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  1. ShizukaAyame

    *rolls in* You there! How's it going? I may or may not be active on this site again. Any good...

    *rolls in* You there! How's it going? I may or may not be active on this site again. Any good RPs lately?
  2. ShizukaAyame

    "Hum diddily dum," she hums as she twiddles her thumbs. BLAH. I might be back. Maybe. If so...

    "Hum diddily dum," she hums as she twiddles her thumbs. BLAH. I might be back. Maybe. If so, I'll be invading RPs soon. Promise. :-]
  3. ShizukaAyame

    *is saved by kinadra* Close one. Thanks buddeh. ;D Oooh, and sorry for the AWOLness. ^_^''...

    *is saved by kinadra* Close one. Thanks buddeh. ;D Oooh, and sorry for the AWOLness. ^_^'' That was pretty lame of me. :/
  4. ShizukaAyame

    Devastating Destruction

    ((kinadra Seiko-kun - BLAH >.<)) "Oh, sure," Oz replied and rummaged through the kitchen, looking for the meet and grabbing a few different food items as he did so for the rest of them. It was then that Wilhelmina reappeared, seeming pleased that Oz was already packing their supplies. "Looks...
  5. ShizukaAyame

    The idea is cool. I'll read through the posts so far tomorrow, I think, and then we'll go from...

    The idea is cool. I'll read through the posts so far tomorrow, I think, and then we'll go from there. *rolls away into the distance towards the sunset...* *...and realizes too late that she's headed towards a cliff. :/*
  6. ShizukaAyame

    Back into the MADness ~ an extension of A World Gone MAD ~SU & Info~

    Hey, question: Would the characters who are opposed to the world being rebuilt be total psycho-loons who want the entire universe to be destroyed, or do they just really, really hate Dometris? Or, is it that they want insanity and chaos to spread over all of the worlds? I'd love to make an...
  7. ShizukaAyame

    Our Elements (RP)

    Sora let out a relieved sigh after Eran finished tending to Allen's wounds. She slowly leaned the male airbender backwards so that he was leaning against the tree before she moved away and stood, stretching her back 'til it popped. "If you need to get back to the town quickly, I can fly us all...
  8. ShizukaAyame

    No prob. :]

    No prob. :]
  9. ShizukaAyame

    Well, I'm glad you've been entertained in the meantime. I hope you're still interested in...

    Well, I'm glad you've been entertained in the meantime. I hope you're still interested in Updates, 'cause I posted earlier today. Once again, sorry for the wait. :/
  10. ShizukaAyame

    Thought so. xD I posted earlier today. Sorry for taking literally a month. :/ I would've gotten...

    Thought so. xD I posted earlier today. Sorry for taking literally a month. :/ I would've gotten around to it sooner, but I was sick for about two weeks straight and posted on RPN maybe three times in that entire time. Anyway, I should be posting more frequently again, but I'm not going to make...
  11. ShizukaAyame

    Our Elements (RP)

    ((*Rolls in* BAM!!! I have returned. Kind of.)) Sora sighed through her nose and grabbed a hold of Allen as Eran instructed her to. She held him gingerly and fell completely still, afraid that she would harm him if she moved a muscle. After a second of contemplation, she summoned a little gust...
  12. ShizukaAyame

    Devastating Destruction

    Oz snorted as Ariah down-played his compliment; she would fit right in with the Knights, most of whom refused to accept compliments about their strength. Well, except for Ilayda who enjoyed bragging about all of her skills to anyone who would lend an ear. "One apple, coming up," he called over...
  13. ShizukaAyame

    2150 The Update Era (RP) shitty it would be to grow up as an orphan, knowing your parents, your life, maybe even your future was stolen from you by some trigger happy b*tch who would forever roam free because the police couldn't find a clue on her whereabouts. That, and I don't want some revenge-crazed teenager...
  14. ShizukaAyame

    Devastating Destruction

    ((I'm kinda back. Not really. :/ Oh, and Happy New Year everyone. ^_^ )) Oz was quiet for a moment as he fell into step beside Ariah as the duo exited his room. "I guess I have determination, but I don't know about potential. I've been training for years, but...I just haven't seemed to...
  15. ShizukaAyame

    Devastating Destruction

    ((@kinadra @Seiko-kun @Sunrise - Sorry all for abandoning the thread for the past week. I'm still sick and I've been coughing up my lungs in my spare time. I'm not going to promise to be on frequently until I'm completely cured of whatever virus is clutching onto life inside me, but I've at...
  16. ShizukaAyame

    ...Unstuck or unstick? Depending on which one you meant, your sentence has a completely...

    ...Unstuck or unstick? Depending on which one you meant, your sentence has a completely different meaning. Are you telling me you have unstuck your characters, or are you asking me to unstick them?
  17. ShizukaAyame

    2150 The Update Era (RP)

    ((Sorry for the wait. :/ )) Zephyra sighed as Ethan hopped into the passenger seat of her Stingray. She had really been looking forward to watching Rubare's leader's arrest, but she refused to risk the same fate. If her plan worked out, she'd be able to see it by that evening when she hacked...
  18. ShizukaAyame

    Devastating Destruction

    Ilayda was forced to slow down to the same pace as Hazel, and - upon inspecting the younger girl's expression - she wondered if she had said something to upset her. Thinking that maybe Hazel was anxious about upholding her parents' name, she slowed down a little more so that they were...
  19. ShizukaAyame

    O___O Sorry, sorry, I totally forgot to post on Updates Era. >///< I've been sick since Friday...

    O___O Sorry, sorry, I totally forgot to post on Updates Era. >///< I've been sick since Friday, and I'm just getting around to responding to the RPs I'm in. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner. :/ I'll try to post sometime tonight.
  20. ShizukaAyame

    Devastating Destruction

    ((Sunrise - Hopefully, mine will, too. ^_^ ;; I was being murdered by real life all week, and then I got sick on Friday. :/ But, I'm starting to feel better (though I still have a killer headache) so I should be able to be back on frequently. Sorry for the delay. Also, I'm BSing Lithium's...