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  • So your saying to ask you about ancient stuff? If so you shall help me with world history!
    I'm learning so much! Make it stop!!! But in all seriousness thanks for the small little descriptions of it, it helps.
    @JayTee, Odd you would say that, that's one of the vocabulary words I have to look up for history class.
    @Articus, Me! Me! I have tons of ideas but I have no clue how to manage a game, so all the ideas fall into history, forgotten.
    I find that offensive (not really) , Arizona is hotter then Mars get it right. And I'm not an alien as far as I know. :P
    I have no clue really, he says it so he can get a figure on our writing abilities. We have to compare and contrast Genesis and Gilgamesh.
    Why does this religious mumbo jumbo make no sense! Stupid history teacher for making me read Genesis or whatever its called. -_-
    @snow Alot of the people here play minecraft. Including myself. This site used to have a server.
    @Miz Your missing out on a great game. I still haven't fully finished the game but none the less great game, like Portal 1.
    Everyone complaining about the coupon for Portal 2, Valve gave it to you to give to a friend for the new update to the workshop co-op maps.
    @Doctor And if nothing else works use these things called Binaral Beats, They are apparently some kind of mind trick thing.
    @Doctor My suggestion is play some soft music, not death metal. That may help as it helps me alot and I have a minor case of insomnia.
    Does anyone have a recommendation for a phone from Sprint, as I am switching my service to them within the next month.
    I hate doing homework, and school hasn't even started yet. D: This is gonna be a hard year.
    @Thorn Yeah I saw the news on Yahoo, I thought you would post something about it. And people are dumb, they dont think before they do things
    @Wizard Yeah we could do what Dreaming said fund-raiser. We could have a bake sale :D
    @Wizard I understand it was a needed action, you want to keep the site up and you have to do what you have to do.
    @Grey Yes I know that lucky little kid. But the standards are getting low, like no news for PS3 and PC DawnGuard. And the quest are shallow.
    And how bout naming your child Dovahkiin ;) I bet the kid that was named that is gonna be happy his parents did that when hes a teen.
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