• I'm so bummed that Supernatural is ending.

    Thank you, Supernatural. You've made my days in the hospital better, and gave me a Halloween I'll never forget.
    I agree. I was probably a freshman or sophmore in high school when it came out so it's going to be pretty weird. Although I'm sure it's still going to be in heavy syndication.
    Funny story, I only started watching in 2018.
    My family watched it a lot a long time ago, but I was definitely too young. I happened to be looking over my brother's shoulder and caught one of the goriest scenes in the show, so I promised myself I'd never watch it.

    Well I went to a convention and actually met Mark Sheppard. I watched his panel and honestly, he was such a good and awesome guy that [cont.]
    He made me want to watch the show, regardless. I still held a bit of a grudge towards the show for scaring me so much as a child lol, so I started out just watching the eps with Crowley in them to keep up with his storyline.

    However, I was soon hooked, and so I went back to watch it all the way through. Really awesome show, and Mark Sheppard is a really kind and badass person.
    I can only look on in horror as the subscriber diff between Pewdiepie and T-Series dwindles...
    I want to say 'who's subscribed to T-series? Who'd aid a mega corp to replace a single man platform that's been providing entertainment for several years?'. And then I remember 'oh yea...robots are a thing.'
    Honestly by this point it's just a battle between who can make the most bots
    Phantom Thief of Hearts
    Phantom Thief of Hearts
    T-series must be stopped... No matter the cost
    •There is an oddly shaped package on your doorstep.
    •It is distinctly human body-shaped.
    •It is covered in a massive red bow, and there seems to be a card on top.
    •Inside the package is a body.... however, not only does it appear to be a living body, but it's a familiar one.
    •....You get the feeling you should have read the card first.
    *is lying INSIDE the package, unconscious, surrounded by food wrappers and empty soda bottles*
    *Still doesn't read the card*
    *Hugs with entire weight*
    •The unconscious body does not return your hug, much to your disappointment.
    Struggles of an artist
    "Reference pictures... How can I word my Google search to not get completely nude men and women?"
    I think things went really downhill after they split
    I mean I stopped even before that. I kinda grew out of their Humor. Now it's just basic unfunny bs so I'm no inclined to start watching them again.
    I stole something w/o knowing it existed

    Edit: I'm an idiot, carry on
    Our world is only a demisemihemidemisemiquaver in the song called the universe.
    Join me again for wheel of Tumblr...
    Last time we had rabies as a sexuality.
    This time on Tumblr we have...
    Thank you for joining me
    Captian Marvel is a Mary Sue
    I just watched the movie last night, myself
    Late to the party as per usual, but I'm not going to give this movie any of my money. After seeing the reviews and spoiling myself to hell on the plot, I think the only real thing Captain Marvel really wanted to have going for it was the fact that it had a female lead. And it did. She just wasn't a good female lead. Ripley did it better, and she was from 40 years back.
    Phantom Thief of Hearts
    Phantom Thief of Hearts
    She was better when she was Ms. Marvel
    "Honey, why are you quitting your job?"

    "I feel like the work environment is too stressful. The people at my workplace are toxic and I need to be somewhere else."

    "...Honey, you work from home."


    What the heck
    I'm just learning that synaesthesia is a thing
    I legit thought EVERYONE assigned colours to letters, numbers, and music.
    I've never really had anything intense as tastes or smells. And I'm not saying that if you think "orange" when someone says "carrot" that you have it, I was just giving am example of how easy it is for me to imagine a colour behind a number. It's as natural to me as "ocean" and "blue" is to you.

    I think there are multiple types, too. Some more intense than others, like the tasting sounds.
    Here's another way to describe it (my kind):
    Think of soft music. Swelling with gentle things, like flutes and harps. If you were to draw a line on a piece of paper to the sound of that music, it'd have soft edges, smooth curves, and whatnot.

    But with rock music, there would probably be more jagged lines, sharp turns, and general intensity.

    Red is associated with anger, blue with sadness, yellow with excitement tbc
    And green with peace.

    It's the same thought process behind picking a colour for something like music, numbers, letters, or as I realize, even verbs, fonts, and countless other things.

    The colour just feels right for how it sounds and looks on paper. How the word flows like the lines you'd draw on a paper to music.
    I don't understand people who bug you to reply after only an hour.
    Cold Ramen Noodles
    Cold Ramen Noodles
    I always ask for at least one reply a week. Unless of course something comes up. But if there's nothing going on, then I do ask for at least one in that time frame because I think it's reasonable. Any longer and it's really hard for me to stay interested in the role play. But an hour is ridiculous.
    Yeah, I agree... That's totally reasonable.
    I admit my reply times have sucked lately, but tbh that's a ME problem. I'm fully aware of it.
    Every HOUR though... Geez.
    I could understand on if the protagonists have hit a climactic and amazing scene that you'd want to keep replies rolling to see what happens next, it'd be like if you had to pause your movie right before the BBEG gets to square off against the hero. But in a regular circumstance, that's a bit demanding if someones busy.
    What the hell even is stabby?
    Stabby is what I do to people.
    Mr. Stabby is a treasured knife that Phadia Phadia , my beloved wife, gave to me.
    Windsock Windsock It's really great for a lot of things! You can use it to show affection, end someone's pitiful existence, or get rid of bad thoughts from your brain. :D
    Son gets girlfriend...
    Dad: Good on you!
    Daughter gets a boyfriend...
    Dad:*Shoots him* Whoops!
    I kinda want to do art commissions.
    Partly because I want to make a bit of extra money for myself (Always a good thing)...
    But also partly because I want the chance to get the full experience of r/choosingbeggars and r/forexposure
    I feel like I'm one of the only people who doesn't think taxidermied animals are gross
    I don't really have an opinion to be honest.
    We have chickens and I can vouch that they cross roads for 1: Food, 2: Nests, or 3: Lady friends
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