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  1. Alectai

    Pondering an Exalted Alchemical Game

    Fair enough
  2. Alectai

    Pondering an Exalted Alchemical Game

    There still room in this?
  3. Alectai

    The Justicar

    Allegra was Just about there, just a little bit further until she could be considered a true Justicar! The duties of her life finally being ready to begin, outside of theoretical conflicts and surprise training sessions--things that would likely never go away. Still, she was adapting to it...
  4. Alectai

    The Justicar

    (It's cool, I was worried you had lost interest!) Allegra gasped as the spell broke, and she staggered as the adrenaline started to fade. She had managed to repel it at least. Something to take as an object lesson she supposed, and prepare her defenses in Advance next time. She...
  5. Alectai

    The Justicar

    Allegra paused, and closed her eyes, clearing her mind and Focusing She wasn't a genius at magic, but the answer seemed pretty straightforward--if the magic was attacking her, then she just needed to keep the magic from touching her. Simple enough--she turned her focus and attention...
  6. Alectai

    The Justicar

    By the time he was saying "Into the Deep end first", Allegra had already been wincing, preparing for the worst--that turn of phrase never preceded anything pleasant, and sure enough, the air was sucked from her lungs, and the mage was busy mumbling an incantation. Wonderful, it was one of...
  7. Alectai

    The Justicar

    "Well, yeah" Allegra nods. "I mean, specialization is important, but you can't just ignore other important details either, it would just leave a big opening that something will eventually get around to exploiting, and a Justicar can't afford any of those." She responds, paraphrasing one of...
  8. Alectai

    The Justicar

    "I'll do everything I can! I promise!" Allegra vowed at the end of Arterius' speech--only to frown, and maybe pout just a little bit as his image faded away at the end. She hoped he did manage to catch that. Still, it just meant that she had to redouble her own efforts, there was no sense...
  9. Alectai

    The Justicar

    "Ah! Of course I have!" Allegra turns and smiles. "Welcome back!" She paused only to give a short bow back to Tarquin and return her own weapon to the racks before she went to catch up. "How did your travels go?"
  10. Alectai

    The Justicar

    "Didn't plan on it sir!" Allegra retorted--tired, but not willing to let that slow her down when there was work to be done. Of course, she still needed to land a blow on someone who overwhelming outclassed her... But she wasn't being trained to win against an "Average" person anyway. Just...
  11. Alectai

    The Justicar

    Allegra was about to protest... But gulped, and nodded. "I'm really, really sorry Lako." She apologises, and begins to bring the club down.
  12. Alectai

    The Justicar

    "He's not my enemy though!" Allegra winced as a few elbows hit, but she tightened her position and gave as good as she got. "I don't want to lose, but I don't want to make someone who's not my enemy suffer either!" She gasped as a hit managed to get her in the sternum, from the...
  13. Alectai

    The Justicar

    And that was what Allegra was waiting for! She was a bit small, but she was quick thinking, and quick to respond to an opening--when Lako lunged, Allegra waited for him to come to a landing, and when he stumbled, she took the opportunity to tackle him, to knock him over, and with any luck, put...
  14. Alectai

    The Justicar

    Allegra Almost stumbled as the club was thrown towards her, almost, but not quite, and she held it up, maybe a little bit clumsily. She did know the basic idea behind fighting like this--namely, hit the other guy with it until they stop coming after you. She did actually want to have more...
  15. Alectai

    The Justicar

    Allegra yawned, blinking her eyes open at the twin interruptions of the rising sun and the knocking on the door--she wasn't unused to these early mornings--in fact, they tended to come more often then not, there was little time in the day to waste with laying about after all--and while some...
  16. Alectai

    The Justicar

    Name: Allegra Eversi Age: (Eventually) 23 Appearance: Despite the efforts of a life of hard training and conditioning, Allegra is a rather slight woman by birth, standing only a little ways above five feet in height, and no amount of effort can really change that, to her eternal shame. In...
  17. Alectai

    The Justicar

    Okay, I'm interested, PM incoming with a sample of my writing quality. If you're happy with it, I'll try generating a character.
  18. Alectai

    Infernal Exalted: Days Black as Night

    I've got a Slayer lying around who might be fun to open up again.
  19. Alectai

    [Exalted 2nd edition] Heroes of Whitewall continued

    Very interested, I'd ideally like a Dawn, but I can work with a Twilight or Eclipse if I must.
  20. Alectai

    [Exalted] Heroes of Whitewall

    Huh, you're recruiting more?