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  • You know..  I pride myself on being smart... Writing for fun, reading for fun, stuff like that... But I just... I'm trouble believing myself anymore... I go back and read my posts, and all I see is mistakes... I'm falling behind in most all my classes... I'm going to be kicked out of honors come next semester because of my grades... I'll have nothing... Nothing to keep my head above the water, nothing to keep my ego up when everyone else is just shoving it down...

    I'm honestly doubting my ability to make it through this year without just... Giving up. Ending it... I just don't know how much longer I can take this...
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    So your plan is to just give up? Why not continue fighting? Make some changes, I'll tell you this, honors or not, most colleges don't care. Pride is good, but too much of it is bad, pride goeth before a fall. Your pride is gone, and now it sounds like you're about to fall. But don't, you spend too much time looking at what's wrong with your posts instead of looking for what's right with it. Pride, arrogance, ego, that won't get you far in life, but that doesn't mean you have to give up. In order to get up, first you gotta fall.
    Awww, hunny <3  dont talk like that. Plenty of people/places dont care about 'honors' after high school. High school really puts wayyyy too much emphasis on that sorta thing. What matters is you. <3  *hugs tightly*
    It is physically impossible to imagine how bored I am right now. Someone save me.
    Tell me what you like
    ... Anything. Save me from this hell.
    it doesn´t help if you can´t give me any specifics.
    He doesn't look a thing like Jesus..But he talks like a gentlemen,Like you imagined...

    When you

    Were young...

    Like you imagined,

    When you...

    Were young.
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