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  • Posting spree in about an hour, after breakfast. Sorry for the delay, my lovely players, but yesterday got busy
    Delicious Brew Dog Punk Beer. You make spending hours with Very Serious French Artistes so awesome.
    I am ethically obliged not to like where this thread is going as much as I want to.
    Would you say that you respect the... rules?
    I'd respect you rules! ...Wait, no, is that right? Man, I forget how this works. I'll... I'll... I'll imply filthy consensual acts of naughtiness with you!

    I still feel like I'm making a mistake somewhere....
    Though if you did join any of my system-based games I'm always happy to talk people through them.
    Darkening Skies lives! And now to plan for the inevitable zombie siege of the airship.
    I like this psych lecturer. Especially the way he uploads all his lectures as podcasts.
    Going out for my girlfriend's birthday tonight. So you may not hear from me until tomorrow night.
    For the record, I would without a single regret into Darkening Skies....I just don't know if I could handle it time wise. It's quite the concept.
    Oh, thank you, I'm glad to hear you're intrigued. I think it's pretty generic but fun, personally. You're entirely welcome if you find you have the time. Or even a cameo.
    I can't wait for my players to see the stuff I've pumped into Darkening Skies.
    Can't wait to get Darkening Skies rolling. I don't get to go high-magic adventure mode very often. It opens up so many new ways to scar PCs
    One of these nights, I will finish writing up my Infinite Macabre thread. But it is not this night.
    Thank you so much for your donation!

    You're welcome. I keep meaning to do it on the regular but it's been a tough month.
    The Dark Wizard
    The Dark Wizard
    It's alright!

    We understand it's extremely hard for people, money does not grow on trees yet(I'm working on a spell for that). One of the ideas behind the coordinated fundraiser effort is so even if everyone donates a little bit, the total collective will make a major difference.

    Seriously thanks again though!
    So I have two interested parties for Darkening Skies, but that's not enough to crew a ship. Take a look if you like high adventure, folks.
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