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  • Oh I bet! I would love a room like that, haha. Playing games like Dead Space would be so much more fun. I have to wait until my family goes to sleep before I can play horror games so I can shut the lights off and such. That or completely cover the windows and isolate myself in darkness lmao. It sucks having a game room in the living room. -.-
    Siblings are jerks when it comes to any kind of video games. :/ & I watched Pewdiepie's playthrough on Exmortis. I might save playing it with a friend though; I realized recently that horror games are more fun when you have a person to react with. That's just me though.
    Dead Island? A friend let me borrow that game and I didn't get too far in it quest-wise. But it was a good stress reliever considering the game is centered on beating the stuffing out of zombies, so I focused more on that I guess xD. Seriously? Wow. I have a brother who barely reacts to anything scary, yet when we play Resident Evil 5 together & he gets cornered by 321785322 people he immediately runs from the room. He's eleven..lmao.
    I love gaming on PC, but unfortunately my graphics card sucks so it gravely limits what I can play. I tried the demo for Amnesia & it wouldn't even run on my computer. >:/ Rest assured though when I'm able to play that game will probably be the first on my list. I've played Fallout 3 & F.E.A.R (did you get to the part in F.E.A.R where they introduce the soldiers that disappear and reappear like right in front of you ALL THE TIME? Can't count the amount of times I've chucked my controller at my screen..) Metro 2033 is pretty scary as well, at least from what I've played of it.
    Haha, I've had the opportunity to play Slender with a friend in the dark. Good times. ;) I haven't played Exmortis though. PC horror game-wise, The House 1 & 2 weren't bad either.
    Hello I'm in school tomorrow and I have marching band later so I have about six hours to rp for awhile.
    I saw, just feeling weird looking up children pictures. >.< May not post till tomorrow if it's still open.
    Will you come and join my rp? you can use the skelly or just post a picture of you cat and give its name and gender. Please? Its in the animal thread and its called gone rogue. pllease i dont like rping alone
    Hey Forks~
    I just asked her and she said she used Picnik. However the program/site shut down.
    so ...>.>" yeah I am sorry ;0;
    You think you can win? HA HA HA. That's like saying Blackstar will actually surpass god xD

    "I am your weapon, Maka! That's means I'm always prepared to die for my meister!"- Soul
    Ah,I always win in Soul quotes, and I don't look them up.
    "I won't let you touch my meister!" Soul- Episode 5
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