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  • sometimes,when you ask me if I'm okay I think about telling you the truth.

    but I can tell you don't really care. So I tell you a lie. 
    The Golden Lion
    The Golden Lion
    Don't despair as you're a brat but my brat under divine protection. Always remember that legend is falls under this to so again never despair.
    ........ I'm too tired to even care that you just called me a brat.

    thanks for the candy,I guess. 
    The Golden Lion
    The Golden Lion
    Again I called that in a endearing term a good thing.
    Despite it, looking like a tooth. This thing moves like a road-runner


    16/21 Delivered 
    You took away one of the most important things to me.

    Now you're about to take away another.

    Why are you doing this?
    "When I'm alone I think of so many things to say to you,

    but when I have the chance to tell you,

    I go speechless."

    'do you remember when you were a child

    and you thought

    that when you became a teenager

    when you became older,

    you would party every night

    until 4 a.m

    It's quite ironic

    because little did you know

    that at 4 a.m

    you'd be hysterically crying

    debating weather to continue

    or not.'

    'Everybody is always so fucking "fine".

    But we're not.

    Sometimes, we are hurt and bruised

    and nearly completely shattered.

    And this, Sir, is not what one calls fine.'
    Saw Fantastic Beasts last night :smile2:
    Historical Storyteller
    Historical Storyteller
    Huh, I should have paid closer attention to that. Anyway, I'd love to see a sequel set in WW2 where the wizards are dragged into the war and forced to fight there. Wizards are a secretive people that do not want their affairs to be known to the muggle peoples, and I'd really want to see a scenario where they are compelled to break the social barrier that separates them from the muggles. WW2 just perfectly matches that scenario!
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    Would be an interesting idea albeit predictable 
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    and also hard to implement considering how much was happening during the war
    'Sometimes giving someone a second chance is like....

    Giving them and extra bullet for their gun because they missed you the first time.'

    Who said I had to purchase one? I have connections, and besides like I would give you the chance to even find out where I'm perched. I might look like a fumbling idiot physically, but I'm plenty stronger, and plenty more cunning. So you won't lay a hand on me -W- now fare well, I have a girl to stalk >.>
    Axel The Englishman
    Axel The Englishman
    My Army training shall give me the upper hand! Now, I have a girl to annoy >.>
    It's only sporting to give them that bullet.

    They missed the first time so they must suck at shooting you.

    But would Modern Cupid use bullets instead of arrows?
    Chess...? Are you doing okay? You seem to be really down..I'm kinda concerned. 
    Axel The Englishman
    Axel The Englishman
    How 'bout a virtual pug too? 

    Yeah, that's right. I entered this private conversation without giving a shit. You can't judge me. You don't have the legal authority to do something life that, fuck face! I'm my own man! I won't let you hold me down! I can do what I want to! Huffefanerfadepinurff!
    I'm not really a pug fan, so I'll take a pass thanks.
    Axel The Englishman
    Axel The Englishman
    Me:..... What would you do if I died?

    friend: I'd die too.


    me: ....What would you do if I died?

    Family:........................ Don't ask questions like that.
    The Golden Lion
    The Golden Lion
    Again know this Legend & Chesire are my brats who have share my daily allowance of candy they get. Endearing terms wise.
    Well... This status update is rather true, and its the same with my family and friends, except my friends say I wouldn't let you
    @_VINYL_ I'm sorry you're in the same boat...
    'I'm tired of trying to be normal

    I'm always over thinking

    I'm driving myself crazy.

    so what if I'm fucking crazy?

    And I don't need your quick fix

    I don't want your prescription

    Just cause you say I'm crazy.

    So what if I'm fucking crazy.

    Yeah, I'm gonna show you'
    'Can I trust you with my pain?

    To treat it with kindness and respect?

    To listen to it,

    so I can speak the unspoken?

    Will you help me catch my tears as the floodgates open?

    Swim with me into the unknown?

    Save me from drowning in my sorrow?

    If I entrust you with my grief, will you take care of it?

    Console it?

    Soothe it?

    Make it feel safe?

    Will you accept it as a gift to be protected?

    I feel my need, and fear it,

    as I fear all I do not understand.

    Yet I ask you to be with me,

    for I am tired of walking alone.'

    I can't tell you why I don't want to wake up tomorrow.

    I can't explain to you why I feel so alone.

    I can't just wave a wand and make you understand.

    And honestly, as time goes on the more I suspect you don't want to understand.

    So.... I guess you'll never.
                                                                         ' You know my name.

                                                                              Not my story.

                                                                           You see my smile

                                                                             Not my pain.

                                                                          You notice my cuts.

                                                                             Not my scars.

                                                                        You can read my lips.

                                                                               Not my mind. '
    'When I have lost my temper, I have lost my reason too.

    I'm never proud of anything which I do angrily.

    When I have talked in anger,

    and my cheeks are flaming red,

    I have always uttered things that I wish I had not said.

    In anger, I have never done a kindly deed or wise.

    But many things for which I felt I should apologize. 

    In looking back across my life,

    And all I've lost and made

    I can't recall a single time

    when fury ever paid off.'
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