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  • Oh yeah that how many times must I forget it UGH I'M SORRY :/

    Apparently now I might be able to go??
    I'm so confused.
    I will try to get pictures since I didn't last time.
    I'm sure you'll do fine.V_V

    Yeah at this point I have no clue what's going on.

    They were kinda. :/
    And she won't do any of this because she says I have to get up on time for a week but if we wait a week it will be too late!
    And I have explained that we can get the stuff now and make plans because either A) I do my part and then she does hers right now and everyone is happy B) I can get my stuff and make plans and not make it and then I'm just sad and I wear my cosplay some other time C) Neither of us do anything and I'm sad or D) I DO MY PART AND SHE DOESN'T DO HERS AND THEN I CAN'T GO, WHICH IS MOST LIKELY.

    So I am currently very frustrated.
    Hopefully I will have my cosplay by then.
    I need a sweater and horns and my mom won't take me shopping for hair clips or the sweater. >:/
    Also optional is making fake teeth and getting clear nail polish to make my horns shiny because Modge Podge is expensive.
    I also need shoes because mine are worn out.
    I would get red shoes if she takes me sometime because that's a nice color and it would go with my cosplay.
    But she won't take me and I don't have money.
    She also won't email my friends mom and figure out whether or not I'm going to be sharing a hotel room.
    Which is REALLY IMPORTANT to find out because otherwise I can only stay one day.
    Also I STILL need money to get in?!?!
    Your parents buy you stuff? That isn't fair. Mine won't buy me things unless it's a holiday or I'm making a cosplay which doesn't make sense, because cosplay can be expensive. XD Otherwise I get a allowance, but I haven't been paid for months and I don't get much in the first place. :/

    Oh that stinks. Try again and not flunk next time!
    Gonna go to a con if I manage to get to school on time all of next week.
    Gonna be Kankri and maybe Eridan because the paint on Eri's pants got really stiff and so they're a bit uncomfortable.
    But I've been staying up late mostly.
    That will be our little secret, though.

    Wow that's forty more dollars than I have.
    Ooh, I'm gonna go look at them.

    XD Maybe if you stopped drawing and using the internet it would be faster?
    But you can just slap something on the paper. If you have something it's better than failing!
    Hey hi :D
    Yeah, I don't know what really to do in the rp anymore, and I'm regretting Ao's blindness just a little. It's hard to rp a blind ninja. It's hard, and no one understands.

    :O Doodling?
    Ah, that sounds like a lot of fun!!!
    XD Jello is gooooooooood!!!!!
    I finished all my homeworks and chores and crap and my mom is gonna help me make Eri's cape and scarf! And I have gotten permission to make the cosplay in the first place! So I'm really happy! :D
    I might help my friend make one and that'll be fun too, though she doesn't know who she wants to be or if she's gonna... Also she's not a Homestuck, but friends are miiiiiricales! Ugh I can't wait to do things with my friends again!! Seriously I haven't done anything in forever. Eeee I'm just way to excited over this cosplay, but whatever.
    I hope you peeps have fun. :D

    Holy crap it's like Trickster Mode all up in here. XD
    ​I know it was started last year(?)
    Yeah, I’d consider being him but that hair,,,,,
    That sounds like fun.
    Lol I’m gonna change my bangs ‘cause yeah. And then 100% of anyone I’d want to cosplay as will not require a wig, just hair styling. XD
    Shoosh I don’t have money for things like wigs.
    Also I really want to be Gamz too but my mom would probably be happier with Eri,
    And she likes his style. :DDD
    I guess if she’s weirded out but okay with it I might try to grey myself up lol. I’m determined now.
    Probably not gonna grey myself up though???
    Maybe if this other Homestuck does?
    And if my mom would let me in the first place? (Lol if I had money I could buy cheap Holloween/clown paint, and do it in the morning then ninja my way outta there.)
    Also it's school and I dunno if it's even gonna be announced to the whole school, so people are just randomly coming dressed up to school anyways, so people will probably be really weirded out. Actually, the more the reason to do that lol. GOING AGAINST THE NOOORRRRMMM.
    And I dunno if randomly painting yourself would be allowed by the teachers? I mean, makeup is okay? This is different though????,,,,??,,,??
    Would they try to make me take it off,,,,,??,?????,,,,,,??,
    It’s about Eridan the Science Wwizard. It’s not done yet, and it’s another school project. one that’s actually FUN, though. Eridan finds out that Sollux “has Feferi” and interprets it as her being kidnapped, so he goes to rescue her. It’s a side-scrolling game like Mario, but you have to go up instead of sideways, because of script problems. Also I’m doing it with Scratch, which has limited options on how to do things and stuff. :T
    I’ll give you a link when Wwizard of Nyeh (that’s what it’s being called) is done. :P
    ALSO OH MAH GOSH ANIME CLUB IS HAVING A COSPLAY DAY I’m gonna go to school as Eri.
    :O I dunno, not quite sure what he looks like either??? XD
    And it’s okay, it’s not that bad. ^_^ Like I said, I have a bunch of school work to do, because the semester is ending and there are all these stupid last projects, which doesn’t make sense because if they wanted us to do a project why wait, and why assign projects just to assign projects? Also we have finals? Not that I studied for any of them. XD
    Oh, that looks a lot better! :O
    Good job!

    And no, it's okay! ^_^
    I'm less distracted, so I have more time to make the coughcoughhomestuck-basedgameIhavetomakeforschoolgonnabesooocoolnotreallylolcoughcough.
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