• Rest in peace, Stan Lee. I've not read your comics, but the way your work has transformed has certainly changed the world and made history - history that I hope will continue on and keep the bar raised for the rest of our creators.
    Once I rose above the noise and confusion
    Just to get a glimpse beyond the illusion
    I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high
    Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
    Though my mind could think I still was a mad man
    I hear the voices when I'm dreamin', I can hear them say...
    "Why do they never play pranks on you? Why are they scared of you?"

    "Because I'm an adult. And I'll sue."
    Have you heard of Jilly Juice? The prospect of it just...

    As someone with relatives that struggle with autism, it disgusts me that they claim to cure it.
    As someone who has cancer, it disgusts me that they claim to cure that, too.
    Apparently you can also "regrow limbs and organs", and... "Cure homosexuality"

    For the love of all that is good, don't fall for this.
    The owner of it doesn't seem to. People actually did buy this stuff, and probably still do.
    She went on dr Phil and now everyone doesn’t give a flying f.
    There are still people who do believe in that stuff, I guarantee it. People turn desperate when faced with disease.
    Noticed you deleted your status. I apologize for anything I have done that might've upset you :(
    Unpopular opinion warning.

    Don't date until you're an adult. Not just a legal adult, adult adult. Maybe mid twenties.

    Whose idea was it to let teens, whose minds are still developing and growing in unimaginable ways, become pressured with finding the love of their life? The person they're planning on marrying and having children with? Why are we pressuring them to change the course of their entire lives [cont.]
    Alrighty then. I still disagree, but I think at this point we'd start talking in circles, so I'll be taking my leave. I hope you have a great day :)
    Have a great day, too! Thanks for the debate. It did open my eyes up a bit on some other matters. I greatly appreciate it.
    That being the case, you're welcome :)
    Changed my profile pic for awhile now. c: Idea's October avatar event has ended.

    Now I can properly swoon over TatianaMakeeva's art on Deviantart.

    So pretty~
    Oo, pretty profile picture!
    Thank you! c: I really like yours, as well. You've got a keen eye for cute pictures.
    Thanks! I like being cute ^_^ It's been fun tracking down Pikachu-related pictures that match Idea's theme of the day.
    Yeah, it's been fun! I've actually found some pics I really like during this whole process; I'm starting to think about what I might want to stick with after.

    I'm a big dragon fan (obviously), and TatianaMakeeva on DeviantArt really makes some breathtaking work. I'm thinking of looking through and grabbing one I like. There's just so many to choose from!
    Why are there so many RPs that are 1x1 that also have a (Closed) sign on them? That just doesn't make any sense. Shouldn't people assume it's closed already? Who exactly goes "Hey, I'm gonna join your **1x1** RP you have already going with this other guy"?

    Like... No. That's not really what 1x1 means.
    Which actually might explain the "can I join your 1x1" now that I think about it.
    I guess that's true. It's kinda sad that these WRITERS can't be bothered to take the time to read through basic info... :/ Consequences of being online, I suppose.
    From my experience this mostly happens due to new members that come from other sites and are a little confused by how we go about things on RPN versus how they do it on other sites
    So many parents nowadays are arguing and splitting up. I'm meeting more and more kids that are trapped in such situations. Please, for the love of God, I beg you.. Choose your spouse very, VERY carefully. Not just for the sake of your future together, but so that you're sure you won't permanently scar your children. If you can't be the best version of yourself FOR your own gain, do it for them. They deserve a chance.
    Goin' great. Learned a lotta stuff. Still got my trusty wife by my side ;)

    You've been gone quite a moment, haven't you? Have you heard the news about my health?
    Glad to hear that category is going well.

    I have, and though I tend to know many things, if you'd feel inclined to share news about your health, please do.
    Ah. Just making sure an old friend knows important info. I'm doing very well. Crossing our fingers I'll be home for Christmas.

    What about you, old friend? How has life been treating you? Or rather, how've you been treating life?
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