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  1. MellaYun

    Amori High

    Akemi hummed softly as she sat in the shade and watched the clouds roll by.
  2. MellaYun

    Amori High

    Moria wandered off to the park and sat at a bench eating her pasta happily.
  3. MellaYun

    Amori High

    She tilted her head and before she could ask him where he stayed at, he was gone. "Well poobles." she said softly as she snapped her finger and wandered off to go and eat her pasta.
  4. MellaYun

    Amori High

    "Is something wrong?" she asked softly as she glanced over at him as she put her notes away.
  5. MellaYun

    Amori High

    Akemi smiled and nudged the thermos over to him with. The class was just about over and the teacher started to wrap up the lecture.
  6. MellaYun

    Amori High

    Akemi finished of writing down her copy of the notes and leaned back in her chair sipping her tea waiting for the class to be over.
  7. MellaYun

    Amori High

    Akemi smiled a thankful smile as she took the notes and began to write them down quickly she glanced over and mouthed the words Thank you to him.
  8. MellaYun

    Amori High

    "Why didn't you tell the office that you've had these classes already?" she whispered softy as she glanced over his notes.
  9. MellaYun

    Amori High

    Akemi smiled and sat next to him pulling out her pen and some paper to take notes on instead of her usual note book. "Yay for short days." she said softly as she took down the notes quickly with a smile on her face.
  10. MellaYun

    Amori High

    The class ended rather quickly, short day and all. Akemi smiled and wandered off to the next class "Classes back to back with lunch at the end of school my kinda day." she said with a small smile on her face.
  11. MellaYun

    Amori High

    Moria smiled softly as she passed him a note when the teacher was not looking. This class is soo boring :P
  12. MellaYun

    Amori High

    Akemi followed suit and started to take down notes, trying her hardest to stay focused. She took sips of her tea every now and again to try and keep her up and focused.
  13. MellaYun

    Amori High

    She smiled slightly and lifted herself up before wandering into the class room.
  14. MellaYun

    Amori High

    "Thank you.... and it's not their fault that their work can be so demanding.... they were counting on me being like my sister and going abroad for a semester to try school in another state or something." She said softly as she pulled out her thermos and drank some of her hot sweet tea. "Want...
  15. MellaYun

    Amori High

    "They come home... just not so often now that I'm older.... mother has the shop to run across town and my dad teaches at the college at the edge between this town and the next.... so my mom usually goes and stays with him if he isn't going to make it home for the night.....So for the last few...
  16. MellaYun

    Amori High

    She glanced up at him with a small half smile "Oh just wondering if my parents are going to come home at all before the week is out." She said softly as she rubbed the back of her neck.
  17. MellaYun

    Amori High

    She let out a soft sigh as she sat just outside of the locked class room and waited for the instructor to show up and open the door.
  18. MellaYun

    Amori High

    Akemi rolled herself out of bed early the next morning and made herself look nice "Thank goodness it's only a half day today." she mumbled as she packed herself some white cheddar shells pasta for lunch and wandered out to school for the day.
  19. MellaYun

    Amori High

    Akemi laid in her bed singing softly until she dozed of.
  20. MellaYun

    Amori High

    After a while Akemi staggered home with a small sad smile on her face once more walking into the empty home. "Her mother and father left a note saying that they were sorry that they missed her today and would see her tomorrow night with any luck." She just tossed her bag in the closet and...