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  • @Lochar - Chat? This is no Chat :P - All Statuses are technically your VMs onto your own profile.
    Status Box now with Scroll Bar. So we can fit even more Status Updates.
    I have an undead computer right now. I don't know what's going on.
    Had Graduation yesterday. I will be not as busy today but expect me around moreso tonight than the day.
    @Seer - I am helping him remake it, so it will be a little bit different this time around. Probably won't be called Overlord though.
    The Bookmark system had a lot of problems associated with it. It may return but only if we can find a more efficient way of doing it.
    Finished the RP list design for now. The front index part is going to be worked on next
    The RP Forum List is now in two columns, but its still being moved around.
    @sherwood - Its never too late. Go to the Cartographer's Table and make a request thread, you should see it if you are a storyteller
    @ArandomAngel - No problem, we just don't want hysteria spreading. All you have to do is post a request in the Storyteller's forum in 7 days
    @ArandomAngel - No games are deleted. They only become Archived. Please read messages fully before getting outraged.
    All Private Messages have been set to read because some members had their entire Inbox set as unread.
    @Tempest - You excluded yourself, you can easily get back in if you choose. RPing requires some effort on your part too.
    @Tempest - You ignored my direct attempts to include you. You also ignored me and Knight's characters. Don't complain to me about boredom.
    I posted in like every RP thread I am involved in today. So please respond to me.
    So I got a AD&D 2.0 Guide so I could look stuff up with Pine. In my excitement accidentally bought the DM guide instead of player guide. ^^"
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