Jean Otus

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  • I judge everyone so hard on this site and it's probably not fair.
    You retain full right and are entitled to: Be judgemental. It is within human nature to think of others as mongrels.
    I learned how to make maps for RPs!
    Jean Otus
    Jean Otus
    Cool! I'll have to check that out when I've got a better internet connection. XD I usually use paint(.)net (not the website, but the program. Hence, why I put ()'s) It's always good to have a variety of programs, though!
    Jean Otus
    Jean Otus
    It's a great map maker for fantasy games
    If you die in RPN you die for real
    Sounds like a book I read! "If you die in the game, you die for real."
    Omg. I'd be soooo toast! XD
    If everyone knows the saying "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it", why am I looked down on for wanting to spend my life studying history?
    I don't look down on you, follow your dreams. :)  
    I will personally resurrect my god Cthulhu and see the destruction of the whole world. Then there'll be no history left.

    : D no more dumb mistakes that can undo creation, because Creation would be gone
    What? That doesn't even make sense. History is very important for understanding how to present came to be, not to mention it's awesome! Seriously, go for it. No regrets. (:
    What happened to the Kill la Kill fandom? Seeing you guys is like finding a cryptid. 
    Kiritsugu is leagues ahead of Shirou and always will be... :O
    Jean Otus
    Jean Otus
    @AmmyIf you're in the KlK fandom hit me up fam
    Two soviet students are talking one day about their studies of Marx. As the two of them look across Red Square the first one asks.

    "Have we achieved full communism? Is this now full communism?"

    To which the other one replies "Oh hell no things are going to get a lot worse."
    Jean Otus
    A couple is walking in Red Square in Soviet Russia, and it begins to precipitate.

    "I think it's snow," the woman says.

    "No, I could swear it's rain," the man says.

    Just then, a communist officer walks by them.

    "Hey, you, what's your name?" the man asks.

    "Rudolph, why?" the officer says.

    "Rudolph? Okay. Is it raining or snowing?"

    "Are you a dimwit?" the officer asks,"Of course it's raining!"

    The man turns to the woman and says, "See? Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear."
    8/8 m8 that was gr8 no h8 even tho you're l8.
    How are ya.

    Just don't forget to keep your calm and don't let stress wear you out, mongrel-- AHEM. Master.

    Either way, Night One began some time ago. Masters are already summoning their servants, therefore I await your call master.
    Jean Otus
    Jean Otus
    One fossilized snake skin, ready to go.
    Jean Otus
    Jean Otus
    You're up my liege.
    Date a girl who is totally down with murder. Date a girl who will drive legions before her. Date a girl who rouges her lips with the blood of your enemy.
    Jean Otus
    Jean Otus
    What? I find attractive what I find attractive.

    Stop judging me!
    ok i don't usually do this but ima have to kink shame you because wtf

    also if you find a girl like that hmu
    Jean Otus
    Jean Otus
    Look, some men prefer blondes, others brunettes. I prefer a woman who's painted red with the blood of our enemies.
    Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, 'ere the other side he see.
    Brown Eyes/Hair Positivity Post needed
    Jean Otus
    Jean Otus
    I'm glad you feel this way. My brother and I both are always made to feel insecure about our brown eyes and hair, to the point where he even wanted to dye his hair blonde and get blue contacts.
    that's honestly terrible, you should never feel ashamed of your own features. i personally hate my eye color and have worn contacts before, but that's mostly because i have a very alternative style. if i had brown eyes, i wouldn't wear contacts unless they were halloween ones, as i actually wear contacts to make my eyes appear darker.

     i too have brown hair, though it hasn't been anything close to natural in years (currently neon red and black), hah. i do these things because i enjoy standing out however, not because my natural features aren't good enough. never feel like you have to change! 
    Jean Otus
    Jean Otus
    Hm, my friend is doing the same with her hair right now.  We just get so worn down, blue eyes this, green eyes that, silver eyes with this that and the other thing. Our brown eyes make us feel even further removed from the fantastical ideas of beauty this world already has. The ideas of beauty have never been kind to plain people like us.  
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