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Introduce Yourself!

I'm Moopus (not my real name but yea) I've been RPing for about the past year, I have joined this website after my discord account got banned (I still have no clue why though) and I need a new place to RP. I have mostly just done Nation based RP so far but I am up for new things. I am mostly interested in historical/war RP but I am up for other things as I don't have much else to do. That's about all I can think to say so I guess you can just message me if you wanna.
Hello! I am new to RPNation, and very excited to be here. I have done some roleplay in the past but I'm hoping to get serious with it over the summer. (I say serious, but I'm not too sure what that means just yet)
I'm hoping the best for everyone here! Have fun!!
I'm Moopus (not my real name but yea) I've been RPing for about the past year, I have joined this website after my discord account got banned (I still have no clue why though) and I need a new place to RP. I have mostly just done Nation based RP so far but I am up for new things. I am mostly interested in historical/war RP but I am up for other things as I don't have much else to do. That's about all I can think to say so I guess you can just message me if you wanna.
Seems we have some similar interests so feel free to reach out to me.
My name is boopity, and I go boop! I'm genderfluid and queer, like art, dnd, writing, and I'm severely confused about everything constantly in life!
Hiya! Super new, love to write and play DnD but haven't done text roleplay in a decade or so. I miss it so I'm looking to change that. ^_^ Hoping to have some fun here!!
Seems I made an account here a bit over a year ago and completely forgot... Huh. Well, about time I made my presence known! Hello all, I'm Air!
hello ! im callie! ive been roleplaying inconsistently for around 8 years now, mostly kpop roleplay! ive been off rping for about 4 years now and decided to come back, had a strong sudden urge to just find a roleplay partner arg!

i love, LOVE angst plots! angst with a hint of romance and fluff, im a BIG sucker for those!

my current obsessions are greys anatomy and ANY kind of surgeon AU types, god.

i write in advance literate to literate c:, paragraphs and write in third person ! i usually play member x oc type of roleplays!
Hello, I'm del, I recently got back into RP and fanfiction after a 10 year break and I'm looking for people to RP with. I used to be in Japanese bands fandoms, but now I am interested in Harry Potter universe. Here's to hoping I can find people with shared interests. I am mostly into the Marauders era now and prefer canon to AUs, but hey anything is possible. I prefer one on one RP, or something in smaller groups. I'm big on realism (yeah, even within a magical setting) and love slice of life.
Hi there! You can call me Cinna or Zen as I've also been called. I come back from a haitus from writing and roleplay so I could focus on school and stable work/life balance but now I'm back and ready to get in collaborative writing again! My favorite genres as of late have been anything fantasy or historical fiction, but I might dabble back into more modern themes one day. I also love a good slice of life story when a change of pace between all that adventure and questing slows down.

Anyways, looking forward to writing again! Hope everyone who reads this is having a great day!
Hello!! I'm Luka, someone who is looking to get back into roleplaying. I'm still tryna figure out this site a bit, but seeing as this site is built similar to other forums I've been on, I think I'll be quick to understand ^-^
Here are my answers to the little prompt thingies:

Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
Prior to taking a 6 month long hiatus from roleplaying, I have 5 years under my belt! For mental health purposes I had a big break from the internet in general; no roleplaying, no posting on social media. Just watching YouTube and messaging my friends. But now I miss roleplaying quite a bit, and want to dive back in!

What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.

I love to create whole universes for roleplays! What type of world are our characters living in? What's the bigger picture here? Those types of things. I crave romance between one or more pairings in a roleplay as well, and, admittedly, I'm not a very big fan of slow burn. However, I don't like the romance to be completely just fluff (although fluffy moments are adorable and are absolutely to die for), I like the plot to add genre aspects like drama, adventure, light angst, create scenarios where the characters have to build their relationship more, things of that nature. I also love high fantasy settings, creating a magical world is just amazingly fun.

What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
Are memes a hobby? LMAO I'm just an internet funny guy. I swear to god, I think I've seen meme videos and images that nobody else has seen on the internet. Hell, I saw the door stuck video within the first year it was on the internet, that's how long I've been internet funny man LMFAOOOO.
But outside of being funny guy, I am currently enrolled in college (University, but it's easier to just generalize everything as college LOL), and I'm majoring in fashion design! I love to create dresses and accessories, I love to put makeup on people, I'm insanely inspired by drag, and overall the fashion industry just has such a hold over my heart.

Why you decided to join RpNation.
Since before taking my roleplay hiatus I ended all of my roleplays on Discord, roleplay forums, and Tumblr (my roleplay partners were all so sweet about it and understood well too), I kinda just want a new platform, so i joined here after some Google searches for roleplay sites!

Write about your pet (if you have one).
I have three adorable capybaras!! TECHNICALLY they're not pets and are y'know wild animals (though seeing as I live in Nevada I could legally have them as pets), but these 3 just showed up in my backyard 2 years ago and just decided to make it their home. It's probably because of the small pond I have in my backyard, I have quite the decked out backyard lol. Small pond with rocks decorating it, lots of plants, and a flower bed surrounding my porch!!
I'm very fancy if you couldn't tell LMAO.

For something silly, two truths and a lie.
Oo, let's do it!!

1.) English isn't my first language.
2.) I'm multilingual (English, Korean, Spanish).
3.)I named one of the capybaras "Capybara" and say it in the same tone as the meme song about Capybaras.
Hello, meeting the dues of introducing myself and have a little fun with it. I’d like to put out that I am not an incredibly talkative person (about my outside life), and I usually take time to think about the questions you ask before answering -not because I am shy, it’s just how I am. Just the same, I ask questions to gain more understanding about characters and roleplays, concepts, etc. I may start spit-firing text, memes, or gif representations of my excitement for something I’m pretty passionate about, like a book or show I’m really into at the moment that you may have also expressed interest in or gushing about characters, ideas, blah blah <---- what I sound like. I’m generally a person that can handle honesty, critique, and criticism and prefer it over ”being nice,” to save feelings. If you have a different opinion, view, that's entirely fine and you don't need to feel like there's going to be some explosive backlash. Hopefully you did not find this unnecessary, I'm treating this like I would at school and giving you the "let's have that out in the open and clear so there's minimal room for misunderstandings." I am 'weird' like that (I may have trouble determining if something is a joke or not, take it literally, so I may ask if I don't understand or suspect). I don’t find myself to be someone divulging of my life which may be boring but please respect that, that could change over time if I get to know and vibe well with others.

I have had an on and off experience with roleplaying; in the beginning it was weird that I would call it roleplaying because for me that had been explained differently, but it really just is having the potential to write with others and share ideas, characters, and general fun. The earliest memory I have of writing on a forum was Foopets, then Chicken Smoothie, and then WCRPG/FeralFront. I haven’t gotten around to roleplaying since I had dropped off at the crux of 2019.

As for what I’d be interested in roleplaying, I’m not fully sure. It’s been a minute so I’m open to just reading and seeing if I could fit in what’s currently up and around. I have always been drawn to the genres of fantasy, fiction, but it really depends on the people and ability at the end of the day (fun included)! I’m more clear about what I am not interested in, which is mostly vampire and zombie apocalypse roleplays.

Having been a minute since I roleplayed, (using the phrase and still not understanding why we decided to arbitrarily use a "minute" for something as extensive as "almost three years"), I still want to describe myself as a semi-literate writer- but in reality, I'm not even sure what that would mean nowadays. I like to build and write little corkscrew notes for characters, flesh out ideas with others. It's safe to say that I'm going to be rusty, but I'm here to have fun, stretch my imagination and not really meet a resume of expectations.

Is coffee drinking a hobby? I play a few games off and on. Recently started the seemingly infamous Genshin Impact with some speculation (in its defense, I put off playing anything because of "speculation"). I think I watch more content/videos than I do shows now, it's recently been really difficult to stay with a show much less start one. Yet I'm even falling out of content watching.

Someone at my jobsite in passing did mention this site; however, at the time I thought nothing of it because I wasn’t really thinking about anything other than “yeah, I used to write/roleplay,” and then continuing work. A lot of my peers, myself included, only talk to each other at work, mention hanging out, and then never do and hermit in our own places. Having found energy and time, a slight rekindling of the flame for writing, I just searched generally and this was on the first page of results- although, yesterday I think you guys had some trouble, glad it’s fixed now, hope it was nothing too serious.

Something silly, two truths and a lie… animated series edition.

  1. While Zuko arguably had one of the best character development arcs, he was not my favorite character from the show, instead Toph takes personal favorite for many reasons, including how she was initially seen as something fragile only for her to be a fully realized “bad-” well, can’t say the second part in good taste but you certainly have finished it in your head.
  2. Castlevania’s art and action are beautiful, and I enjoyed the whip animations the most, or maybe just the one part where he used one arm to slide and feed the rope and successfully striked Alucard. Also, “Vampire Jesus.”
  3. I have yet to decide whether the Akuma from D.Gray-Man or the puppets (? or were they also called Akuma) from FMA: Brotherhood were more terrifying.

Thank you for reading, cheers to writing and grooving.

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