. This is often attributed to her nerves, but not even she knows quite why she does it. Unfortunately, this habit can lead to a rather awkward series of social interactions. She can be shy and contemplative at times, but tends to lighten up and be mildly sarcastic if she feels safe and comfortable with her current companions.

Appearance: Her eyes are a warm hazel in color and nearly platinum blonde hair falls most of the way down her back. She tends to sport a rather noticeable tan. Her waist is thin, but everywhere else is of a rather remarkably average build. Having been a mostly adventurous child, scars adorn both of her knees, the backs of her hands, her jaw line, and even trace one of her eyebrows – she claims them as the trophies from misadventures and sees no reason to hide or be ashamed of them.

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 152lbs

Background: Her childhood had been mostly average. Rosalie was the oldest of two children in a family headed by two working class individuals. Her mother had been doing factory work from the time that she was 14 and had been in the same dead end job for the past 25 years. Her father was a master electrician who worked for a small business where the pay often didn’t reflect the hours invested. All in all, the two didn’t really seem to mind their mundane daily lives so long as they had enough for food and house payments.

As the low pay of the positions required almost all of their time, Rosalie and Olivia often found themselves outside playing with the local boys. There was a city park just across the corner of the block they lived on and as such playmates were always plentiful. Almost without fail, however, Olivia managed to capture the limelight and Rose slowly learned to fade into the background. She was an observant girl and rather bright, but her sister’s boisterous personality and hogging of the attention turned her into a loner.

When she turned 15, her mother was diagnosed with cancer and money became an issue. Her parents began arguing frequently over funds, and the children were hardly spared from encountering the obvious strain this put on their relationship. To help out, she applied at a locally owned grocer which had an establishment about 3/4ths of a mile down the road from their home. After badgering the owner repeatedly for an interview, she was eventually hired into the bakery. This suited her well enough as she was offered time alone to think and daydream and didn’t have to deal with the hassles of people.

After about 6 months of helping out like this, her mother underwent the last of her chemotherapy treatments and moved on to taking a sort of pill treatment to prevent the recurrence of the cancer. As things began to return to normal, she opted to keep her new job. It suited her quite well and she had learned to love the menial tasks which she completed in the kitchen. The rather tedious and boring tasks allowed her all the time in the world to slip off into the realities that existed only in her head. It felt as though she was paid to daydream most days. Really . . . who could complain about a job like that?

Chaotic, Autumn, Dylan, Twinneh (Kagura), Alexina, ErisianDialects, HeartBrokenIceQueen, ninbinz
Name: Xander Drez

Age: 16, going on 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Xander's quick-witted, hyper, and on the edge of becoming insane. He will often come out of nowhere and start talking to you. Not a whole lot of people like Xander, for reasons mentioned below, so he's a bit withdrawn in society. He's a thrill seeker, tending to go straight into danger if promised some excitement.

Appearance: Xander's African-American, has dreads, and is scarred horridly on his chest, a result of his thrill seeking tendency mentioned above. He's 5'9" and around 140 pounds, tall and really skinny.

Background: Xander grew up on the streets, having been abandoned as a child, his mother unable to support him. He's learned some lessons he shouldn't have learned until much later. He might have become depressed, but for some reason known only to him, Xander keeps going.
Full Name: Ginger Higdams

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Personality: Ginger can be a bit of an airhead and tends to be forgetful as well. Ginger just has a busy mind, always thinking and wandering off into her own thoughts and so sometimes tends to ignore the real world when she gets too much into her own head. Otherwise she is a cheerful person and likes to think positively, always ready to socialize with people and always open to suggestions. She does tend to get pushed around a lot as well, but Ginger doesn't seem to mind or she just doesn't realize this.


Background: Ginger was born the middle child of her family and the only girl. Her older brother would pick on her and bully her and her younger brother tended to be spoiled. Although Ginger was never ignored nor hated, she was not favored upon by her parents. Ginger didn't mind and still loved her family, but she tended to be out more than at her home. She had plenty of friends and was always looking for something new to do, trying out almost everything she could manage. Ginger wasn't all that good at most things and she avoided sports, but she did manage to chalk up a good amount of activities. Ginger also began to spend time with her younger brother and they are still pretty close now, her older brother having gone to a college pretty far away.

Ginger went off to college right out of high school, at first letting her parents pay. She decided to get a degree in history, but is thinking of changing it to something else. She has recently begun working at a candy store to start to pay for her own education and move out of her parents' house, knowing she is behind some of the others at the college.

Notes: ALL characters were in the bus when it crashed, this happened 6 months ago. A meeting regarding the incident will be the first act of this RP in the hopes of getting some interaction going, you may opt to attend or you may not but all have been invited to take part, get compensation, and have their say or maybe just for the sake of justice etc.

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