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  • please dont post pure OOC comments in the thread, if you need to talk to me you can always go to the shoutbox or PM (or post on my profile); and that's fine.
    your not messing up anything I assure you; I just wanted you to understand that you shouldn't think of this as an "I can do anything" type of deal, but more as a "if I could do this...what should I do?" thing. Think of them more as real situations, because even if you were a real earth bender, in that situation you would almost certainly be dead...and you dont want her to die do you? (also I only just noticed your message on the 15th saying (I have a friend who would like to RP with experienced role players...) sorry for not responding to it. Who was this friend? have they already started RPing with me perhaps?
    Basically, the RP isn't just a simple RP. It's a game also (which I would think was made obvious by the rolls); a very well thought out one at that. If your character is reckless there isn't anything to stop them from dying at all o.O) ALL actions have a consequence at some point or another...like the monkey that Alexina totally forgot about that I placed in and is acting on it's own (the pink one). I don't mean this to be a lecture, but as it is your almost certainly getting at least one shot coming your way...and if the roll is bad, your character is dead (though your free to make another character as you please if that does happen)
    Goddess, you do realize that you just took your character into the center of a veritable army of enemies. ALL of which carrying weapons specifically designed to kill you.... With TONS more pouring in all the time, right? Your character will almost CERTAINLY die in the next post featuring them if you don't pull back IMMEDIATELY (and i'm not even going into how OP the post itself is).

    My RP isn't a story in which people can do whatever they wish at any given time; and players CAN die if they're reckless (as your obviously was)
    YES, IF! You stay on for awhile, i think this rp will be fun(: so just post the first post, about you being on the plane with many other new recruits, you can hear the angry dogs under the plane and you dont know what to expect etc etc(: sorry if im being demanding i just want this rp to be good(:
    this is how it will work, when the plane lands, Micheal will make you line up and stand straight, then he will call out a random dog crate number, and the Sargent will carry the crate to you, The dogs name, age, gender, and breed will be printed on a laminated paper on the front of the cage, you have never met this dog before, Ever.
    let me remind you, you and your dog have never met, you make the dogs personality and if you ant a Rottweiler, Pit Bull, or German Shepherd.
    you dont need to DELETE the post, as of now though the only enemy in the facility is 'Dragon'. So when you said three people...I got confused
    Goddess, i'm more than a little confused on the "three people" you are sensing? Are you referring to the little monkey toys? If so, you know what they are and shouldn't confuse them with children.
    The masters are humans, but you can play the dog as well, my two dogs Diesel and Hawk are the dominate dogs, and they are used to show dogs what to do, and to scare them if they don't listen.
    Its about dogs and their masters who are sent into the military, the five star general is Micheal with his two German Shepherd dogs Hawk and Diesel. The owner and dog under go tough and violent military experiences, but once every dog has made a friendship with their dog, they will be sent out into war, the dogs and owners either sniffing out bombs and hiding enemy, guarding camp, or charging right into the war attacking the enemy. and i can make a dog that i control and it will be assigned to you as your companion by Micheal, it would be the hardest dog to train, but if you want i can do that for you, im already doing it for one person.
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