The Justicar

Name: Allegra Eversi

Age: (Eventually) 23

Appearance: Despite the efforts of a life of hard training and conditioning, Allegra is a rather slight woman by birth, standing only a little ways above five feet in height, and no amount of effort can really change that, to her eternal shame. In spite of this, she carries herself with the bearing of a professional, clad in plate and wielding a hand-and-half sword for close in work, compensating for her naturally reduced reach with a longer weapon, while still able to switch in for extreme close quarters in a heartbeat, turning her dimunitive frame into an net asset. Her hair is golden blonde, kept unbound and at shoulder length, which does provide something of a distinctive signature even in her customary choice of armor.

That aside, she has the potential to clean up nice, with fair features and a nice smile, but she's often too busy to bother with the more social affairs in life, after all, when you're one of only a bare handful of lights against the triumph of darkness, any moment you're spending not on the job, is a moment that the enemy is moving.

Personality: Though an eternal optimist with a sunny disposition, Allegra has a strong sense of duty to counterbalance this. The work of a Justicar is difficult, time consuming, and incredibly understaffed, which leaves her with little opportunity to relax without feeling enormously guilty. In spite of this, she still tries to find what light she can in the world during her downtime, often studying, practising, or getting to know the odd travelling companions where possible. A good woman at heart, if one of significant discipline.

Skills: Swordplay, Battlefield Tactics, General Education.

Weapon of Choice: Bastard Sword



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