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  • Oh there go the fireworks going off in the distance. Eh my town sucks with fireworks.
    Does anyone know where someone my get ads for a web site? As I desperately need to know.
    @Laréo Sorry didn't see the one post there about only having Breath of Death, I'll take that if its still available.
    @Doctor I'm to stupid to install mods, I can't get mod loader installed properly. So I go with mod bundles like Technic pack.
    @Contrition Maybe if Mr. Wizard can get the Minecraft server running again you can play with us :D
    @Laréo SMP isn't very tolerable to begin with. You try to build a mob spawner, oh boy theres mobs everwhere and they kill you through blocks
    @Laréo Yeah, although it was pretty fun getting blown up by those invisible fellas.But at the way Jeb works it will probably make a return.
    @Laréo I ain't yo daddy, I'm not even old enough to have kids of my own. Yeah glitchy mobs are really bad in SMP now in SSP too, yay! :(
    @Laréo Did you just call me Muddy-O? But they keep working on that stupid SP and MP integration, its so stupid.
    @Pinapple I got on to your stream right as you were ending it :( But have fun on the next stream and if you can I suggest getting FWE.
    Cool, just got my Humble Bundle finally. Time to play Amnesia and scream like a little girl. :D
    I'll get it later today maybe, or tomorrow. All depend on my schedule. Which is play New Vegas :D
    @Laréo I have played a total of 34 minutes according to steam, I think most of that was raging :D
    I won't be on the minecraft server, due to some real life complications. So see ya when i see ya PEACE!!!
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