Recent content by Goddess

  1. Goddess

    No More Heroes (1x1 extension)

    Salem The Fire keeper "Born into? I understand that a little. My race you are either born pure or unpure. Being born unpure is a rare thing, usually its labeled as a disease." Salem said as she continued to look at the book she was holding. His story was like any other solider trying to make...
  2. Goddess

    No More Heroes (1x1 extension)

    Salem The Fire Keeper Salem took off the pack that was on her back. Untying the not that wrapped around four times, two sleeping bags, a pot, two blankets, and some charms had fallen out. Grabbing the first sleeping bag , she trotted her way over toward Ciaran was. Rolling it out she patted...
  3. Goddess

    No More Heroes (1x1 extension)

    //I will post soon ,but I wish to say would you come join me somewhere? I'm more active there and its much better rules,set up wise ..I think.
  4. Goddess

    No More Heroes (1x1 extension)

    Salem The Fire Keeper "Creatures are a reflection of ones soul. Crows symbolize destiny, personal transformation, and alchemy. Intelligence, high perspective and fearlessness. Manipulative and mischevious as well." Salem chuckled as she rubbed the crows neck. "Sol is your name, do you...
  5. Goddess

    Fantasy The Poison Of The Seven Seas

    Bell laughed as she watched Mio dance over. Eccentric man he was. When first meeting Mio she had an odd taste for him, though it was probably just a fling. Bell no longer looked at Mio in a appetizing way, it was either due to his flirtatious bouts with other females, or he seems to "overly"...
  6. Goddess

    Realistic or Modern Restless Asylum

    Clenching her skirt she looked around the abandon building. Her ears caught wind of a comment about her saying sorry to the building. Where they talking about her...well probably. Gretel was the only one saying sorry to nearly everything she came in contact with. When the teacher decided to move...
  7. Goddess

    Fantasy The Poison Of The Seven Seas

    lol Yes my first name is Kiyoko
  8. Goddess

    Fantasy The Poison Of The Seven Seas

    @Kiyoko Tomoe we are very similar then, another cool thing about us, is that you have my first name as your username xD
  9. Goddess

    Fantasy The Poison Of The Seven Seas

    I'll post when I get back from work. eh I did it now
  10. Goddess

    Fantasy The Poison Of The Seven Seas

    Bell : Mystical Siren "The names Bell." Bell did a slight bow before crossing her arms. "I was bed ridden as of late. Wasn't sure if it was the ale , or the over consumption of food. Either way made me sick to my core, was unable to move for a few days." Bell gave him a small smile as he...
  11. Goddess

    Fantasy The Poison Of The Seven Seas

    Yea , and idk I just like Pirate role plays, and usually the ones I participate in doesn't last long for me to make more. I have high hopes for this though!
  12. Goddess

    Fantasy The Poison Of The Seven Seas

    @Prizzy Kriyze thank you ahah I made him to where everyone was going to hate him. I'm making three more >.< so I might make a girl and two guys or something, I don't know!
  13. Goddess

    The Poison Of The Seven Seas

    Will be introduced later on... "I thieve, I lie, I lay with woman, and I drink. I swear, I kill, I loot. I burn down villages and take in slaves. I believe in no one but those that stand by me. I am the force that drives the ship, the fear that dominates the world. I am the whip and the...
  14. Goddess

    Fantasy The Poison Of The Seven Seas

    Bell : The Mystical Siren "Want me to sing your death song?" "The noise...what is going on up there." Bell slowly sat up against the prison hold walls. Grabbing the damp rag , she wiped off the sweat from her brow and lower neck. The sun was annoying, its scorching heat bearing down on...
  15. Goddess

    So I was thinking about coming out of the prison hold, and up toward the deck where the incident...

    So I was thinking about coming out of the prison hold, and up toward the deck where the incident is happening, or still in progress. Why she was in the prison hold, she was feeling a bit ill during their trip and thought the prison hold would ease her. Is that ok?