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  • Because of some events, I am actually switching around which RP I will be ST next. Good news its still character driven.
    @Freeman - Strange. I don't see that? Maybe report a post that you have seen do that.
    No site news lately... I feel like I should just make up a change to announce about.
    Well you guys are already having one, and its better b/c you won't be spamming the status updates. Just keep it civil.
    Guys if you are going to have discussions like this you should make a thread. You can do one on the Colorado shooting if you wish in the GD
    I will be rather out of it though for the next few days, so some site stuff might be slower.
    Thanks guys, I didn't go under so the only thing that bothered me was drill and wrench noises as they pulled out my wisdom...
    Alright. I am going to be having my Wisdom Teeth yanked out Wednesday. So I am going to be really incapacitated soon.
    @Jaytee - which is the actual creation of forums and other things. Really the process can take less than a day.
    @JayTee - The approval process is rather needed because it requires an administrator to move you onto the next step in RP creation.
    Admins make style stuff, tech stuff, user stuff, approve rps, make forums, archive RPs, ban users, punish users, etc.
    Moderators at least on our Site, just manage one section of a site. Admins do all technical work and manage the community.
    My mega character is over 6 pages and I haven't gotten to my history or skills yet... :S
    I will be busy getting free food on Friday (tomorrow). So don't expect me on much.
    Been slowly working on my new RP and my RP characters for some other RPs. Slowly Slowly Working...
    And here I was thinking that a Crucible RP was going to be about Salem Witch trials...
    Wolf stop fishing for compliments :P You're good enough without having to do that.
    @Incendius - Maybe... It may or may not have something to do with the new style, but the positioning of those items is global...
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