MY FIRST RP IS GOING TO BE LAUNCHING LATER TODAY! And I mean like, storyline, some history (mostly free space tho), roles… Not a mere Tavern RP… I am happy.
Anyone else ever confuse what time they’re supposed to come into work and so they call in to Fein issues cuz they’re a coward and then feel like shit cuz they hung up on you while trying to connect you to your boss and now you sitting there feeling like and idiot and worried about your job security?
Sometimes I openly and audibly tell myself to not do, or to do things, and it feels like I’m going. “Yo demon dude, we gotta do this other thing first, ya know, like a human?” Like I’m training some first time possessor.
“Sometimes I wonder if people actually like me because I make them happy and so they hang out with me, or if they like me because I distract them from sadness and hang out with me for that reason.”
If I were drunk in a room of everyone I ever loved, and everyone that ever loved me. Whose arms would I run and fall into?
And even then, who would still catch me?
Stepping out into the night as it snows with large flakes falling slowly down towards the Earth as the world is silent of all noise aside from yours is just stepping into an entirely different dimension.
Sup guys happy Thanksgiving if ya celebrate!
But if you ain’t got one or don’t like it, or don’t celebrate it, feel free to join me because I hate any and all types of familial gatherings that involve my Step-Father.
*Sitting with a laptop, headphones around his neck.
You ever learn about something and want to punch someone so badly because they are what the thing is about?
To say the least a certain step-mother of someone I love who I thought was nice for a bit, needs to get her ass laid out
A definition defies the chance for change. I’m me, and I don’t know me yet.