• Before posting a question, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page as well as previous threads here. Odds are you aren't the first to ask, and you may find the answer without having to post!

Introduce Yourself!

Hey, I'm Cumulonimbus but I go by Nimbus because I can't spell the former part of my name without looking.
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
I am new to roleplaying but I have created many stories and universes based off my own imagination. I struggled with finding ideas, and then I realised that I could find a roleplaying website and maybe bounce off other people's ideas. I also want to try some LARP but I have anxiety concerning social gatherings and I've thought of using RPN as a way to branch out and step outside of my comfort zone!
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
I really enjoy fantasy, assassin/action genres with a dystopian setting that present a moral dilemma: is the protaganist a "bad" person because of their actions (killing people)? Or are they a "good" person for bringing karma to the corrupt? What is good, and what is bad? Truly, these kind of questions engage me very much and I'm really looking forward to meeting people that have similar ones. Even though this is my preference, I'm open to anything since I've just begun exploring the vast opportunties. Right now, I've been thinking about a plot with a society with the marginally large part of it having magical powers, but an unlucky few, particulalrly those born with blue blood, lacking magic. These people are called the Nonics and they may use an artifact to gain powers - the catch being that not only do they have to choose it, the artifact has to choose them. I'm not going to say anymore because the details are blurry and I'm running out of ideas, hopefully I can find the courage in myself to post a thread soon.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
Outside of roleplay, I have a big interest in science, IST, video games, and art (broad term). I love music and I love drawing, and I am in the process of improving my skills, as always.

I am looking forward to meeting new people and uncovering new knowledge at RPN. Pleasure to meet you all!
Hi everyone, my name is Starlite and I'm excited to be here! I haven't had a ton of experience with forums in the past, but I'm looking forward to giving this one a try. Role-playing has always been a passion of mine, and I think it's one of the most creative forms of art on the internet.

For me, role-playing is a way to escape the stresses of my otherwise mundane life. I'm currently writing a novel, but when I need a break from that, I love immersing myself in the worlds we create in our minds. From zombies to WWII to high school, to fantasy, I'm open to any and all ideas. I'm always up for a good adventure, and I'm excited to see where your creativity takes us.

My DMs are always open, so feel free to reach out to me if you want to collaborate on a story or just chat about our shared love of role-playing. I have an open mind when it comes to ideas, and I'm eager to see what we can create together!
Hi, Everyone!
just wanted to say that I’m super excited to be a part of RpNation. I’ve been roleplaying consistently for probably over 15 years now—Which makes me feel pretty old. XD That being said, I did pursue creative writing in college, so I’d like to think that halfway decent (not to say that you have to go to college to be good).

I don’t really know anything to say about myself other than…I like cats (I have one after all), I taught English in Japan, aaaand I really like cake?

Hopefully I’ve told you all enough to find me interesting-ish. Soooo, feel free to message me!
Howdy hi! I'm hotsauce, lovely to meet you all.

I've been rping off and on years now, so I'd like to believe I'm an okay writer. Regardles, I'm excited to get back into crafting engaging stories once again! As for genres, I'm really game for mostly anything, but have a passion for plots based in historically inspired settings. Rping is my main hobby, but I do enjoy crafting and drawing as well.

If you want more info on my writing style, or plots I'm looking for, please have a look at my website!

My messages are opened, so feel free to contact me i interested!
Hi How’s everyone doing the names Keemo and I’m here to rp . I’d really like to rp twilight but down for most any rp, teen wolf, hog warts etc.
'Ello everyone, you can call me Mew! I'm not new to this site or roleplaying but I took a break and am just returning on a new account.

I mainly double up for fandoms, and my current fandom is Genshin Impact at the moment but I'm open to many others. Anyhoo, I look forward to my time here and connecting with partners again!
i’m probably aware that no one will see this, but hello! i’m cass, and i’m a 18-year-old roleplayer who primarily roleplays fandoms! think anime, video games, and even some movie and TV series—guaranteed ill have a plethora of characters and series to rp from.

it’s nice to meet you all :]
i’m probably aware that no one will see this, but hello! i’m cass, and i’m a 18-year-old roleplayer who primarily roleplays fandoms! think anime, video games, and even some movie and TV series—guaranteed ill have a plethora of characters and series to rp from.

it’s nice to meet you all :]
I SAW THIS I am now known as No one

im jk! welcome to rpn i'm new too! i hope you enjoy the possiblities offered here

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