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  • You ever get so burnt out on writing essays for finals that words don't even connect in your brain? You just read them and they have no meaning?
    When you make playlists for your roleplay partners, it's all fun and games until the roleplay f u c k i n g dies and then whenever you open youtube you think about it and go :<
    People who roleplay on google docs scare the absolute shit out of me.
    No notifications, the documents gonna get long as fuck, they can be shared, people can see what I type as I type it (so when i misspell a word people can see x.x). Oh, and my google account is my actual name, and that's not fun. Just my personal opinion, really. I can't keep up with roleplays that are off RPN. I'll remember them for 2 days and then poof. Mainly because I'll read a roleplay, mark it as unread, then respond like 1-3 hours later. Also, my computer literally has 16 gigs of memory. This bitch aint got NO SPACE for all my roleplays.
    I love it when a roleplay you use to love soo much but got abandoned suddenly picked up and your partner comes back and your little heart melts!! Ughtrrrr! :> :>
    What the hell? There's a shark on the RPN logo? Why haven't I seen this? Three years and that things just been waiting for me to see it and freak out and it's happening. Wow.
    You ever read someone's post under 1x1 interest checks and Dm them only to find out you've already got a roleplay with them? An ACTIVE one at that? :-:
    Hasn't stopped me before. I have three RPs going at once with a couple of people :xFtongue:
    I use to have a partner like that.
    When something is hot, the matter inside of it is going quicker. So why do we say, "Hot minute?" as a longer minute.
    Good question. I don't know why but maybe we should say cold minute huh?
    I just made my google account and said I was F E M A L E. Why the hell does my youtube keep trying to sell me manscape??
    The entire internet wants me to buy dresses, blouses, and feminine hygiene products. Welcome to my life.
    Even the internet itself doesn't believe girls on the internet exist
    I have this huge list I send out to people when they ask for ideas. I've had this ONE idea I've been wanting to do for like a year and today is the day somebody finally asked to do it. H E C K Y AH
    Whenever I'm super busy with stuff, I'll log on for a quick second and I have 13 messages. When I'm bored on a sunday night, I've got jack nothing.
    So I rarely leave any of my roleplays and now I have 19 pages of dead roleplays where the other person left and they're all from last year :-;. Guess I know what I'm doing today!
    Hey guys, after Friday of this week I won't be able to respond till jan 7th. I love all of y'all and our roleplays! Wish I could be here, but alas, no computer. ;-;. Will be responding this week, though! Just a heads up!
    Hey y'all! My typical response times will be Tuesday and wensday around 11-12. I'm sorry, but that's all I can manage to do on a regular basis. Expect little blimps here and there during the work week along the typical post time.
    Circumstances are changing. I have no idea how active I will be here. You are all amazing people. Bye for now, guys, and see you soon (hopefully)
    When someone describes your character in the opening post as, "Very lifelike and very attractive" But your character ISN'T EITHER
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