• Before posting a question, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page as well as previous threads here. Odds are you aren't the first to ask, and you may find the answer without having to post!

Introduce Yourself!

¡Hola y bienvenido a RpNation!
Aquí es donde puede hacer una publicación de presentación y contarnos un poco sobre usted, mientras lee las introducciones de otras personas como usted, ¡y tal vez haga un nuevo amigo!

Sin embargo, antes de continuar, tómese un momento para revisar las reglas de nuestro sitio . No son muy largos, y es mejor saber qué se espera de ti antes de sumergirte en las profundidades del sitio.

Si tienes alguna duda, consulta nuestras Preguntas Frecuentes . Si hay algo que desea saber que no está respondido allí, pregunte en el Community Hub ; muchos de nuestros miembros son muy amables y están felices de ayudar. O, si tiene algo que preguntar que desea mantener solo entre usted y el personal, haga una publicación en Contacto del personal.

Recuerde que esto es para presentarse. Si solo desea comenzar a buscar jugadores o socios de juegos de rol, cree un hilo en Reclutamiento .

Si necesita algunas ideas sobre qué incluir en su presentación a la comunidad, puede mencionar:
  • Su experiencia con el juego de roles y cuánto tiempo ha estado jugando.
  • Qué intereses tienes dentro del juego de roles, como el género o la configuración.
  • Qué intereses tienes fuera del juego de roles; como un pasatiempo.
  • Por qué decidiste unirte a RpNation.
  • Escribe sobre tu mascota (si tienes una).
  • O por alguna tontería, dos verdades y una mentira.

Puede usar esas indicaciones o simplemente presentarse como desee a la comunidad.

Si bien nos complace que este hilo lo ayude a conocer y hacer nuevos amigos, recuerde que este no es el lugar para conversar sobre juegos de roles, conversaciones en profundidad o tomar el control del hilo con una charla continua. ;3

¡Espero que disfrute su tiempo Hello, my name is Lucas, I am 19 years old and I always liked roleplay, I would love to roleplay the game Resident Evil
Hello and welcome to RpNation!
Here is where you can make an introduction post and let us know a little about you, while reading the intros of other people like yourself, and maybe making a new friend!

Before you go any further, though, please take a moment to look over our site rules. They aren't very long, and it's best to know what's expected of you before you take the plunge into the depths of the site.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ. If there's something you want to know that isn't answered there, ask in the Community Hub -- many of our members are very friendly and happy to help. Or, if you have something to ask that you want to keep just between you and the staff, make a post in Staff Contact instead.

Please remember this is to introduce yourself. If you want to just jump into looking for roleplay players or partners please create a thread in Recruitment.

If you need some ideas on what to include in your introduction to the community, you can mention:
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • Write about your pet (if you have one).
  • Or for something silly, two truths and a lie.

You can use those prompts or just introduce yourself as you wish to the community.

While we are happy to have this thread help you meet and make new friends, please remember this isn't the spot to converse about roleplays, in-depth conversations, or taking over the thread with ongoing chit-chat. ;3

I hope you enjoy your time here!

Hi Welcome to the site :)!
If I’m being honest I have absolutely no idea what’s going on or if I’m doing this right XD but I’ve been rping for about 3-4 years give or take? I’m a fan of a lot of genres, most specifically games like danganronpa, your turn to die, or zero escape, however I’m pretty fond of genres that include mystery, zombies and the occasional upbeat rp of any kind! I’m open to trying new stuff but yeah-! That’s about it!
ah hello, im new here! happy to be here! seems like a warm community, id love to be apart of it.

im generally interested in fantasy, supernatural, superhero, and modern rps! im a typical animal enjoyer/fan, and really enjoy meeting people! come say hi, im goofy but chill i promise <3
howdy! my name is seven (alternatively some variation of centipede) and i'm in my early 20's! once upon a time i fell in love with roleplaying on WCRPG/FeralFront as a kid and now i'm here as that site's long gone now. i'm (obviously, haha) very interested in any animal-centered roleplays! if you'd like to be pals or maybe give me some helpful tips it'd be much appreciated as i'm a little slow to learning new forums and it's been years at this point :^)
Okay, let's do this!

Hey everyone, I'm Tarrax! I have ~12 years of RP experience, maybe slightly more, it's hard to remember. I'm also not a stranger to forums, although I usually inhabited the ones dedicated to one big common theme and/or plot going on. And it's been...a while since then. So I'm rusty, but not too out of my depths here!

There was a time when I roleplayed on Tumblr, but the RPing scene got so fancy over there that I'm honestly intimidated. We'll see if I'll survive the allegedly fancy BBCode editing everyone is talking about here...

I'm a para or a multi-para player, anything shorter is, usually, a challenge. And all the characters I play tend to be the somewhat morally gray fighter ones, you know the type. They're also, 99% of the time, women.

Whatever is the character, you can bet I have a giant list of meta about their canon motivations, traumatic implications of their canon backstories, every piece of lore ever connected to them, etc etc. What I'm saying is I'm a nerd about my muses and there are metaphorical red threads on my metaphorical wall.

I've spent, like, years being in a dire need of a roleplaying partner in one fandom or another, so... Here I am, trying new things. Or maybe going back to my roots. Hard to decide which.

Okay, enough rambling. Nice to meet all of you, I hope I'll stick around!
Hello, I'm just another good old-fashioned roleplayer. I have about 6+ years of roleplay experience and mostly do multi-para roleplays. My favorite themes in roleplay include romance, crime, mystery, and sci-fi. I work with both Canons and OCs. A big reason I came back into roleplaying after a long hiatus has been some movies and media that I've loved to roleplay particular scenarios from, whether it's with canons or just OCs. I have a few OCs I used on other sites as well as character concepts I'd love to flesh out.

I roleplay as both male and female characters and am willing to roleplay with all kinds of characters and writers as long as we're able to match length and meet each other's needs. Hopefully I can get back into this old hobby again.

I go by Tori. A group I roleplay with on gaiaonline decided to move our roleplay over to this site. I have loved writing and reading my whole life, but I just recently got enough motivation to start pursuing roleplaying again.

Exited to be here!
hello everyone! i'm emgore, or emma. i've been rping for a while, so i'm excited to get started!
Hello everyone! You can call me Cas if you wish. Pronouns are they/them. I’ll be 28 around Halloween and I’ve been RPing on and off since the days of yore on Neopets forums. I do OC one-on-one or small groups, generally tending towards action/adventure with some fantasy and/or dystopian elements (and whump, lots of whump). I used to do strictly lit RPs, but now I’m looking to give script-style a try because executive dysfunction is a thing. Feel free to message me if you’d like to chat or discuss a possible seed. Thanks for reading!
Hey, everybody. Definitely not new to RpN, but I figure reintroductions are in order.

I'm Ozmic - the bearded idiot formerly known as Mr. Grin. Haven't been active on the site for ages, but some of you old lot might remember me from back in the day when I still had time and ability to write decent prose and attempt to RP. I'm apt to play older, grumpy characters with a heart of gold (write what you know lul), and enjoy a multitude of genres with a slight lean toward horror and the psychological.

Can't say I'll be insanely active or show up all the time, but I'm around now and again when work and adulthood allows. Good to meet you!
What is up butter buddies?! Roleplay vet right here for many years that I lost track. Me wards be good and stuff, and I'm funny too~ Listen to me toot my own horn. *tooty toots~* But when I'm bored I tend to lose interest. But will let you know when that happens. Tidbit about me, fantasy is my jam!
  • Why you decided to join RpNation.
  • (Looking for something to kill the time and get into a new experience for roleplay.)
  • Your experience with roleplay and how long you have been roleplaying.
  • (In a pretty decent roleplayer and consider myself a literate one lol. I got into roleplaying about 4 years ago still fun to this day.)

  • What interests you have within roleplay, such as genre or settings.
  • (Military, Horror, Medieval and some ect. But those are my big ones)

  • What interests you have outside of roleplay; such as a hobby.(Boxing, Gaming and working out. My hobby time is limited due to my work, but I make time.)

You can call my Carrlavoie. I'm 24 and I used to roleplay all the time in my early teens - we're talking hours and hours every day for years. Writing was a big passion of mine, but after the site I was roleplaying on (Warrior Cats Forum fans, where you at?) shut down, I fell out of it so it's probably been about 10 years since I've really been active on any forums. I'm still an avid reader and my goal is to someday write a book of my own. I'm hoping to get back into roleplaying to build up my passion for writing and storytelling once again, and to get to know my characters in a more interactive and indepth way. For genres I'm a big fan of fantasy, romance, and trauma (lol) - ACOTAR, TOG, Kingdom of Runes, The Shadows Between Us, Bride of the Shadow King, to give you some ideas. I'd love to find a small group to roleplay with in these genres.

Outside of writing and reading, I love animals. I have two dogs of my own and own my own business as a pet stylist. To put it simply, I'm a hair stylist for dogs! I also have an aquarium of blue shrimp, one betta fish, I've been getting into boxing, and I watch a lot of anime.

I'm excited to be here and I'm really hoping this works out for me!
Hello, I go by Tristan.
I'm old enough to understand the significance of rewinding the tapes before returning them.
I used to role-play a lot in my teens and throughout college, but I fell out of touch as time passed.
I've recently returned due to writer's block and a general desire to be a part of a collaborative effort.

I look forward to what may come of this adventure.
demetri's my name, crappy introductions are my game. i'm a 21-year-old creative writing major stationed in hell on earth, usa (the midwest) and have been roleplaying since 2012-- dark times. i've impulsively decided to throw myself back into the writing pool and i'm excited to become a regular on this website. thanks for reading!!
Hi everyone!

My name's Elle 🌻 I'm in my mid 20's and I started roleplaying when I was a preteen in places like runecape and habbo before transitioning over to chatrooms and various roleplay forums. It's been a good few years since I've roleplayed outside of DnD though (maybe 4 or 5 years??? I feel so old) so it's a hobby I'm really excited to try returning to! Outside of roleplaying, my hobbies include the aforementioned DnD, reading, listening to podcasts (my favorites right now are Normal Gossip and Dungeons and Daddies!), and playing games like Stardew. So you know, hot girl sh*t.

As for my roleplay specific interests, I like high fantasy and low fantasy, sci-fi, slice-of-life, and romance. My absolute favorite trope is enemies to lovers, with honorable mentions to childhood friends to lovers and arranged marriages.

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