Jean Otus

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  • What argument truly is there for Democracy or Republic besides the thought that everyone can supposedly vote? Is our form of government truly any more enlightened than a Parliamentary Monarchy?
    Jean Otus
    Jean Otus
    Then we're in agreement. Should I list you as a rival for the throne?
    Well, I would say we be more beneficial if we were partners, however, I am not afraid of making you an enemy

    Also, the channels name is CGP Grey
    Jean Otus
    Jean Otus
    Make me your partner and you risk running a gamut of ambition that could land a very long knife in your back. If you make me an enemy you may simply have the same knife in your front. Make me your ally with clearly defined domains we can agree on and I think we could break bread.
    I remember the old days of this site when there were much fewer rules, a glorious anarchic roleplaying paradise.
    Homie you joined last year
    Jean Otus
    Jean Otus
    I made this account after I made too many commitments and I wanted to get rid of people's expectations. I joined up years ago.
    Please understand if my posting is occasionally infrequent. Some nights I'm working on replies the second I get a message, other nights I'm dealing with writers block by testing how many Cheezits I can fit in my mouth
    Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet 

    Please tell me I'm not the only one who enjoys this masterpiece?
    The setting was fantastic, I've never seen oceanpunk in an anime before. It was like the nautical version of Mad Max meets Ender's Game.
    Jean Otus
    Jean Otus
    Oceanpunk is my favorite genre, too bad the genre is comprised almost entirely of this show and Water World
    And arguably One Piece, but I don't think it counts.
    You don't even have a chance with me unless you are 

    1: As swift as a coursing river

    2: With all the force of a great typhoon

    3: Have all the strength of a raging fire

    4: Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
    I hope everyone who sees this gets a relationship with someone who makes them feel as good as taking off their shoes and socks after a long day.
    Warning: Any character sheets made after midnight may finish the description with "Bammin Slammin Bootylicious" regardless of context
    i know when im making the rest of my character sheets now
    Looking for a Killer Queen. You know, gun powder, gelatine, dynamite with a laser beam. Guaranteed to blow my mind.
    Everyone else is in these great, friendly, inclusive fandoms with lots of friends, while my fandoms consist of two people and a brown paper bag with a face drawn on it.
    *finger guns* atta boi
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