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Introduce Yourself!

Greetings. I too am an adult and in college. I've been RPing for a little over a decade, if my calculations are to server me correctly.
Explain more about what a creepypasta is, if you may?
creepypastas are a type of short and massively shareable (copypasta + creepy) horror stories that gained particular traction on the internet in the 2010s. while there are millions of creepypastas out there, there are a handful more well-known ones, usually featuring characters rather than concepts as the main horror. due to the boom in popularity and the audience being primarly teens and tweens, the main villains of creepypastas were taken and made into protagonists, and were given proper backstories and skillsets. this practice became so popular that non-creepypasta horror characters were put into this "multiverse" and made to interact with each other. notable creepypastas include jeff the killer, ticci toby, eyeless jack, "play with me" (with sally williams being the associated pasta (the fandom's way of referring to a character)), and notable characters from other online horror media that got turned into pastas being slenderman, BEN drowned (originally an ARG), masky and hoodie (antagonists from Marble hornets, a youtube mini-series) and more. there are so many more that I cannot hope to list here, but these are the most well known ones.
while the pastas are taken from horror stories, the fandom inserted them into all types of scenarios, from emotional angst, to romance, to (most commonly) domestic fluff. however, with most of the characters being horror antagonists originally, a lot of characters still teeter on the edge of morally reprehensible (with jeff the killer still attacking nameless victims, and eyeless jack's cannibalistic behavior being an active gag in the fandom), so tread with caution if you dislike this stuff.
creepypastas are a type of short and massively shareable (copypasta + creepy) horror stories that gained particular traction on the internet in the 2010s. while there are millions of creepypastas out there, there are a handful more well-known ones, usually featuring characters rather than concepts as the main horror. due to the boom in popularity and the audience being primarly teens and tweens, the main villains of creepypastas were taken and made into protagonists, and were given proper backstories and skillsets. this practice became so popular that non-creepypasta horror characters were put into this "multiverse" and made to interact with each other. notable creepypastas include jeff the killer, ticci toby, eyeless jack, "play with me" (with sally williams being the associated pasta (the fandom's way of referring to a character)), and notable characters from other online horror media that got turned into pastas being slenderman, BEN drowned (originally an ARG), masky and hoodie (antagonists from Marble hornets, a youtube mini-series) and more. there are so many more that I cannot hope to list here, but these are the most well known ones.
while the pastas are taken from horror stories, the fandom inserted them into all types of scenarios, from emotional angst, to romance, to (most commonly) domestic fluff. however, with most of the characters being horror antagonists originally, a lot of characters still teeter on the edge of morally reprehensible (with jeff the killer still attacking nameless victims, and eyeless jack's cannibalistic behavior being an active gag in the fandom), so tread with caution if you dislike this stuff.
That sounds delightful and entertaining!
Now that I have my memory jogged, I believe I heard of it when I was younger. Where would jack the ripper fit in? Does FNAF count?
That sounds delightful and entertaining!
Now that I have my memory jogged, I believe I heard of it when I was younger. Where would jack the ripper fit in? Does FNAF count?
the fandom strays away from people and topics such as jack the ripper, who was a real person, that had actual real life victims. all crimes and criminals in the fandom are fictional and stay that way.
fnaf is a weird case; before it became a massive thing, people included freddy (the "protagonist" in this case) and purple guy in the roster of creepypastas, but as fnaf developed, it became its own thing and is now largely divorced from creepypastas. i wouldnt be surprised to see them overlap, though.
Oh, I see.
I thought Jack the Ripper was a creepypasta, so thank you for clarifying.
If you could choose 1 thing that you love the most about how roleplaying with the creepypasta fandom, what would it be, and why?
AhsokeAckerman AhsokeAckerman Welcome to the site and it's nice to see someone with so much curiosity and enthusiasm, however you should probably know that if you continue to spam the Intro thread you might get a warning from the mods, since I believe doing so violates the rule about 'taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat'. I'd recommend messaging people privately or posting a comment on their profile to avoid getting flagged for spam ^^"
AhsokeAckerman AhsokeAckerman Welcome to the site and it's nice to see someone with so much curiosity and enthusiasm, however you should probably know that if you continue to spam the Intro thread you might get a warning from the mods, since I believe doing so violates the rule about 'taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat'. I'd recommend messaging people privately or posting a comment on their profile to avoid getting flagged for spam ^^"
Thank you for clarifying, I was unaware.
I will be sure to follow the rules from now on.
Thank you for your hard work.
Till we meet again.
I just recently found this site so I’m here to try it out because most of the roleplays I do always die off at some point lol I’m a massive reader and writer but i’m not the best with long replies but I can try
Hi, I'm Emi.
I have never role-played before, but I am very interested and would like to learn. I am attracted to romance, adventure, science fiction and fantasy genres. Some things I should mention: I don't have a lot of free time, English is not my main language, and I'm somewhat of an introvert, which can make the role a bit difficult. However, I'm more than happy to roleplay with anyone who wants to teach me and help me improve.
Hi I'm Dawn I'm a female role player Ive been RPing and writing for years. I'm super into TT-RPGs and board games. I like reading though I imagine that's somewhat common. I'm A sapphic gal. I tend to vary quite a bit in my role play but I do a lot of romance focused RPs when it comes to sites like this. I also dabble in a good deal of fantasy rps. Otherwise I'm open to anything and everything all at once
Hello everyone! It's been awhile, but I roleplayed for up to a decade or a little more, then took a long hiatus. I'm trying to get back into the groove of things and found this forum! Hoping to improve my writing skills and have fun. ☻☺My favourite genres of roleplay would probably be fantasy, medieval, sci-fi and anything with comedy. Apart from roleplaying and being a doofus, in my free time, I like to draw, read, write, learn languages, and I guess...whatever else happens to tickle my fancy for the moment. Some hobbies I can no longer do (weightlifting) due to my medical issues so...hoping to recover to go back to doing that.
Hello! I'm Wolf, I'm a 19 yr old autistic guy based in the UK.
I've been roleplaying since I was a wee one, and recently after a long pause have tried to get back into the swing of things.
I'm critical fan of the DSMP & MCYT (Mainly Hermitcraft!), meaning I don't support any of the CCs, only interested in the fictional story as it's had a grip on me as a special interest for.. too long!

I'm a semi lit to lit roleplayer, I love worldbuilding and creating a fleshed out world. I don't mind one-shots or short term plots, but I really love long term! Longest roleplay I've had was 3 years long! I am dedicated to all my plotlines & often spend all my free time writing up ideas.

Outside of roleplay, I really enjoy playing Minecraft (especially modded!) and drawing. I also play Five Nights At Freddy's, Pokemon, Roblox, and watch My Little Pony.

I'd love to make more fans of the DSMP , Hermitcraft , Parkour Civilisation , and the Life series .. but also My Little pony, or any other interests I ramble on about!
Howdy! The name is Ash, but y'all can call me Doc. I'm a quiet southern man with a passion for writing. I write children's short stories, OC lore, and the occasional fanfiction. But my favorite part of writing is roleplay.

I'm new to RPNation, but I've engaged in written roleplay since I was 'bout 13 (for reference, I'm closer to 30 now, but not quite there haha). I've had no luck findin' genuine groups on discord or other platforms, spare the rare passerby, so I figured I'd try here!

Some of my favorite themes to RP in:
•Medieval fantasy

Romance in any theme is fun to dabble in as well. Just depends on my mood.

I'll be making my own posts for some RP ideas I have sometime soon. Feel free to engage!
Did you know that the ability to tolerate milk and lactose products is due to heredity and genetics? The gene came from Europe. Don't remember anything beyond that, but I just wanted to share something interesting.
I was not aware, but I'm not surprised. I'm studying Genetics at the moment and there's so many funky things those little guys can do.
Hey there!

I'm Noeul, I'm a writer and author of 15 years, been RPing for a little under that. I found this site again after seeing someone recommend it, so trying to get back into the swing of things!
howdy! I'm Blush, ( she / they ), 32 years old, and I've been writing, on and off, in the rp community for around 15+ years. I used to write a lot on Tumblr, but since it's changed so drastically in the last five years or so, I'm hoping to find a new community through here! I love writing and reading, but I haven't written anything rp-wise in a couple of years, so I may be a bit rusty. However, I do love giving long, descriptive and thoughtful replies to my rp partners :D I'm a bit of a yapper OOC and I love plotting; I do my best to come up with unique scenarios for each interaction!

my preferred genres are: thriller, horror, sci-fi, and action with a little bit of romance on the side! ( nothing too wild with romance, very much a background genre )

I'd prefer having rp partners who are 25+, can recognize that mun does not equal muse and don't pressure me constantly for replies. My muse(s) are VERY different to who I am as a person because I love the challenge of writing unique characters. ^_^

my current fandom interests are: John Wick, Cyberpunk 2077 and Fallout! I hope to write with some of y'all soon!! :specialeyes:
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening! Desdemona here! I'm a long-term role-player, branching out to increase my writing. :D I have been on roleplaying websites on and off for years, but lately find the interest in some of my ideas or cravings waning on other sites. I'm hoping that isn't the case here. :D I look forward to interacting with you all and making some fun stories together. :D

I will try my best to follow the community guidelines. I've taken a gander, and plan on reading them more completely before making any posts. :D

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