in a quiet garden
My name is Canon, and I've been roleplaying roughly six years. I'm only 18, and currently working on my first novel and finishing highschool. I got accepted into a four year university meaning I have limited time but will try to post 1-2 times a day, if possible. Aside from that, I do romance, horror, fantasy, and occasional combat roleplaying. In a multitude of fandoms, I tend not to use canon characters. Some of those fandoms include, PJO, HP, Good Omens, etc. I do 1x1's and groups.
Hopefully, I can get back into some rp's and make some friends :]
My name is Canon, and I've been roleplaying roughly six years. I'm only 18, and currently working on my first novel and finishing highschool. I got accepted into a four year university meaning I have limited time but will try to post 1-2 times a day, if possible. Aside from that, I do romance, horror, fantasy, and occasional combat roleplaying. In a multitude of fandoms, I tend not to use canon characters. Some of those fandoms include, PJO, HP, Good Omens, etc. I do 1x1's and groups.
Hopefully, I can get back into some rp's and make some friends :]