HK Fifty

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  • HUZZAH! The Atris Fan Club has one other member! @Thespian8719 knows the power of the Atris!
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    So... Kind of like Carth from the first game , without the republic stuff. Heh , I'm rather flattered you think I'd make a good Sith Lord.. I'm not particularly sure I would , heh. Let me Most Think about this , heh.
    (Member Left)
    Carth, if he had force sensitivity, and kreia's (sort of) motivation. I can imagine this really awkward alliance, where both are well aware of each others motives.
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    I always thought Carth DID have force sensitivity , and you just couldn't train all your companions to be Jedi in K1. Yes , sort of Kreia. Instead of destroying the force entirely , just destroying the two warring factions..

    Hmm , that's very interesting. We may indeed do this , after I meditate on it further!
    So I hear Star Wars Aftermath: Life Debt is actually VERY good unlike the first Aftermath novel which suffered greatly from not really having...much happen at all, plus the editing you could tell Disney rushed it's release (Star Wars Aftermath, not Life Debt)
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    Hell , as It is I find the characters (Rey , Kylo , those people) less enjoyable than the Old EU ones (Jacen , Jaina..) because I don't know as much about them.. Definitely for Kylo , I'd like to see more of his life (maybe a new-canon version of the Jedi Avademy stuff , ending with Kylo/Jacen killing everyone for the Shadow Academy/Snoke instead..)
    I sincerely hope they don't go a redemption route for Kylo....dude killed mercy for him.
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    Honestly , I think that's exactly why they're not going for that. That , and it'd be too similar to the OT. No , he should DIE. Like Jacen did for killing Mara in LotF. He killed his own damn father , that's just too damn dark. Only worse thing is if he killed his mother , which he damn well nearly did anyway.
    I would say I'm the president of the Atris Fan Club , but I think I'm the only member , so.. It still counts , right?
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    Of course! I personally like Mandalorian Iron better than Cortosis or Phrik , but.. Eh. I'm still kind of annoyed that the Darksaber from TCW looks just like a goddamn VibroBlade , instead of an *actual* Proto-saber..
    Blame Lucas for that, Dave Filoni and his crew wanted it to be a vibroblade but Lucas didn't want to make lightsabers seem 'less powerful'.
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    Oh , I already did. Generally , if I find something screwy with pre-Disney Star Wars , I blame it on either Lucas or greed , heh.

    It would've been *way* cooler as a VibroBlade , too. I actually repainted the one that came with the action figure to VibroBlade color (KOTOR style). I quite like it.
    Happy Star Wars Celebration fellow geek! :D Also, WHERE IS THAT ROGUE ONE TRAILER WE WERE PROMISED BY ABC!?
    Haha did you read the article? DID YOU SEE THE PICTURE!?
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    I did , and it sounds amazing. It sounds like the kind of Canderous-type story that I tend to really enjoy.. goddamn , I can't wait until that starts coming on..
    nor can I!!
    Storming like HELL on this damn Moon , and the Patrols still haven't called in. Goddamn Boma's better now have got to them..
    *and may the daily ritual commence...*

    "Kriea, what are you? Jedi or Sith?"
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    "Does it matter? Of course it does. Such titles allow you to break the Galaxy into light and dark , categorize it.
    OUTSIDE the Garrison? Cannoks. INSIDE? Blasted Imperial Commando Troops that behave like them.
    Once I get Force Storm and Death Field KOTOR II turns into 'drop these idiots like a bag of rocks from 20 feet away'. Consular is THE BEST.
    Ah , Nar Shaddaa. The planet that ends in one massive , roiling fight against every single type of enemy possible.
    When you get to the temple summit.. And the Taris apartment music plays.. Just... Wow. Everytime..
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    It gets me even more when Bastila starts speaking.. God. Damn. This is why KOTOR will remain the greatest game ever (in my opinion).
    Out of my way Citizen! I'm on Official Sith Business. Just.. Stand aside and nothing will happen to you! - Sith Troopers of the Elder Days.
    I wake up like a Droideka most mornings..
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    I would just fuck it and do whatever I wanted cause I'm just going to die eventually anyway.. Haha. No , droideka's are the ones with the shields that roll into balls like Samus.
    I know that, I've seen Star Wars a million times, it's why I said they 'roll' with it
    HK Fifty
    HK Fifty
    Yep. Rollers baby. The SBD's in republic commando are world Enders though..
    Father's Day. When I go and meet all the extended family people I don't care to see as much , even if I just want to sit ALONE with Dad..
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