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  • Think I've got the Green Sun Wasting. Quick, something Exalt me before it's too late.
    I think I misunderstood something in the submission guidelines. Do you need a successful interest check before submitting?
    @Eszett: 2e was Best Nobilis, but I like the new mechanics. So I ignore the new fluff and the old system.
    Nobilis 3rd Ed is less of a mindscrew, but while the new system is great the revised fluff is a massive step down.
    Nobilis is... complex. I cannot explain it in this space, but I'll make a thread with a primer for the unfamiliar when I can.
    I see you following me. I counter follow.
    We have an accord, then.
    I think we can agree, afterall, that if a shadow blocks out the sun...
    @DocCalgori - Thank you! I want to keep the core concept, but I'm not entirely happy with it as is.
    Hm. I suspect for one reason or another I'll be heavily rewriting my Shards application soon.
    I hate you, GM-section. You are not as fun a chapter to write as I expected. Be more fun before I go and add to the bestiary again.
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