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  • woo, that was a late response, but I finally finished working for this week! Holla! I am never accepting to work three days in a row again, specially closing shifts !
    i have all the responses I need to make written down so if I havent responded its because I am waiting until I get home 
    After being in really good, high level RPs, I made an RP that I didnt state was high level and its a struggle 
    what do you mean, exactly?
    Had to move my PC, so all my tabs are gone now D: If I miss our RP, please let me know. (Also my contacts are fucking up ;-; ) 
    Really becoming disappointing with the amount of people who join RP's and never start them, or join and spontaneously leave without saying anything. I try to always say something, if nothing else. :/  
    Yea :(

    It's sad, but I don't think there are any other RP sites that are more successful and well laid out than this. None that I have seen, at least. 
    I don't think so
    call me rae
    I think your best bet for a long lasting roleplay is gather a group of friends, embrace a slower post schedule, and pick a story that you can add a lots of twists to OR build on in a linear fashion without having to keep the same cast members.

    Ex. I was in a X-Men roleplay once that had a group of five core people. It lasted at least three years possible four ( I lost the train of the thread due to IRL concerns )

    How they kept it up was simple - the core group of people were always bouncing off ideas and talking to one another. They kept each other on task and were willing to switch things up when they stagnated.

    They rebooted the thread and moved the story along via time skips. It started out just a regular "gifted" high school roleplay. By the time I lost the chain it was I believe almost two years IC and the characters were out of the school and hiding from the Government while running covert missions.

    So yeah if you want something to last your first priority is just to find some friends who are interested in a long lasting story, then pick a story your all excited about, and from there the rest is just scheduling deets.

    I think the problem is people come at it from the wrong angle. They think a STORY is what is needed to make a roleplay last long. But in fact it's PEOPLE.

    ( and I'm gonna stop because this became a book. sorry )
    I have to work for 7 hours on Black Friday. 

    Ugh..Yeah that's especially awful, people are the worst when it comes to retail. 
    @Chello Yeah, luckily I just started so I'm almost definitely not going to be working as a cashier, since I'm on the floor on Wednesday and the next day I work is Friday. So they don't have time to teach me! Go me! 
    Oh even better, gotta love it! 
    I will hopefully be making responses tonight! I have to go to the gym, but I'm gonna be doing my best when I get back. Sorry y'all :(
    I don't want to leave people hanging but I am also really not feeling like typing out responses right now. Honestly could go to bed early af. 

    On the bright side, I ended up getting hired! 
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