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  • Probably the person I hate most at my school took time out of her day to talk to me and cheer me up today. I'm a little happier now.
    Noble Scion
    Noble Scion
    I was tired in english class today and our teacher's supervisor came in on this annual check-up to see how she taught. Our teacher asked me "what do you call a word such as 'happily'" and I said proverb instead of adjective and I swear I got the biggest death stare from the entire class before someone behind me called out "adjective".
    Hope I cheered you up a little with that little embarrassment.
    Duck walked up to a lemonade stand, and he said to the man, running the stand, he said 'Hey!' *Bum Bum Bum* 'I have your wife and children.'
    I'm going to fail English. There's no possible way I can bring my grade back up. I got lazy, and now I'm going to summer school.
    Hall Kervean
    Hall Kervean
    Man, it's like me and Geometry. If I fail the EOC subpart I'm going to in about 3 minutes, I'm screwed.
    You're giving me pre-PTSD of my Geometry final with this. ;-;
    Best of luck to you.
    I survived summer school. It's almost nice, not having to deal with so many other students, and the standards are lower.
    Holy fuck. I messaged Miya and saw you on her profile. I just got a shit ton of nostalgia. It's been a while.
    Ohmyshit you're alive. It took me way longer than I'm proud of to realize who you were.. I missed you, Ms. Punkin! <3
    It took me way longer than I'm proud of to get your "Punkin" reference. Missed ya too.
    I need to find a new RP site. I was hoping that the Hosted Projects would fix this update, but they didn't. I can't stand the site anymore.
    I'll stick around for what I'm in until it dies, but I'm not even gonna bother looking for something new on here. The normal roleplay system is absolute shit, and the new hosted projects are even worse. I don't know how they managed to fuck up this bad. Until they fix it, I need to find somewhere new to find new roleplays.
    Why is there so much restriction on the quality of profile pictures?
    More quality = a bigger size in data.
    If there was no restruction. Then people could upload a picture of 10 mb. I can tell you that that is a pain for any phone user.
    Ah yes. Depending on qualities of a photo it can become distorted. Although once the size of the photo is past a certain datum size then you can't upload it at all. And I feel your pain Donder since I'm a frequent phone user as well.
    A tip for pictures, always look at the size in pixels and in kb/mb.
    I'm thinking about leaving the site... I might give some other way of contacting me to a few folk I've gotten close with on here, but otherwise, I think this is it.

    I'm sorry @Ms. Sparrow and @BlackJack for not giving either of you any notice.. I just decided on this tonight, and I'm a little uneasy about it, but you should be good to replace me, or do whatever with my characters. Sorry again for the lack of a notice...
    erm - i hope im included in some of those people?

    i'm going to go cry. i try to do whatever i can to get my friends to stay and they always end up leaving. it's fine. i saw this coming anyways. im sorry. 



    Well, howdy to you too? x3 I can friend you on discord, if you'd like?
    I was wondering how long I could go until I ran into another egotistical hothead on here..

    I actually surpassed my expectations, believe it or not. But I guess all good things have to come to an end..
    ... In my endless search for a new profile picture, I ended up on Tumblr.

    I, er... I settled for an 'x'. I think I'd like to take a break from the internet for a while.

    I'm not going to sleep tonight.
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