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  • No the place where Renos clone and Homura are are in Homura's head. Ruby is there as well if she is looking for The Dark Homura, that's all I was getting at but wouldn't that be meta and gming with out the obe? also after thinking about it things will get more confusing with the edit of isaac standing over him after the way it's been posted. Maybe the angle of ray putting reno is his pocket could be used since he needs power right now. 
    Pretty much, I'll have the clone to be unfrozen and bit the two good luck before returning to the real Reno as soon as he creates a portal to his room, since keeping the clone active kinda drains him faster.
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    lol this the closest thing to workable also later expected another ass kicking because of your nonsense and annoying pest he has to answer his phone to  issaac will end up with days of paper work. 
    Yikes, paper work
    if you have any ideas to fix this mess then i'm all ears because after that last post it doesn't leave me much to work with
    Well, she would have. In some cases, a spirit can enter the minds of other people, usually in a form of what some call an "Out of body experience."
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    That's true i forgot about that but i did't put that in my post so i could edit to do it in the post and if you can work the issac thing that would be great
    how i'm meant to follow a post that goes from one extreme to another there's not a i can say to him suddenly having a mood swing
    We could have Reno calm down slightly and return to the school with Isaac in tow. When he enters the room, Isaac stabs him as a warning
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    there's barely a post in that don't want to punch out crap posts for sake of a post maybe something along the lines of reno gets to cocky and thinks issac and easy target then he stabs him just enough to cripple him and then ray shocks you hard and go from there

    also if he stabs you on school ground the others will be up his behind lol
    Fair enough, let's go for it.
    ray's gone and i'm confused because i thought were in the dorm
    Besides, it feels like an anime RP if you think about it. So complex that a lot of people would just be like, "Eh, I'm just gonna roll with it."
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    lol i wouldn't say friends just yet she's got a lot going on but she'll put her problem on hold, as for ray well he hates you but since he has a new and better home it's going to be a very frosty real for a while 
    I know it'll be a bit before Reno can gain the trust he...never established with him yet.
    lol and she's gone but she'll be back also if reno found out to much to soon it would kill part of her story 
    Ah well, at least Reno and Ruby were able to hook up...though I'm sure she's gonna have a rough time trying to walk from that
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    well your have fav right now but she just fall in love like so many nope i going to make reno work it mahahahahah
    need to get some sleep got to be ready by 9 am mate i'll reply asap if it hasn't blasted and if it does we can say we had lots of fun and your beat red when you look at me etc lol
    Really good post it allowed me to draw out many more or ruby's emotions i'm going to start her back story in the next couple of pages because i don't want it just to be able hate and fighting.
    I know right, kinda makes her look like the bad girl.
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    well it's not far from the truth lol who knows maybe between trying to become friends again and seeing her get on so well with other guys might stir some jealousy even though your not sure why because of your unstable real right now of course there's always playing it by ear
    good post gave me a lot to work well things are going to be tense between them for a while and re building the friendship going to be a long path but it does make things more interesting
    just an idea but i'm thinking since the main is dead the clone now is a death throne and unleashes gravity and space material which latches on since your distracted what do you think?
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    true but i don't want to leave dragon out so i'm thinking the ruby could now activate the anti mana spells she was chanting since a fair bit of time has passed, also just wondering if this is far fetched but because your distracted with roy the spirit guardian uses some of his blood to activate a rebirth of the space guardian?  
    That could work
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    alright as long as your cool with it didn't want to seem like i was being ott for now reason
    the space guardian is targeting you lol if i attacked with that would used to that would be to easy depending on who targets who is how i'll fight 
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    i've worked round it if you have any question after reading it let me know
    i'm not going to give all the details away but let's just say this one isn't like other spirit guardians in a few ways and it's not her strongest one but it will be more than enough for this mock battle can't wait for the fun to start  
    This should be, if things get hairy, he can always turn into "Renogade"....not my idea, it was Grey's, I'll just say the alter-ego name is a work in progress for Reno
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    I'm in the middle of making a char from her past amv giving me trouble though lol also i'll save hers till much later other wise it's all to soon
    Bunny Hop
    Bunny Hop
    Is Raiven fighting too
    Is rina still around in sakura academy so many people signed up but haven't or have barely rped recently and since it's not my rp i don't want to chase if i can help it 
    I think so, probably didn't post anything in the RP yet
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    according to his bio he's a non combatant type so not sure how this going to work but i don't mind training you how do you feel about leaning to make ice clones or multi barriers infused with your element and your human energy?
    nm the post before this works and it's more fun this way
    Let's try not to make it too complex...can't burn out the minds of the other players
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    oh no nothing like that but she will be teaching how to lower than mana levels by getting white flames to seal him in if you don't like that idea it's fine i just had one last idea what if we combine both the fact she worked in secret and she's your childhood friend
    That'll work
    I though we were doing a time skip did i call it to early?
    If everyone's ready, he'll start the time skip.
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    oh i stopped my post because i didn't want to be the one holding everyone back
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