Hey y’all!
I’ve been messing around with InDesign to brush up on my rusty skills when I realized it’s much harder to do work when you don’t have written material and images prepared. That’s when I had an idea- what if I offered to make people character sheets? It would be something simple, one...
Personally, I always use characters of mine that I've created for novels in some form. That motivates me. If you don't write novels, over time you may form attachments to your OCs that will allow you to "get in their heads" and feel motivated. I also have several ideas that I've done for 5 years...
Hey y'all! You can call me DC. I’ve been RPing for a few years now and I’m looking for new partners, particularly people interested in fantasy, scifi, and horror.
About me
I'm over 21 if that matters to you.
Literate - advanced literate. (400 - 1,800 word responses)
Romance is optional. I...