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  • Ok, well I'll make the thread tonight at some point and tag them to see if they're interested.
    I'll include a list of weaknesses for each race when making the SU. Also, that's fine, I just hope that two people with a lot of experience sign up. I've noticed a lot of really good RPes leaving and really inexperienced ones coming in. Which isn't a bad thing, unless you wanted experienced ones. Did you have anyone in mind who may be interested? They'd have to be very dedicated to the Rp, otherwise it'll die fast if one of our lords drops the RP.
    I definitely will make an SU first, to make sure we will get enough people to join. And it's your RP, you're allowed to be whomever you wish haha. What all info should be included? Name/ Age/ Region (Dark/Light) /Role (Lord, fighter, healer, rebel, etc.) / Race/ Skills/ Weaknesses ? Feel free to add something before I make the thread.
    You're welcome, it'll be fun :) I think we can make the thread. Do you want to start it out?
    No problem :)
    SO, as of right now, Dark Side = Vampires, Werewolves, Demons. Light Side = Angels, Vampires, and let's add in something else to even it out so there's 3 choices on each side. Maybe Sprites, or Mermaids or Elves or something. Totally up to you.
    Dark Side is planning to attack the Light side because of.... what did we decide on? Why is the Good Lord weak? Is it that his army is lacking, or something more personal like the death of his queen, etc?
    Cool. You have to be careful when you add angels. People like to God Mod with those a lot, so when we make the thread we will have to limit certain things so that species can't be all powerful. Maybe make people list one weakness for every strength, just so they aren't Godly. And that sounds like a nice plot, too. We would have to have enough people join each side though, so that the story would progress. If everyone wants to be on one side, then we won't get very far. Maybe on the Dark Lord's side, they are planning the attack because they know the Good Lord is weakened at this particular time, or they know that their defenses are down, or give some other reason as to why this is the best time for the attack.
    That sounds like a good start :) We should work on developing the storyline. Is there a war between the two opposing Lords? Or will it take place in a momentary time of peace before reaching the main plot? Is there a specific side that each race is part of (AKA do Vampires have to be on one side, or can they be on whichever side they choose?) How long has the conflict been going on, and what ages are the characters? Sorry if it seems like a lot of questions!! I've just had a lot of RP's fall through because the storyline was lacking ;)
    Oh, lol. The way you said it made it seem like you just wanted help on something you thought of. You have no ideas at all then? I can try to think of something but it might take a while. I've already used a lot of my ideas in previous threads and so it will be harder to come up with something new. Do you know what kind of fantasy creatures or storyline you want, at least?
    Sure :) I've been a little less busy and should be able to post pretty often until school starts back up (then I'll probably be quite busy and not post much). But what were you thinking?
    I'm a part of a fantasy rp or two, I really enjoy them.
    I'd love to do one that I know would stay active, but I really can't think of an idea for one.
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