HK Fifty

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  • Looks like I am going on a hiatus again , as I am once more disinterested in roleplaying. Also Because all the RP I was failed/never started
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    A bit of both really. Was already losing interest (rapidly) in roleplaying but when my RPs failed or never got off the ground I lost interest completely.
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    Well also I've been doing more and more Lego related things and finish that much more interesting then writing stories. Also got banned from the SB for posting the displeased guy too much , and I usually form my RP's there and tend to be on there a lot (sort of like my old man version of a social chat room)
    Well this is interesting. I'm dead tied between canderous and zaalbar for what KOTOR game character I am. Obviously I'm not as Evil anymore.
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    Although if it had a couple more moral type questions probably woulda ended with canderous
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    Wait no , retook. Turns out I didn't answer the last question. By 6% I'm more like canderous.. And least like mission.
    Not sure on playing TOR anymore , getting hit with 'MMO level up doing boring quests for hours before you can continue'. Most displeasing.
    Check out my assault/war droid thread in creativity discussion for some LEGO goodness.
    Playing a bounty hunter on an eastern , PVP/RP low population server. His name is hunterkiller. Still on hutta though.
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    Off hutta! On dromund kas now.
    I've finally broken down and decided to download SWTOR... Playing bounty hunter first. Anyone else here play that too?
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    If you do tell me your main's name. Mine will most likely be HK-50.
    Wow I just realized I should've kept lord of anger after the worst WWE storyline continued.. With TWO people I hate.
    Shoot first! Shoot last! Party with me and we'll have a blast! - best quote from a minor NPC for the upper city taris part of KOTOR.
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    Now that I've played through TSL 30 times I've decided to return to KOTOR I.
    Looks like I'm hosting this season's HK family gathering. Hopefully all of us arrive - this last gathering 3 of us weren't there.
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    For us every 'season' is around an 8th month cycle , so the last one (this one I'm hosting is in December) was in the earth-month of April.
    There are other organics in the universe , and we will murder them all. The galaxy belongs to *us* - the dumbest thing I've ever said.
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    Back when there was a huge group of HK-50's. Hell at this years HK family gathering I was the only one. Apparently HK-50-11 was killed. That means only HK-25 , HK-09 , HK-24-02 , HK-01 , HK-47 , HK-51-03 , HK-77 and myself attended. Not sure what happened to HK taskmaster. He said he'd come , but he didn't. Sigh. There are fewer of us every year...
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    And HK-51-07 couldn't come , for a reason he didn't say. Sometimes they just can't make it across the galaxy.. This next one during your 'holidays' I'm having to host. Crossing my fingers everyone shows up , Becuase it saddens me everytime I notice one of us isn't there.
    Wow they keep using the same damn head model for more important-ish people yet random bum salvager has a unique head... Sigh.
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    If you don't understand play through KOTOR : TSL...
    At least everyone here knows the difference between your (possessive pronoun) and you're (you are as a contraction). That drives me insane.
    Am I the only one that hears 'all along the watchtower' by jimi hendrix while playing through peragus in K2?
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    I'm THAT old.
    Seriously I'm 7,188. I remember when I first arrived (in 138 CE) when there were ROMANS.
    I'm getting tired of not being able to post in RP's because even though the other people are on they don't post. I even tag them... Sigh.
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