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  • I hate it when people tell me to "Just be happy."

    So you think I choose to "Just be depressing"?
    In my experience, telling someone to 'just be happy' only pisses them off.
    You gotta earn your happy mood.

    Do things that make you happy.

    For me it is being near cuddly animals, eating, games, roleplaying and sleeping.

    Also Youtube.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    If you need someone to talk I'd be happy to lend an ear, same goes to anyone who just wants someone to talk to
    Me with friends: *gets all weird and quirky*

    Me with family: *stays quiet*

    me when I'm alone: *spends hours on the internet*
    Me with friends: I don't have friends.

    Me with family: *I don't know these people!*

    Me when I'm alone: *I wish I had something to do.*
    person: I don't hate you, I'm just disappointed that you turned out the way you did.

    Me:......................... Thanks for being so blunt about it.......
    I don't think they need to die.. Just be re-educated.

    Chesirekitten, although I don't actually know you all to well, feel free to message me if you have any problems! I'm sure there's a lot of people who support you! As from this comment section alone there's already people that enjoy you for who you are. :)  Besides i'm usually on and i'm always willing to lend anyone a helping hand in their time of need! 
    As long as you have despair, you're perfect!
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    -hugs- (>^-^)> see everyone loves the mechanist cuddle subroutine 
    Am I the only one who enjoys walking up to people and saying things like "hey, the new Emilie Autumn album is coming out." and have the person I'm talking to have no idea who that is..... *cough* that used to be Melanie Martinez *cough*

    Oh god, please don't tell me I'm the only one.
    Was going to post this when the year changed..... And I probably still will..... I just really want to post it now XD
    'Every thought is a battle,

    every breath is a war,

    and I don't think

    I'm winning anymore.'

    yep, and sorry to hear you relate to it as well. 
    Oohh quote time!

    "Nobody dies a virgin. 

    Life fucks us all"

    'i used to fear depression.

    Now I look in a mirror and want to smash it into pieces.

    I put on fake smiles, I have no confidence, no one likes me and I hate this place.

    Now I know why I feared it..'

    - also, anonymous
    teacher: anyone know any fun facts?

    *me and my friend raise our hands*

    friend: I know about various different diseases.

    me: I know about metal music..... Kind of..... And a bunch of depressing quotes.

    teacher: uhhhh...... Anyone else?

    (no wonder we don't have any other friends XD )
    @Spanner really? That's really cool (sorry, my mom's a nurse so I got pretty well educated when I was little... Kind of anyway) I'm not really sure how my friend knows about them anyway..... Maybe I don't really want to know either
    Wikipedia maybe? That's where people search random stuff. (Also the place that made me a competent nuclear physicist in a single night)
    Probably. And nice :smile5:
    I think I'm loosing the little faith I had left in humanity.....
    @spookie spook Fair enough...... I also spelt losing wrong, but that's not the point.
    @CelticHero37 Because I know people, and I know they don't give a shit about what's going on, and they should because it's going to effect them soon if it doesn't stop. And no, I'm not doing anything about it because I don't feel capable anymore. also, I lost in myself a long time ago
    You only know your peers who are all probably incapable of doing anything and people the media portrays. What is this big problem that's going to affect everyone then?
    mom: you never do anything for me.

    me: I fake a smile, I hide my problems for you to avoid you getting stressed. I don't talk to you so you don't have to put up with me and I pretend to be mentally stable....... So...... Yeah.
    Of course if you would be open about your problems, parents would just likely freak out and make them worse. 

    I can't move out yet either..... It's inconvenient.  Also, no offense to your mom but it sounds like she kind of over reacted... I mean, it's not like you came home with a tattoo or anything (all though that would be cool too..)
    Honestly, what did you expect from parents though? You notice how many trends like this seem to spring up around our age but then when you see parents, none of them sport these trends? Parents are just at a different place in life and see things much differently. Most parents would react poorly to something like snakebites and tattoos, at least most parents who care.
    'Please don't get tired of me.

    It happens every time. People lose interest in me.

    They get tired of me. Suddenly, they don't bother hitting me up anymore.

    The conversations become shorter. They forget about me and I just become a distant memory.

    I wonder if it's my fault sometimes... But then I realize that people never stay in my life.

    And there's nothing I can do about that.'

    Do you ever want to grab someone in your class.

    And pull their face close while staring at them in the eyes and whisper

    "shut the fuck up."

    .................................. I thought this was going to be about kissing, but then it turned into something a lot better
    Watching the world burn is too slow, and they could be resist

    despair would not come easily
    No, can't say I'd ever had the urge to do that. Partially because I'm a guy and if I would grab someone for any reason I'd immediately be thought of as a creep before I could even say anything. 
    'when I'm upset.

    I shut myself down.

    I have no motivation for anything.

    I tell myself than nobody cares,

    even though I know some do.

    I think about all of the negative things

    I could possibly think of.

    I give myself all the pain,

    thinking I deserve it.

    I'm not sure why I do that,

    but that's just how I am.'
    (If you get pissed off at people venting, don't bother reading this)

    It really pisses me off how some people seem to expect everyone to be one specific size, look a certain way and have a specific type of personality. I think the worst part is if you don't meet their expectations they expect you to change, just to please them.
    I know how you feel, so I just gave up on that kind of shit, I care about my health of course, but my appearance is shit. 

    The funny thing is, a lot of people complain about being judged and then judge others.
    @XiaoLu I know that some of them are say things like "you're not pretty enough or "you're not skinny enough" because they're insecure, but knowing that doesn't make it hurt less. It just makes me feel worse for them, which makes it a hell of a lot harder for me to tell them to piss off.

    @The Mechanist Me too....

    @Asperix0 That's admirable, but really hard to do. I guess the sad part is that I actually know people who stopped caring about their health because they wanted to be skinny that badly.. 
    *is pissed off about tomorrow*

    (is back to being her token edgy emo kid self)


    Can I die soon?
    When I realised that despair is the way we should all enjoy life. And everyone will know what true despair feels like one day
    Yeah..... well, everyday of my life really

    It's a bit weird that you're an emo now.... *shrug* I'll probably get used to it
    I just have to spread despair. Hope won't last in this world
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