• Before posting a question, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page as well as previous threads here. Odds are you aren't the first to ask, and you may find the answer without having to post!

Introduce Yourself!

yo, been roleplaying for about 3-ish years. I mainly do any type of roleplay and don’t mind playing most roles. I roleplay as either male or female. Outside of roleplaying I enjoy drawing, hanging on discord, and other such. I also have my own ocs and such. The main type of roleplays I like are mythical, supernatural, hero and villain, drama, and other such. Other from that I don’t mind doing any type of roleplays. Welp just joined this website today, hope it goes well.
Hello and welcome! You should have no trouble finding a RP that piques your interest here. Enjoy!
Hello! You can call me Zain! I've been roleplaying for almost eight years now and I've recently found myself lacking in partners. I've recently stumbled across this site and I'm hoping I can find some people that, like me, are searching for some new people to roleplay with!
I use Third-person Past-tense (I like to call it narrative) and I do any genre but I most enjoy Action/Romance/Adventure RPs. They're cliched and are hard to make unique but I've found my fair share of ways! I hope to come across some of you on this site soon and see if we click in our roleplaying!
Hello and welcome! There are RPs of all genres here, so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding one you find interesting. Or, you can always start one up yourself! Enjoy!
Hi. My name is Bryan, and I'm nineteen. I'm new to roleplaying and have been roleplaying for a couple of weeks now. I usually write four sentences to two paragraphs depending on the context of what is happening in the RP. I enjoy fantasy, crime, superhero, slice of life, and sci-fi RP. I enjoy reading and playing video games.
Hi. My name is Bryan, and I'm nineteen. I'm new to roleplaying and have been roleplaying for a couple of weeks now. I usually write four sentences to two paragraphs depending on the context of what is happening in the RP. I enjoy fantasy, crime, superhero, slice of life, and sci-fi RP. I enjoy reading and playing video games.
Hi. My name is Bryan, and I'm nineteen. I'm new to roleplaying and have been roleplaying for a couple of weeks now. I usually write four sentences to two paragraphs depending on the context of what is happening in the RP. I enjoy fantasy, crime, superhero, slice of life, and sci-fi RP. I enjoy reading and playing video games.
Hello and welcome! Enjoy the site!
Very new here, though I'm no stranger to writing and roleplaying. Used to rp on tumblr. Feel free to show me the ropes on how to get started with 1x1 writing!
Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!
I've roleplayed my entire life my guy
Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hi i'm Tk a chronic one piece fan. I've been rping for at least maybe 7 years. My interests are fandom based ones and I mainly do oc x cc (me as oc). Other interests for me are drawing and listening to music. I joined because I need more partners. I have two animals, a cat and dog named Mac and cheese (lol get it)
Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hii! Its nice to meet everyone!
A bit about myself..
I've been roleplaying for quite a few years, but I've never used this site before.
As far as actually roleplaying goes..
I'm down for pretty much anything and can be very flexible in characters, and what is done.
Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hello there. I am interested in roleplay mostly in fantasy settings with nice characters and worldbuilding. I have been a gamer for most of my life and have some experience playing DnD as well. I am very much a history nerd.
Hello there. I am interested in roleplay mostly in fantasy settings with nice characters and worldbuilding. I have been a gamer for most of my life and have some experience playing DnD as well. I am very much a history nerd.
welcome! seen you looking at the Fate of Steel thread earlier and checking out Pawns of Murdaan. wasted no time finding things that'd suit ya!

p.s. there is a spot open in FoS
welcome! seen you looking at the Fate of Steel thread earlier and checking out Pawns of Murdaan. wasted no time finding things that'd suit ya!

p.s. there is a spot open in FoS
Thank you! Yes those look interesting. Not sure how many of the others are available. Lot of the posts look pretty old.
Hello! I'm 27 and used to roleplay on Neopets back around 2005. It was what I did the most on Neopets, but I've fallen out of the habit of writing and am hoping to get back into it. I'm going to be extremely rusty! I'm looking to explore what my roleplay interests are now; I used to do basic family/neighborhood/high school type stuff as a kid and LOVED some good drama.

One of my best friends told me to join RpNation, so here I am! When I manage to get myself to actually start on a project, I enjoy crafts. I'm primarily drawn to needle arts, like embroidery and cross stitch, but enjoy exploring new crafts and spending too much money at craft stores.

I'm likely to lurk for a while before attempting any actual roleplaying!
I am Lucy. You know of me by many names. It is obvious what I intend to write, how I intend to write, and the caliber of partner I require for my writing, merely by how I present and articulate myself.

If you wish to write with me, do so at your own peril... I will not be soft. I will not bow to anyone.

There will be no warnings.

Do NOT test me.

Feel free to contact me with ideas to write anything that includes (but is not limited to) theology, History, the Diablo franchise of video games, or anything that includes rebellion against a despotic but 'morally justified' authority.

Witches are a viable subject, but only in a format completely adherant to how magic and witches are treated in the real world.

Supernatural themes (yes I mean the show) require total adherance to the canon material, but we will not include any character from the show, besides Castiel.

I have a weakness for Anime themes, but only of the highest quality. What I mean by that is totally subject to my own opinions, not yours, so if I reject a favorite anime of yours, then you have been warned here that I will not relent.

Any other themes, genres, and/or franchises not already mentioned here are a possibility, if I enjoy the way you present it.

If you merely wish to get to know me, or chat, I am open to that, however, if I decide to end the conversation, I will not play games.

I am here to generate ideas, develop my skills, and discern if there are any writers with the sort of caliber and skill I require for my projects.

I have a lot of experience writing, and I am tired of presenting myself in any way other than how I feel.

Good luck. You'll need it.
hello! my name is willow/jade and i'm looking for a roleplay partner! i'll put it out here in a short manner:
i really, really like jojo's bizarre adventures, genshin impact, the last of us, and other games + anime i probably haven't mentioned.
i am 18+ and i'd prefer if my partner is 16+!
i'm literature to novella -- i do not write in lowercase like i do now
i respond quicker on discord because it's the app i use the most, but if you'd prefer to do anything on here, i'd imagine it would be okay.
if you're interested, feel free to add me on discord or anything!
thank you and i can't wait to meet a bunch of fresh faces!
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hi i'm james 39 year old and i got disability and anxiety and i'm into history,antiques,art,museums,walking,cooking,horror movies,80's music,ABDL,the zoo,old builds,haunted and abandoned places,theme parks and take pics
Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!

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