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  • i posted 33 minutes and flip me time went by fast for reno
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    i'm sorry for being nit picky but there's not much of a build up if the trails are so easy as you said before that's why you've got to think it through carefully.
    Ah, I get it, the light half goes to help out with Ruby's situation while the dark half oversees Reno's training
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    Ok now everyone has posted i'll catch up some time tomrrow
    no complete break is gming but resist the spell would work but still pulsing fairly fast 
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    also since your posting as new teach a pic and so on would be nice and give grey something to work with
    Idk about a pic, but if you want, I could have Reno complete all three trials and come out into the material plain to help Ruby before she goes bat shit insane...well, more so than she is now.

    Maybe have Darius contact Magnus for something medicinal after the ordeal is over
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    what's there's not to know either a description or a picture other wise i could be talking to a cloud spirit lol
    waiting on zelda then i'll post
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    ah ok lol
    Bunny Hop
    Bunny Hop
    I introduce the Supreme Evil Emperor ........

    Cute...anyway, I'm waiting on you Leo, I figured that since Reno might be done with his training by now, he's somehow shows up to see Ruby going bat shit insane, goes to Magnus for another one of those collars, and then come back to provide some assistance?
    I could have one of his allys take you to the cave
    Bunny Hop
    Bunny Hop
    I know, he knows that he only scratched the surface of his newfound abilities. It'll take some time for him to master all of it, which is why he's inside the spirit realm. So I guess after a few years in the spirit realm (two to three days in the material plain), he should be able to master his abilities.
    It could take longer depending on whether or not he's able to destress himself and achieve enlightenment
    dude if you do it one more time i'm going to start ignoring your posts ' is in thoughts and ray has closed his mind off to you so there's no way you would know
    don't want to meta or gm so idea i'm thinking a dragon in human form could stop you from meddling and explain why he's doing it because he's an ally of the demon from way back 
    Do you remember what i said in that pm with group well that still applies also i'm thinking i need to do ruby's and luna dad it would good if some one played renos rival for ruby's love, i'm also waiting on zelda to reply and have you gone from the fair your posts are confusing me
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    you have at times but this is more of an over all because right now some of the posts are all over the shop 
    Got a point there
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    if i'm not on when zelda comes back on plz work out the details before i come back that way i know what to post for my other chars
    I won't have escape yet i'm thinking a like five years later because she always had a plain just in case this happened
    if i tell him right away ahunts not going to able to have her fun if she tells him right away but she does have something else in mind for him. 
    lol he won't be getting out multi layered ward edited it in my last post at the last minute 
    I know, I just figured in case Homura finds some way to bypass it he's have Ruby keep an eye on him
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    true personality i think i was stupid to unshackle him i could have ray use his new pet to keep watch 
    Hmm, I guess you're right. But at least Reno and Ruby get to go at it like rabbits before the night ends, lmfao
    I hope you like my post and i'm giving a small insight to why ruby became as she is today
    So far we're seeing bits and pieces of why Ruby's the way she is.
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    lol good point i was just thinking the post is well written but the gm factor mate maybe it would be best to look it over
    Yeah, nothing bad with double checking posts
    just an idea now that i've edited you can sort of laugh and the joke ruby makes about whining awards and do something else to lighten then mood 
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