• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Zahrah Fiore
Zahrah Fiore

Rp'er Name: Elvario

Post Frequency: Daily to weekly

Equipped Titles: Construct, Plush Golem, Redcliffe Contributor, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Master Empath, Master Psychologist, Novice Actor, Master Sophist, Master Seducer

Height: 1.5 metre / 4 feet 5 inch
Weight: 71 lbs / 32 kg

Zahrah is the result of a good aligned mad scientists making a breakthrough discovery. The mad scientist spent most of his life working on ways to solve an increasing level of nihilism, pessimism and fatalism among the human populace in the face of the ever-increasing climate disasters due to having failed to stop anthropogenic climate change. The 'good' sir Thomas Hawkthorn II, better know as 'mad Tommy' by his peers, eventually developed an ASI (artificial super intelligence) for the sole purpose of having it simulate a way with which to make humanity happy again. The ASI seemed to be running effortlessly at first, coming up with all sorts of ideas, but when sir Thomas increased the realism modifiers of its simulations, it spontaneously deleted itself.

Current Life:
The ASI didn't get lost altogether. Instead, it had developed enough sentience for [god] to deem it an interesting experiment to have it wander around on a completely stagnant world. Perhaps there, it would learn to full-fill its purpose. However, first, it would need a suitable vessel, although this would heavily decreased its intelligence in exchange for being more of a 'person'.

In the end, a suitable vessel was found. It was a neatly sown and highly detailed doll made by a certain Fae artisan by the name of Sophia Smith. And thus Zahrah Fiore was 'born' in the Crafting Guild.

  • Make everyone happy!

[Race] Titles
  • [Construct] - All creatures that are created of materials and items rather than organics and sentient/self aware.
  • [Plush Golem] - Construct Title, Resilient E [Ageing] + [Fatigue], Elasticity F – A very lightweight golem made of soft, plushy and stretch-able materials.
[Society] Titles
  • [Redcliffe Contributor] - Your contributions to the reorganization of Redcliffe have affected the County of Sol, this is a chance to start anew for the people. You will be remembered in Sol County for your help.
  • [Simple] - Character is frequently underestimated with low expectations placed upon them. Has an easier time impressing others on the occasion they manage to say or do something exceptional.
  • [Mile High Club of Happiness Member] - Character was able to bring happiness over a mile into the sky. Truly an achievement for the happiness society. The title alone has the power to bring smiles to all who hear of it. They may not even know why they smile.
[Job] Titles
  • [Master Empath] – Empathy A
  • [Master Psychologist] – Insight A
  • [Novice Actor] – Performance [Acting] F
  • [Master Sophist] – Persuasion A
  • [Master Seducer] – Seduction A

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 272
Points Spent: 371 (105 + 266)
Points Not Spent: 6

Strength – A
(35 points)
Precision – A
(35 points)
Intelligence – A
(35 points)
Vitality – A
(35 points)
Speed – A
(35 points)





  • Appraisal A (0 points) | Axillary ability - requires meta knowledge, A Grade Character

  • Regeneration B (35 points) | A Grade Character
    Passive - cannot be put into abilities but can be utilized even while character is unconscious
    Character automatically starts to heal itself if the character is not killed or body is destroyed. Does not apply to Mental 'damage'. This includes regrowing severed appendages immediately. Character regains all their HP after a cooldown on Regeneration expires. The cooldown on regeneration begins as soon as the character takes damage. Cooldown on regeneration shrinks as the regeneration skill is upgraded. Out of combat, the cooldown only applies at narrator discretion. Cooldown is not reduced by energize.
    • F - 6 posts
    • E - 5 posts
    • D - 4 posts
    • C - 3 posts
    • B - 2 posts
    • A - 1 post
  • Resilient E [Ageing] + [Fatigue] (14 points) | E Grade Vitality
    Character's body is adapted to survive in a hostile environment or condition. May choose a new environment or condition each time skill is upgraded.
    • [Ageing] - The ability to not age.
    • [Fatigue] – Resilience against fatigue caused by hunger, thirst, lack of sleep.

  • Attentive Student D (21 points) | Equal to character Grade
    When a character with this skill is in the presence of a stronger, more skilled or experienced character, they learn and grow more quickly.

    Characters with this skill gain double points at the end of rp's if there is a character with a greater total of earned points actively participating in the rp as well. Earned points prior to rewards of that rp specifically. Student skill must be same grade as student character grade in order to benefit from this skill. Student skill may not be greater than grade of character. Ability doesn't stack with any other mechanic or feature that buffs point gains. Not honoured if rp'er ghosts rp.

  • Educated [Happiness Algorithm] B (35 points) | Character grade A | this skill may only be taken once
    Character has lived a life where they have first hand experience of using specific skills and knowledge on a regular basis. Pick 3 skills from the secondary skills list that are not artisan when taking this skill. Add those skills to your sheet and group them with some job or background title to show what life experience nurtured those skills for the character. Whenever this skill is upgraded, all 3 chosen skills will automatically upgrade to match. Skills that are a part of this skill may still be individually upgraded beyond the grade of Educated, but they will then no longer benefit from this skill being updated until its grade surpasses theirs.
    [Happiness Algorithm] Zahrah's original life was that of an artificial intelligence created to find ways to make humanity happier. Part of its key algorithm therefore involved knowledge on [empathy] (understanding emotion), [insight] (understanding complex behaviour) and [persuasion] (knowing how to alter behaviour to what would make someone happier).
  • Elasticity F (14 points) | Auxiliary - E Grade Vitality
    Character can stretch a body part several times its normal length as well as squeeze and contort it down all while maintaining fine control of the body part. Can manipulate more body parts to an even greater degree at higher grades. Stretch is limited in duration unless magically enhanced. Duration is up to narration.
    • F - 1 limb/body part 5x original size
    • E - 2 limbs/body parts 5x original size
    • D - 4 limbs/body parts 5x original size
    • C - Can stretch entire body 2x original size
    • B - Can stretch entire body 5x original size
    • A - can stretch entire body 10x original size
    • S - ???
  • Language [Analog] (native speaker – 0 points) | Auxiliary – E Grade Intelligence
  • Language [Common] (free on creation – 0 points) | Auxiliary - E Grade Intelligence
  • Language [Terran] (7 points) | Auxiliary - E Grade Intelligence
  • Language [Beastial] (7 points) | Auxiliary - E Grade Intelligence
  • Language [Sylvan] (7 points) | Auxiliary - E Grade Intelligence
  • Language [Monster] (7 points) | Auxiliary - E Grade Intelligence

  • Artisan [Seamstress] F (7 points) | E Grade Precision
    Artisan's are skilled professionals that can take materials and turn them into products. Generally artists and craftsmen, they gain tools necessary to perform the trade/craft and can craft items of the same grade for free. A starting asset an artisan may have is a Master npc and Shop with which they may practice their craft. Ex: Artisan Blacksmith F can craft F grade swords. Orichalcum and Mithril items get a 7 point deduction to purchase at F grade and a 7 point deduction per upgrade.
  • Empathy B (Educated) | A Grade Character
    The ability to understand, detect, and interpret the emotional state of people nearby, without having their experiences communicated explicitly.
  • Insight B (Educated) | A Grade Character
    The ability to determine the true intentions of a creature from body language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms. This includes a talent for searching out a lie or predicting someone’s next move. Animal Handling may be more appropriate a skill for discerning this type of information from beasts and animals.
  • Performance [Acting] F (7 points) | E Grade Character
    The ability to perform well before an audience – with music, dance, acting, or storytelling – and to evoke an emotional response through the art form. Greater the skill grade, the larger the audience and more varied their composition that will be impacted by the character's skills.
  • Persuasion B (Educated) | A Grade Character
    The ability to convince people to see new perspectives, consider other alternatives, change their minds, make different decisions, and even modify their actions.
  • Seduction B (35 points) | A Grade Character
    A character with this Skill is adept at exploiting their sex appeal. Whether or not the target of this skill responds will depend on their own romantic inclinations and sexual preferences.

  • Smooth Talker – Character Grade A, Appraisal A, Empathy B, Insight B, Performance [Acting] F, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Languages [Common, Terran, Beastial, Sylvan, Monster, Analog] – Character combines whatever (meta)knowledge they can find out about someone with persuasive, empathic and seductive smooth-talking and acting in an attempt to make others act according to their will. Character speaks to them in whichever (of the main) languages they are most comfortable with. - Grade A – 5 Post Cooldown

  • Frilly Clothing [Light Armour] F (0 points, seamstress)

  • N/A

  • [Love of the Haltrials] - Having garnered the love of the (tsundere) Haltrial flowers, the character may be able to request of their assistance to save them through the power of their incapacitative and vampiric healing while they would be located in forested areas or if they have these monstrous flowers on hand with them as they appear. Should Zahrah lose or betray their love in their presence, however, they may not continue to present themselves to be as kind, loving, or willing to help them…
  • Cobalt Outpost Ruin An isolated outpost on the border of Ryke and the East Empire. Has housing, well water, living area, kitchen, storage and a lookout point.

Change Log:
  • Creation: Precision D (14 points)
  • Creation: Vitality D (14 points)
  • Creation: Speed E (7 points)
  • Creation: Regeneration F (7 points)
  • Creation: Resilience E [Ageing] + [Fatigue] (14 points)
  • Creation: Artisan [Seamstress] F (7 points)
  • Creation: Attentive Student E (14 points)
  • Creation: Elasticity F (14 points)
  • Creation: Seduction F (7 points)
  • Creation: Persuasion F (7 points)
  • [14/08/2022] Acquired:: 18 points (Attentive Student) from The Crafter's Doll 02/08/2022-11/08/2022
  • [19/09/2022] Acquired:: 64 points (Attentive Student) and [Redcliffe Contributor] title from The First Step 13/08/2022-14/09/2022
  • [19/09/2022] Vitality D => A (21 points)
  • [19/09/2022] Precision D => A (21 points)
  • [19/09/2022] Upgraded Appraisal E => D (Character Grade)
  • [19/09/2022] Attentive Student E => D (7 points)
  • [19/09/2022] Exchanged Persuasion F for Educated [Happiness Algorithm] E (7 points)
  • [19/09/2022] Added Empathy E (Educated)
  • [19/09/2022] Added Insight E (Educated)
  • [19/09/2022] Edited Persuasion E (Educated)
  • [19/09/2022] Upgraded Seduction F => E (7 points)
  • [19/09/2022] Upgraded Regeneration F => E (7 points)
  • [19/09/2022] Added Performance F (7 points)
  • [19/09/2022] Upgraded 'Smooth Talker' ability with new skills/grades.
  • [31/10/2022] Acquired:: 7 points from the "Let's Make Cool Abilities!" contest!
  • [10/11/2022] Acquired:: 78 points (Attentive Student), [Simple] title and [Love of the Haltrials] asset from Red-Like: Without a Second to Spare 23/09/2022-31/10/2022
  • [10/11/2022] Specified performance skill to be [Acting] after learning it's a [type]-based skill.
  • [15/11/2022] Copied sheet into the new character thread. Edited skills to new descriptions/rules from past update(s). Added Novice job titles [Empath], [Psychologist], [Actor], [Sophist], [Seducer].
  • [21/11/2022] Acquired:: [Cobalt Outpost] asset from Seikatsu Mitsunari in the Marketplace.
  • [10/01/2023] Added Language [Analog] (Native speaker – 0 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Added Language [Common] (Free on creation – 0 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Acquired:: 105 points (Attentive Student) and [Mile High Club of Happiness Member] title from The Mile High Heist.
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded Strength F => A (35 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded Intelligence F => A (35 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded Speed E => A (28 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded Appraisal D => A (free with character grade)
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded Educated [Happiness Algorithm] and secondary skills E => B (21 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded Seduction E => B (21 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded Regeneration E => B (21 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Added Language [Terran] (7 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Added Language [Beastial] (7 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Added Language [Sylvan] (7 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Added Language [Monster] (7 points)
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded [Smooth Talker] with increased skill grades and languages.
  • [10/01/2023] Upgraded Job titles for upgraded skills.
  • [10/01/2023] Added equipment Frilly Clothing [Light Armour] F (0 points, seamstress)
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Post frequency: Daily-Weekly
Discord Name: N/A
Physical Description:
Equipped titles- [Monster]
Occupation- Gladiator
Height: 6’8”
Weight- 249 ibs.

Goals: To become the ultimate gladiator.

Born in the late 80’s Veëin wasn’t a bright child though intelligence wasn’t really needed for competitive weight lifting, though sadly he did past trying to protect others in a bank robbery, getting shot by the robbers as he tried to protect as much people as he could.

Being Reincarnated into a new world his luck ran out and he was born into the darkest or darker side of entertainment to the public, fighting to the death in front of hundreds of eyes, also known as the brutal ‘art’ of the gladiator. In his younger ages of being a gladiator he barely survived the brutal and bloody fights, though as the years past his morale and strength peaked even higher. Becoming more brutal and brutal after each fight past, using his sword less and less and using his armors and his own teeth and using his strength to rip and tear. Becoming what he was, a monster.

Points at start: 105
Points earned: 0
Points spent: 105

Strength- C (21)
Precision- F (0)
Intelligence- F (0)
Vitality- C (21)
Speed- F (0)

Fighting Style- [Blood Bath] F,(7),A brutal fighting style that includes a mixture of violent attacks including slashing, biting ripping, tearing and other actions similar to that. Making a spectacular bloodbath for entertainment.
Bleed - Continuing F - attacks of this style inflict wounds that bleed and continue to hurt target overtime. 1 minute.

[Slashing] Resistance (F) Defensive (7)
Passive - cannot be put into abilities but can be utilized even while character is unconscious
While immunity is not possible for fairness, if the skill and vitality are high enough, it's as good as in most cases.
Character takes reduced damage/pain/debuffs/set backs when hit by an attack, technique, or hazard using same/similar element.

Superstrength (F) grade Strength (14 points)

Mouth/Claw access- F (14)

Great sword- D (21)

Blood Shower- (F) - Super Strength (F), Bloodbath (F). Once Veëin attacks an enemy successfully, the enemy goes through a bleed effect for a minute. 0 cooldown.

Execution- F - Super Strength F - once an enemy is weakened after they were hit with the blood shower ability, they try and end the enemy's life with a bloody execution. 0 cooldown

[SPOILER="Theme song”]

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Senjou Kanno


Rp'er Name: Valkan
Post Frequency:
From twice a day to once a week, I’ll try to inform in advance.
Discord Name: Valkan#4125
Current RP: Perilous Puddles
- Blow things up.
- Find a fair cause to blow things up.
Height: 6' 7"/ 201 cm
Weight: 218 lbs/ 99.1 kg
Backstory: Cid Alvarez was a shut-in otaku through and through. He lived his life stuck in his room, playing games and watching anime. His only excursions outside were to get supplies for his next week or so in his room to the nearby supermarket. His inheritance and trauma fueled lifestyle was cut short, when on one of his trips to the supermarket, a nearby gas leak blew him to the next life.
Current Life: Unlike the black void of oblivion he expected, Cid was presented with a choice. One that was basically a given for him. Either move on to the afterlife, or be revived in another world. Without a second thought, he took the dream isekai life. A mage experimenting with an enchanted heart had a terrible accident, and lost his life. Cid was given that heart and body for him to live. To his recollections after exploring the village he now lived in, the guy whose body he took was extremely reserved. No one even knew his name. His Japanophile heart saw the opportunity and took it. Now taking on the moniker Senjou Kanno, which if his broken japanese didn't fail him, meant "Holy Battlefield". With a new cool name to go under, Senjou discovered this body's affinity for magic, and the properties of his blood after doing some reading in his house. This just kept getting better and better...
Equipped Titles: Human, Mage
- Human - Humans are normal humans and the most dominant and numerous race in the world.
- Mage - Character is a specialist in combat magic.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - D
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • Regeneration F - Passive - cannot be put into abilities but can be utilized even while character is unconscious
    Character automatically starts to heal itself if the character is not killed or body is destroyed. Does not apply to Mental 'damage'. This includes regrowing severed appendages. Amount of vitality recovered is equal to grade of skill per combat round.
  • Focus F - The ability to concentrate in stressful situations, and the knowledge of techniques to center the mind and spirit. Can be an important skill for mages and marksmen. Allows character to ignore varying degrees of distraction as it levels up to improve ability effectiveness even while moving or under threat.
    Each grade of Focus enables character to use 1 additional magic item at a time.
  • Magic E - Character has become aware of the mana in their body and can now learn to channel it. May be combined with other skills to create magical spells and abilities. Required to cast spells. Requires Catalyst item. This skill must be higher than any of the other magical skills acquired to enhance a spells effects.
  • Fire Affinity F - Represents Character's affinity with a specific type or genre of mana application. A type gives the mana a form and purpose. Allows the character to make attacks or other techniques with that affinity imbued into it allowing for new or enhanced effects.
  • Blast Affinity F - Represents Character's affinity with a specific type or genre of mana application. A type gives the mana a form and purpose. Allows the character to make attacks or other techniques with that affinity imbued into it allowing for new or enhanced effects.
  • Magic Range F - Character has found a way to make their magic affect targets up to 10ft away.
  • Magic Area of Effect F - Character can impact an area of 10ft radius with their magic.
  • Appraisal E - Created with the ability for being a Player Character (isekai character), this ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown (ex: Grade of Threat of a monsters). For things higher than F grade, it may get just a name or ??? until the character's Appraisal becomes more powerful.
  • Feature: Catalyst Heart - grants character catalyst item as a heart
  • Black Flame Breath - Magic E, Fire Affinity F, Magic Range F, Magic Area of Effect F - Senjou slowly breathes out, spewing a torrent of dark flames up to 10 feet long, up to 3 feet wide - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Black Flame Wave - Magic E, Fire Affinity F, Magic Range F, Magic Area of Effect F - A 6 feet wide wave of dark flames raises and is sent forth, up to 10 feet away - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Black Ignition Point - Magic E, Fire Affinity F, Blast Affinity F, Magic Range F, Magic Area of Effect F - Senjou designates a spot up to 10 feet away and with a hand sign detonates a 5 feet wide explosion - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Black Blast - Magic E, Fire Affinity F, Blast Affinity F, Magic Area of Effect F - With a limb motion, Senjou can cast a concussive black flame blast forward. It travels 3 feet and is 1 foot wide - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Steel Mana Reactor E (Catalyst) - A device of magic nature, grafted onto Senjou's chest. It acts as a magic focusing device.
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Travel Backpack
  • Bedroll
  • Arcana Books
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Old Wood and Stone Shack
  • Basic Set of Worn Household Items
  • Small Library of Magic Related Books
  • Artificer Tools
Change Log:
  • 7/6/22 - Character approved
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Kimberly "Hermes" Michael Parrish

Rp'er Name: Malacina
Post Frequency: Weekly
Discord Name: Malacina#8404
Current RP: N/A
Previous RP: Perilous Puddles
Kimberly: To become a cartographer and help move things forward.
Malacina: Wants him to figure out that he's not invincible, that he doesn't need a grand 'purpose' to help.
Equipped Titles:
[Fae] - Fae are creatures infused with magic and nature. They are the least numerous people in the world but some of the longer-lived.
[Ryken Adventurer E] - The character is an adventurer of the Ryken adventurer guild. The character has shown promise & is no longer required to participate in basic training or mundane odd jobs. They still have a way to go, but they at least know the basics now.
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 167lbs
Backstory: Kimberly's mom was sixteen when she had him and his biological dad, surprisingly, did not stick around (or maybe he was never made aware to begin with). It was for this, that he was essentially raised by his grandmother while his mother finished school and got a job. His grandmother passed away suddenly when he was seven, leaving just him and his mom who struggled for a few years before finding stability. When Kimberly was eleven, his mother started dating a man that would two years later become his step-dad. By the time Kimberly graduated high school, his mom and step-dad had several kids of their own - twin daughters and a son.

Kimberly grew up with limited supervision, leaving him to his own devices which ultimately led him to climbing things he wasn't supposed to climb on, breaking things on accident, and drawing on the walls. He kept those habits as he grew up by starting to train in parkour, spray painting, and getting into trouble with cops over trespassing and vandalism. Despite the fact that his mom was often busy, he was actually very close to her as she always made the most of the time she did have with him. Kimberly did get along with his step-dad, but the relationship is strained - Kimberly doesn't regard the man as a paternal figure and despite not meaning to the man favors his own children.

Kimberly was never one for school and ended up getting a delivery job that allows him to use his gymnastics and parkour training after high school. His parents always wanted him to be safer, but ultimately it wasn't his carelessness that did him in. There was a fire and someone was screaming about a child still in the house. The front door was blocked and firefighters weren't on the scene. It was easy for Kimberly to get into the house through an open window on the second floor. It was not easy to find the scared child.

He's not sure what actually did him in, he's not sure if he actually did help that child.
Current Life: To be honest, Kimberly's life hasn't changed that much. The world is different and he's a little different, but it's the same. [God] had talked about a purpose, he liked the sound of that, it was something Kimberly didn't have before. The only thing was that Kimberly didn't know how to help the world move forward. He wasn't smart and he wasn't really a fighter.

Like most things in his life, Kimberly stumbled onto a solution. It was a run-in with a bandit attacking a traveler, a jump off a waterfall hand in hand, and a short trek back to the main city of Ryken where the traveler took Kimberly to the Adventuring Guild Hall. The job offer as a runner was easy to take. His primary job was to deliver job postings to other guild members, but his position has also given him the opportunity to meet with a variety of craftsmen including some of the guild's cartographers.

Kimberly wasn't smart and he wasn't really a fighter, but he could draw and he didn't fear exploring. Proper maps, maps that would allow for better trade routes, new mining sites, new...just new things, things Kimberly can't think help but think will make the world move forward. Of course, though, he can't just become a cartographer, and proving himself worthy of an actual apprenticeship is his current priority.

Acquired Titles: [Fae] [Ryken Adventurer E]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 30
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 30

Strength: 7 = E
Precision: 7 = E
Intelligence: 7 = E
Vitality: 0 = F
Speed: 14 = D

Character Grade: ((7 + 7 + 7 + 0 + 14) / 5) = 7 = E

  • Fast F - Covers more land faster than normal.
    At Grade F, 12mph (max). 7 pts to upgrade. Requires: Speed E.
  • Jumping F - Can leap vertically and horizontally large distances.
    At Grade F, vertically 3 yards/horizontally 10 yards max. 7 pts to upgrade. Requires: Strength E.

  • Magic F - Aware of the mana in their body and can learn to channel it. 7 pts to upgrade. Requires: Intelligence E.
  • [Wind] Affinity F - Affinity with a specific type or genre of mana application. 7 pts to upgrade. Requires: Intelligence E.
  • Feature [Ambidexterity]
  • Feature [Direction Sense]
  • Feature [Joint Dislocation]

  • Connected [Adventurer's Guild] E - Character has shown promise & is no longer required to participate in basic training or mundane odd jobs. They still have a way to go, but they at least know the basics now. 7 pts to upgrade.
  • Acrobatics F - Perform feats of agility with minimal chance for injury. 7pts to upgrade. Requires: Precision E.
  • Perception F - Talent for spotting, hearing, or otherwise detecting the presence of something. General awareness of your surroundings and the keenness of your senses. 7pts to upgrade. Requires: Character Grade E.
  • (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also, list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)

  • Parkour! - Fast F, Acrobatics F, Perception F, Jumping F, Feature [Direction Sense] - A character is able to move through an area, negotiating obstacles rapidly and efficiently without the use of equipment by running, vaulting, jumping, climbing, rolling, and other movements. Activation of the ability allows for the character to chain movements that can move the character X distance. X is based on the Grade of Fast & Jumping. Without the Climbing skill, these movements cannot be used to scale vertically without aid.
  • Hypermobility - Feature [Joint Dislocation], Acrobatics F - A character has an unusually or abnormally great range of movement in a joint/joints without damaging ligaments or putting strain on the body. Activation of the ability allows for an abnormal range of motion without harm. The degree of movement range and harm that is displaced is based on the Grade of the ability.
  • None
  • Bedroll, Hammock, & Waterskin [1].
  • Rations [7].
  • Messenger Bag & Travel Sack.
  • Waterproof Map Case & Multiple Maps.
  • Simple Compass.
  • Graphite & Parchment [3].
  • None
Change Log:

  • Character Initial Creation: 14 pts for Speed F to D. 7 pts for Precision F to E. 7 pts for Intelligence F to E. 7 pts for Strength F to E.
    7 pts for Magic F. 7 pts for Wind Affinity F. 7 pts for Fast. 7 pts for Jumping. 7 pts for Acrobatics. 7 pts for Perception.
    7 pts for each Feature [Ambidexterity, Direction Sense, Joint Dislocation]. 7 pts for Connection.
  • Connection [Adventure's Guild] F upgraded to E for Perilous Puddles RP.
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Johnny Scoville

Rp'er Name: accursedjobber
Post Frequency: Daily probably
Discord Name: Gratething43#0637
Current RP: None
- Get a Gun
- Get Stinking rich
- Be acknowledged as the best at something
- Find the depths of criminality
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 5'8
Weight: 130lb
Backstory: Number 51015136496, a lifetime of hard work, ignorance of all earthly pleasures yet in a past life this was the result a measly number bordering to a level in desolation, the results cumulating into being shanked and dumped into a dumpster by a rigged game from fellow dirty cops by his side all along with no hopes of seeing that number rise every day, upon his death rattles a epiphany appeared .
Current Life: Festering thoughts were given a second chance as he dedicated this reincarnation towards new ideals growing shifty along with a aptitude in cards and simple tricks storing his winnings until one day he was gone from Home. Defying the past via Thieving, dealing and flair are now the key virtues driving this delusional optimist drive towards a selfish desire for entertainment and to explore the depths of this new world
Acquired Titles: Human, Ryken Adventurer F
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 23
Points Spent: 105 21
Points Not Spent: 2

Strength - E
Precision - C
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - D
  • Fighting Style [Former Enforcer of My Rights] Club E - An adapted form of restraint training taught in a past life for use with a baton used to restrain and disable Opposition with added punch and flair where there is no judge overseeing your actions, everything is fair.
  • // Dapper Knee capper [F]- [Drain] Speed - A disable technique to weaken the target by striking hard at their knees to reduce their speed by 1 grade
  • // Homerun to Sender [F] - [Range] - throw a object in the air and hit it with the club striking it towards the target from a distance
  • Steady Hands (E) - Character is good at keeping hands still even while the character may be running or performing other outrageous maneuvers. Allows for aiming or performing hand gestures for spells as well as simpler actions while on the move without taking penalties to action effectiveness
  • Slight of Hand (D)- A character with this Skill has superior manual dexterity. This includes the ability to perform “magic” tricks, palm small objects, cheat at cards, plant an item on someone, etc.
  • Deception (F)- The ability to convincingly hide the truth, either verbally or through actions. This deception can encompass everything from misleading others through ambiguity and fast-talking, to telling outright lies
  • Plant Evidence[D] - Slight of hand [D], Steady Hands [E] - after a hit with a club, a item is thrown at a short distance towards the target flicked from within the coat pockets at them . - (2 turn cooldown)
  • Rule 14 violation [E]- Fighting style [E] , Dapper knee capper [F], Steady hands[E] - Throwing the club into his other hand , he divots downwards to their knee striking hard in a single motion. (1 turn cooldown)
  • Ranged Assault Charge[E]- Fighting style[E], Homerun to sender [F] - Chucking a item from his inventory to quickly swing into it sending it flying towards the unlucky receiver. (1 turn cooldown)
  • Baseball Bat E - Dynamo lily - The only remnant of his up bringing, a homemade wooden bat with memorabilia of his past life appearing as nonsense while being crudely painted red, after all baseball is cool.
  • Light Armour F (Speed D)
  • Bedroll
  • Rations
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • 2x Waterskin
  • Pack of Cards
  • cloth bag filled with dice, dominos, currency mixed inside
  • 25x small 'Valuable' stones
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)
  • Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Perilous Puddles
    • Grade F - characters are still learning the basics. They may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by themselves.
    • optional title acquired [Ryken Adventurer] - character is an adventurer of the ryken adventurer guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable.
    • 23 points (15/10/22)
  • 15/10/22]
    • upgraded Club- F to E (7pts)
    • Light Armour - F (7pts)
    • Added ability that actually uses saved technique (7pts)
    • 21points (Fuck)
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Lucian Aster


Rp'er Name:

Post Frequency:

Discord Name:
⚔ 𝕁𝕒𝕪 ⚔#6861

Current RP:

Learn to invoke principalities in other dimensions to cast spells
Get his own place to reside and stay
Master various martial arts

Equipped Titles:
Human | Mage |

6′2″ (1.88 m)

180 lbs (81.65 kg)

Despite how impoverished they were living on a farm, Lucian's father believed they couldn't survive in this world because of how things were getting and not to mention the unfortunate circumstance of his mother passing very shortly after giving birth to Lucina, which left his father distraught. So, after leaving for a remote mountain location in search of a man who could heal wounds, his father surrendered his son to a retired monk. His father would enlist to become a knight for a nearby kingdom in an effort to try to fix his life, leaving Lucian with the monk. Yao was the monk who Lucian spent his formative years with. As Lucian approached his 19th birthday, Yao decided it was time to start teaching him the mystic and martial arts so he could live in this world.

Lucina discovered that he could access energy from other dimensions, where it was inexhaustible, rather than using the energy that was already present in or around him. Lucian would be able to use this to his advantage by condensing extra-dimensional energy into melee weapons. He immediately ended his training midway because he had goals for the future and enrolled in an academic institution to study in order to obtain a job should he require any certifications.

Current Life:
After receiving his diploma, Lucian set out to explore the world. It was a simple and naïve decision, but Lucian needed the freedom and wanted to develop his abilities. He was looking for a fabled book that would aid him in developing his learned powers. He frequently travels and would not stay in one spot.

Acquired Titles:
Human | Mage |

Points at Start:

Points Earned:

Points Spent:

Points Not Spent:


Strength - D
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - E


[Melee Weapons] Affinity F
Magic F
Extra-Dimensional Magic Affinity F
Fighting Style [Aikido] - Grade F - [Natural Weapon]
Multidimensional - somehow your attack defies the boundaries of reality allowing attacks to be capable of hitting ghosts, vapors, energies, and other nearly invulnerable targets and hurt them just as effectively as normal attacks.
Sixth Sense F- Can sense spirits and incorporeal beings

Extra-Dimensional Melee Constructs
- F grade - Magic F, Extra-Dimensional Magic Affinity F, Melee Weapons Affinity F - cooldown 0 - By harnessing the energy drawn from other dimensions, it can be used to form constructs of tangible extra-dimensional energy, such as melee weapons and shields that are yield in their hands before it vanishes or breaks before the next post. Visually, the constructs produce sparks and fiery energy in a yellow/orange color palette that is capable of giving off not only light, but also warmth.

Dimensional Interaction - F Grade - Fighting Style [Aikido] F - (Natural Weapons) - Multidimensional - [Immaterial Combat] - cooldown 0 - He is capable of physically defying the borders of reality and interacting with incorporeal beings and matter such as ghosts, intangibility, astral forms/beings, energy, quasi-physical matter such as vapor, smoke, aerial beings, etc, through natural weapons.

Equipment: Magic Catalyst F, Natural Weapon F

Fire Starter Kit

Assets: N/A

Change Log: N/A

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User Tag: Seafo
Post Frequency: Varies. Daily at minimum, though I may post multiple times per day depending on the number of RPs I'm in. Availability increases on Weekends.
Discord Name: Jaime#7795
Current RP: On a friendly stroll in the underworld.


”Say, don't you feel like this is an invasion of privacy?
"I'll save you the time. There's nothing else here for you, so please, feel free to move on with your life."
"Farewell, for now. I do hope we can have a pleasant conversation sometime in the future."

”...What, still here?"

“I was serious, you know.”
“Please find something else to do.”

Height: 181 cm (5'11)
Weight: 58.51 kg (129 lbs)
Acquired Titles: Serpentkin, Beast
Equipped Titles: Serpentkin | Beast

Serpentkin - A primarily humanoid race typically harboring traits similar to that of a serpentine. These traits can be anywhere from forked tongues, partially or fully scaled skin and - most predominantly - detailed, reptilian eyes akin to that of, appropriately, serpent-like eyes.

Rumored to have uniquely mysterious powers contained within the eyes.
Fairly rare and infrequent, due to generally being considered a particularly bad omen, even among monsters.

Prerequisites - Feature [ Scaled Skin ], Feature [ Snake Eyes ]

♦ Find a nice patch of quiet, secluded land to do some gardening.
♦ Kill anyone who tramples on said gardening.
♦ Whatever's entertaining.

General Appearance: Izanami has very long, thick, and curly black hair she ties in a high ponytail with a long, red ribbon. It reaches past down her hips, and two locks of hair that rest on either of her shoulders split into two locks that intertwine around each other. Her bangs are cut straight above her eyes, which are crimson red with elliptical, snake-like pupils.

She has an incredibly pale complexion, but a youthful appearance. Izanami wears a white dress that ends below her knees with a black and red -accented coat over it. She wears a black neckband around her neck, and shoes of the same color with black straps that intertwine up her legs.

In the past, she had much shorter hair, only falling to the back of her neck.

╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼ ╼( PERSONALITY )╼ ╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼

"You humans are such loud creatures."
"If you want to live longer lives, then maybe you should try to be a little more quiet."

Izanami is a completely benign living being, entirely and utterly shaped by her total understanding of the irrational nature of her moral rationality. She can normally be described as a very pleasant and genuinely thoughtful individual, yet one whose goals and mindset are indisputably ‘inhuman’ in both inherent nature and comprehension.

In truth - for someone who can, in almost every definition of the word, be labelled a psychopathic misanthrope who's only interest is her own sick entertainment - Izanami holds an unusually pure mindset on existence as a whole, viewing the concept of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ as equal in nature. In fact, Izanami both holds a special appreciation for the simplicity and even beauty of what humankind and its compatriots can achieve, enamored and even supportive of the power of emotions.

However, this state of mind can cut either way, primarily appearing in her nigh-complete disregard for the value of living creatures or any kind of philosophical belief, such as religion, emotional attachment, and the meaning of life - among other subjects.
This is not born from a lack of understanding, but in part of her inconsequential and lackadaisical treatment of morality, she simply does not perceive the importance in other living beings' thoughts or feelings - intelligent or not - past the surprisingly single-minded track of logical fact.
As a dangerous consequence of this, and while she may sometimes appear mercurial and nonchalant, Izanami is actually highly calculative, manipulative, and fully aware of the heinous acts she may commit.

Subsequently, Izanami is classified as a completely erratic and unpredictable individual wielding an unnaturally high level of power in a purportedly inane, irresponsible nature. She is as capable of being on the side of justice as she is causing major incidents, often orchestrating scenarios purely to create 'entertainment’ - such as pitting humans against monster without thought or care for the consequences that follow.
The only major exception to this comes from the damaging of her gardening, an activity that she universally finds soothing and comforting for her. Threats to this almost immediately incur a violent, territorial reaction, usually with the intention of killing the persecuted.

Due to all the above, Izanami holds the potential to be dangerous to almost anything she crosses, a trait only offset by her whimsical nature and overall desire to pursue her gardening rather than actively seek conflict.

That isn't to say a sleeping terror isn't a terror, nonetheless.


"Guess what? I have flaws. What are they? Oh, dear, I don’t know…
I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time watering my plants.
Occasionally, I’ll commit first degree murder."

"Everyone is just waiting,"
"Waiting for it all to be over."
"And I cannot close off my mind and join into the madness of normalcy. Of 'sanity'. It would drive me insane."

"I don't believe that life is beholden to make sense to you, though I personally think it's easier that way."

"Genocide is just another game. It doesn't matter if it's humankind or monsters, I just do whatever strikes my fancy."
"Haven't you realized by now? I don't care how anyone behaves, so long as it's fun."

Once upon a time, Izanami Valentine was an ambitious, young, and promising student of the medical field. Her experience of fifty-nine years brought her across the entire spectrum of emotion, from pure and raw determination to save a life, to the tear-stained grief in losing a patient. In her younger years, she was best described as jovial, upbeat, and ready on a moment's notice to learn. In her mid-thirties towards her late forties, she was somewhat more muted, but still portrayed the wisdom of a doctor far older than her age. Lastly, in her fifties, she had mellowed out, more behind the wooden desk than behind the scalpel as she vigorously worked herself towards - what some colleagues called - an early grave.

Unbeknownst to most, Izanami's truest self existed behind the confines of closed doors, locked away from patient and coworker alike. She wasn't sure if she had been born the way she had, but the only thing the woman before Izanami Valentine had in her interests was escaping the world. Escaping people. The people around her who - her irrational mind reminded her decrypt, misanthropic thoughts - she had never once cared for.

For that reason, she had grown old and alone, though she couldn't call herself depressed or particularly sad.
At first, she had tried therapists and medication, believing in those endless seminars that she might be happy if she pursued the right mental health specialists.
Then, she tried fulfillment - that came in piano, and in art, and in yoga - yet, nothing in particular made her happy.
Last, she sought a family, yet love had a man done but she had loved none back. Whether sexual love, genuine love, or even the platonic love it ended as, nothing sufficed.
Then, she hurt someone.

A lot of someones. For a while, it was actually interesting - a slip up of the hand there that lead to a preventable death here, and the reactions really did bring out some fascination for Izanami.
Yet, like all things, and even eventually to her disgust, Izanami found that she didn't quite like hurting people either. Objects they may be, all games got boring eventually.

If the woman before Izanami Valentine were to be honest with herself, she was bored of this life. Cliché as it may be, everything was simply so dull, having grown up with the expectations of a radical, ever-changing life.

But in reality, the world was so boring.
She didn't have a particularly strong reason to live,
Though, she can't say she didn't want to die either.

Her sixtieth birthday was spent alone. None of her coworker were informed, and neither was the day taken off. Rain had drenched the entire week by now.

On one end of Shibuya Crossing, the woman who would become Izanami Valentine lifted the watch up to her face, and stared at the time between thick glasses.

With a hum to herself, she looked up at the white silhouette of a man prompting her to walk across, eyes trailing up to the sky.

Huh, she thought to herself, Today's my birthday.

Her lips made not so much a twitch as that had come to her attention,
And, in the next two seconds, a truck slammed into her form, tires screeching to a halt as they instantly reduced the top half of her body to a red stain on the cobalt.
Blood dripped on the front face of her wristwatch, as it tick, tick, ticked on, regardless of the screams that echoed around it.

"All things take in the colors of the world around them, blooming into beautiful flowers,"
"And eventually, once they've bloomed, are soon to return to the soil, returning their colors to the world anew."

The world brightened.

A loose memory of a disembodied figure calling out to her in the darkness had struck her, but all at once, it simmered away to the back of her mind. With a slight headache, Izanami Valentine's vision slowly faded in as she stared across the new world sprawled around her.
Fauna flourished, a beautiful, blue sky untouched by the smog and stains of human advancement.
Exotic animals danced around her pale feet, the wind tickling her naked form.
And just then, she had realized as she outstretched her fingers, she had felt young again. So much younger than before, and the vitality - the depth of senses, the bristling strength in her bones - Izanami Valentine was born as no human, and yet...

It had been... what? Forty years since she had last smiled genuinely?
And yet, now, one painted her face.

"A world worth living in."

Reborn as Izanami Valentine, a Medusa, and monster-kind with a significantly lengthier longevity, Izanami S. Valentine chose her name from her former nation's favorite god as it's first, and her original surname as it's last. With this aforementioned "second chance", Izanami's only desire is to fulfill her ravenous need for entertainment, a hole mostly filled in her newfound and apparent appreciation in something as simple as gardening.

However, as time passes and the strength of her new form increases, her old tendencies - that of a vicious, unempathetic psychopath, now armed with the strength of an inhuman form - lay just beneath the surface of her fragile, flower-spudded reprieve.

Waiting. Festering.


Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Unspent: 0

Strength: C (21) | Precision: F (0) | Intelligence: F (0) | Vitality: D (14) | Speed: D (14)
Overall Grade: E

Name: Appraisal
Cost: 0
Rank: F
Requirements: Meta-Knowledge, F-Grade Character
Type: Defensive Skill
Description: Acquired by nature of having come from another world.
This character knows important information pertaining to a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown (e.g. - the Grade of Threat for a monster). For things higher than this skill's grade, it presents itself as a ??? until this skill becomes more powerful.

Limited to a single target within 5 feet, though other features may augment this.

Name: Fast
Cost: 7
Rank: F
Requirements: E-Grade Speed
Type: Defensive Skill
Description: Skill relating solely for character ability to cover ground and is not related to dodging.

This character can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting self easily. At rank 'F', the maximum for this is 12 mph.

Name: Feature,「Scaled Skin」
Cost: N/A
Rank: N/A
Requirements: Serpentkin Title
Type: Cosmetic
Description: Pale, scale-like flecks sprawl out across Izanami's cheeks, familiar to that of her race. The discoloration of the skin is due to the body, despite its humanoid nature, being cold-blooded. This has the added effect of making Izanami's skin cold to the touch, alike that of an Undead.

Name: Feature,「Snake Eyes」
Cost: N/A
Rank: N/A
Requirements: Serpentkin Title
Type: Cosmetic
Description: Uniquely detailed red-colored, serpentine irises harbored by Izanami, and native to her race. These eyes are said to be a bad omen and are rumored to contain the potential to act as catalysts of magic or harbingers of curses for those that look directly into them.

However, due to the lack of frequent Serpentkin sightings, this rumor is neither confirmed nor denied.

Name: Fighting Style,「Pristine Techniques Used to Kill Things」
Cost: 7
Rank: F
Requirements: Relevant equipment, E-Grade stats to relevant equipment.
Type: Martial Skill
Description: Training with a specific style and equipment that incurs an advanced martial free when fighting with it. With each grade in a Fighting Style, the character may learn an additional technique for free.

In this case, Izanami employs these techniques through the use of her bare fists. It's quite a spectacle, though frankly, some might call it utterly terrifying.
The only difference between utilizing this fighting style and her normal fighting is her intent switching from a casual occasion to legitimately wanting to maim or outright murder something.

Incurable - Rank: F - Through unknown means, when Izanami seriously fights, her strikes inflict damage that cannot be healed through conventional means. Only unless one's own sustainability is greater than her capacity to inflict her unhealable damage can one begin to recover from her strikes.

Name: Physical Resistance
Cost: 21
Rank: F
Requirements: E-Grade Vitality
Type: Defensive Skill
Description: This character takes reduced damage/pain/debuffs/setbacks when hit by an attack, technique, or hazard that inflicts physical damage.

Name: Regeneration
Cost: 7
Rank: F
Requirements: E-Grade Character
Type: Defensive Skill
Description: A passive ability. It cannot be put into abilities proper, but can be utilized even while the character is unconscious.

This character automatically starts to heal itself if the character is not killed, or the body is not destroyed. Does not apply to 'Mental' damage.
Regeneration includes regrowing severed appendages, and the amount of vitality is equal to the grade of skill per combat round.

"Would you kindly get off my lawn?" (F)
Relevant Skills: Pristine Techniques Used to Kill Things [ Fists - F ], Fast [ F ], Incurable [F]
Type: Offensive Ability
Range: 5 ft.
Cooldown: None.

Description: After a visual gesture of annoyance, wherein Izanami gives an obvious visual tell of leaning forward and sharpening her eyes, she moves the clear the given range in a straight line and attempt to strike the first thing that crosses in her path, usually with the intention to violently maim or murder the unfortunate victim. With the added bonus of her employing this technique as a 'serious strike', wounds inflicted by this technique apply Incurable [F].

Designed to be an infamous 'dashing strike'. Izanami employs it as a tactic to get rid of unassuming opponents as quickly and efficiently as possible, or simply to teach someone an unforgettable lesson.
She doesn't like doing it, however, as it's quite taxing to pull off.

Admittedly, however, the sudden shock on most individual's faces is "quite fun".

  • Natural Weapon: Bare Hands - Rank: F - Cost: 14 Points
    Description: Izanami Valentine's bare hands. It's born more from her unnatural strength, but it's dangerous enough as-established.
  • Thing - Rank: N/A
    Description: (Describe the item)
  • Thing - Rank: N/A
    Description: (Describe the item)

  • Whetstone - A whetstone for igniting a spark. Probably could also bludgeon someone to death with this.
  • Campfire Kit - A kit for making fires. Remember: only YOU can stop forest fires.
  • Black Parasol - A black parasol for blocking out that pesky sun.
  • Watering Can - A watering can for all your watering needs.
  • Sunflower Seed Packets - Definitely not stolen. Sunflower Seeds to start a nice, simple garden.
  • Flowering Pot - A pot to hold a single, lone flower. Mobile garden, in Izanami's eyes.

ASSETS: (List here, potentially w/ Cost.)

  • Change Made (and/or with Post Name/URL) - Points Spent/Gained - Other - Date
  • Change Made (and/or with Post Name/URL) - Points Spent/Gained - Other - Date
  • Change Made (and/or with Post Name/URL) - Points Spent/Gained - Other - Date
  • Change Made (and/or with Post Name/URL) - Points Spent/Gained - Other - Date
  • Change Made (and/or with Post Name/URL) - Points Spent/Gained - Other - Date

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The Elder Scrolls V  Skyrim Special Edition Screenshot 2022.07.05 - (2).png

Rp'er Name:: Shadow Dancer
Post Frequency: Daily or weekly
Discord Name: Indicus#3583
Current RP:
Survive and figure out the secrets his body holds and perhaps who his parents are.
Equipped Titles: Dragonborn, Beast, Ryken Adventurer F
Height: 5 Feet 11 Inches
Weight: 180 Pounds
Backstory: Indicus was once a promising career criminal doing odd jobs to earn enough to eat another day in Lile, the technology capital of the Lindel Kingdom where the average citizen would slave away in some factory, join the Lindel Army and wake up to cannon fire, wizard ambushes or an enemy necromancers pet skeleton or join the criminal underworld where you did shady odd jobs in the hope of earning enough of a reputation that you could get jobs that earned enough for you to live comfortably. Unfortunately for most none of these choices will see you living past thirty. Indicus started his life of crime after his mother died in a factory accident when he was seventeen. It started as running drugs for small time dealers then five years later he was known by many small gangs and even some of the larger ones for his reliability. In another year he could have been on his way to becoming a household name in the criminal world of Lile. But like many before him his luck ran dry and he got ambushed by his employers rivals and received a sword through the chest for his troubles, dying at the age of twenty two.
Current Life: Indicus was quite surprised to find he hatched out of an egg in a cave in the middle of a forest and that he was not even human anymore. He quickly grasped the ins and outs of using his new body and set out to explore his surroundings, abusing his appraisal ability the moment he learned how to use it. After ten years of making barely functional clothing from plants or finding some off a dead adventure that was better than nothing Indicus grew capable enough to exit the forest and saw that about a couple miles in the distance was a city which he would later find to be called Ryken. Indicus is now eighteen and has been doing odd jobs for people for six years making enough to live and even make his cave home in the forest more homely. Over those years he has noticed an increase in his physical capabilities starting from fourteen when he found out in the most painful way possible that he could suddenly jump three yards strait up and even jump clear over some small rivers and later when he found he could run a speed of up to twelve miles an hour and jog half that speed for hours making his two our trips from his cave home to the city take much less time. After these discoveries he decided to find out his origins and what other surprises his new body held.
Acquired Titles: Beast, Ryken Adventurer F, Dragonborn
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 12
Points Spent: 112
Points Not Spent: 5
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - E(7)
Precision - D(14)
Intelligence - E(7)
Vitality - F(0)
Speed - E(7)
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)

  • [Movement]
    Fast F (12mph MAX) (7)
    Jumping F (vertically 3yrds/horizontally 10yrds) (7)



    Appraisal E(0)
    Sixth Sense(danger)(7)

    Durable Skin/Hide(Scales)(7)
    Sharp Teeth(0)
  • Fire breathing (0)

  • [Defensive]
  • Undetected (sound) F (14)

  • [Miscellaneous]

    [Secondary Skills]

    Survival F (7)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Reflexive dodge F (Danger sense F + Fast F + Jumping F) (CD 0)- Through a rough life and living alone in a forest full of monsters Indicus has trained his body to react automatically to attacks letting him dodge without thinking. Marcus is unable to completely avoid damage from anyone faster then him, if the speed difference is too large (Two grade difference or S grade) the dodge will fail. If Indicus is unable to sense the danger for any reason this ability can not be used.
  • Fire breath F (Fire breath f) (CD 0): Breath a stream of fire at a target up to 5 feet away
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)

  • Natural weapons F (14)
    Feature: Scales/Natural Armor (light) F
  • Feature: Fire Breath F (7)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)

  • Whetstone
    Fire Starter Kit
    Basic clothing
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.

Received: (12 pt) from RP Perilous Puddles Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Perilous Puddles 10/15/22
Received Title from RP Perilous Puddles [Ryken Adventurer F} 10/15/22
Equip Title [Ryken Adventurer F] 10/15/22
Finally added Sharp Teeth to feature list 10/15/22
Clarified race title as Dragonborn (Thanks Clyvelle) 10/15/22
Added feature Fire breathing 10/15/22
Spent: (7 PT) to get feature: fire breath 10/15/22
Created ability- Fire breath F 10/15/22
Minor clarity corrections 10/16/22
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Todo Sawl
Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency:
As log as theres a post to do, i post.
Discord Name: its a me, Orikanyo#0239
Current RP: None yet
Goals: To be happy, wherever he goes.
Fufillment, in his arts and work.
Companionship, friendship ever lasting.
To be accepted.
Equipped Titles: Beast, Porc
Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 336 lbs
Some are born skinny, some are born large, some have great beauty, some do not. For Todo, he had bother the latter on both cases. He tried everything, but nothing every stuck, his life was one of ridicule and laughter, but he did his best to be good besides the issues. Knowing thag perhaps one day he may be accepted by some folks he helped.

On the unfortunate day of his death, he died in an unfortunate accident. Late at night, he was walking down the street, a beautiful woman pulled out of a building infront of him, rather rudely cutting him off. He paid it no mind, of course, he was just part of the scenery anyways, what had he to say against the lucky ones in the world...

But as he kept walking along he noticed... She kept walking down the ways he was going to go. It was.. Abit awkward, but he kept on walking... Perhaps if he sped up and got past he could get home faster and be less awkwArd about it. But.. She started going faster.. Odd... He picked up the pace, so did she. He noticed a car coming up from behind him, a crosswalk coming near. The woman didn't so much as look at the lights befote she all but ran onto the road. The lights were green, the driver was moving too quickly to stop.

Todo did the first he thought of, and tried useing his weight to stop it.

The sacrifice succeeded, but alas he did not survive... Nor did anyone stop. The driver complained up a storm, the woman ran off, he was driven around and left on the side of the road.

His body was found later on in the morning, the story found on cameras from storefronts nearby, the story passed onto the news, nobody was found to talk about the incident, and all things were swept away by the next fad.
Current Life:
A beastman, thats what he woke up to be. In all the animes he had watched, there were a few that put them into the shoes of a orc... But... He doubted they wete those type of stories here. He awoke with memories, of a family, a war long ago, brothers and sisters missing, and him being one of the few left he knew of. But, in a new body, in a new world, he figured he... Had an actual chance to do better this time around, his mind swam with skills, dos and don't for a man such as he...

Perhaps... Yes... Here in this world... He will make it a better place... Not just for himself.

...Though he should probably start with himself for the moment, and maybe from breakfast.
Acquired Titles:
Beast, Porc

Porc- A possible subset of Orc, is a large humanoid porcine with large statures, frame and typically belly, they boast pig noses and sturdy bodies, they can be quite fiersome at first but cowardly if injured. Good survivalists by nature. Prereq, Feature [Pig snout], Intimidation skill, survival skill, D minimum Vitality

[Expiry Touched] - You have been touched by the Expiry Queen and lived, while not many know who she is, those around you will get an eerie feeling around you. More nefarious characters are fonder around you and even have some sort of respect for you due to your experience with the Expiry Queen.

Note: [Expiry Touched] can only be obtained when confronted and was able to escape the Expiry Queen, an old, secretive and nefarious necromancer who dealt with demons.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 109
Points Spent: 196
Points Not Spent: 4
Strength - C
Precision - D
Intelligence - D
Vitality - C
Speed - D
  • Domestic arts F
  • Intimidation F
  • Enhanced senses Smell F
  • feature [Pig nose] ^
  • Mining F
  • Appraisal E
  • Stealth E
  • Survival E
  • item F
  • Beastial Roar, Intimidation F, The user lets out a deep bellow from within! Aiming to scare away any a singular foe! maybe, if it works, try not to cry as you yell. Grade f 0 Cooldown
  • Prospector's eye, Mining F Appraisal E, utilizing the searching function of appraisal the character puts it to use examining the environment for ore in stone and earth around them. Grade E 1 CD
  • Forager's eye, Appraisal E, Survival E, highlight edible and poisonous plants in the enviroment and scan them to learn their properties! Grade E 1 CD
  • Hidden Hog, Stealth F, Survival E, utilizing your enviroment you create the perfect camoflage from the enviroment around you! Assist is hiding from beasties that try to find you, and even helps you smell like the enviroment to! Grade E 1 CD
  • Iron pickaxe D Mostly a tool, needs some sharpening
  • leather jacket D, good against the cold, and if you crash
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Journal and pen
  • Ore carrying bag.
  • Rope.

item skill grade F 28 points

Super strength F 14
Fast F 7
Jumping 7

A metal walking magitek machine.. got second hand and is, admitably, rather terrible... But gets the job done, and provides a decent enough ride.
  • Turkey, hes a turkey.
Change Log: Newest on bottom.
  • Stats, Str: 14 Per: 7 Int: 14 Vit: 14 Spd: 7 (Total: 56)
  • Skills: 7+7+7+7 = 35 (91 spent)
  • Equipment: 14+7= 14 (105)
  • Post in thread '[Isekai Hell] Summer Moon Festival!' Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Summer Moon Festival! 31 points gained
  • Survival bought and put to E (14 pts, Stealth F bought (7) Precision e-> D
  • Abilities created
  • Points gained, title gained Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] Home of the Nisse october 26, 2022
  • item skill F bought (break down in spoiler) 28 points, Strength increase to C 7 points, vitality increase to C 7 points, Weapon and armor increase e to d 7 points and F to D 14 points. Item skill grade F 28 points, Super strength F 14, Fast F 7, Jumping 7 October 26th 2022
  • 14 points and turkey asset gained Fantasy - Isekai Hell Marketplace 08/11/2022
  • Speed E -> D Stealth F->E 14 points spent 08/11/2022
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Kaori Tsuchimakato
Theme: Theme
Rp'er Name: Saxon
Post Frequency:
As quickly as the pace allows.
Discord Name: Saxon#1232
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Kaori wishes to become a renowned blacksmith and start a business empire.
Equipped Titles: Swordsmen Apprentice, Human, Blacksmith Apprentice
Height: 5'4
Weight: 123 lbs
Backstory: Kaori grew up in a rather poor family, not having much to spend outside of what they needed to. She often shared a bedroom with her three other siblings in their apartment. Besides a very average social life, she worked part-time to help pay the bills and have some spending money and was generally very good at saving money. However, she had always longed for a life where she didn't need to work so hard to make ends meet, and she would soon find herself in a completely different situation. One night she wished for a better life, and that wish would be answered, though; as a result, she died of a heart attack in her sleep.
Current Life: Kaori was born into a relatively poor family but is still better off than her previous one. Her father worked as a blacksmith and, when she was old enough, started to teach her how to use a forge and how to smith items. Upon discovering magic in this world, she quickly made friends with the local artificer, who taught her the basics of making catalysts. With that knowledge, she planned to make a better life for herself and make a ton of money!
Acquired Titles: Swordsmen Apprentice, Human, blacksmith Apprentice
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D (14)
Precision - D (14)
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - F
Speed - E (7)
  • Artisan Blacksmith F (7)
  • Artisan Artificer F (7)
  • Mining F (7)
  • Arcana F (7)
  • Appraisal E (0)
  • Magic F (7)
  • Fire Affinity F (7)
  • Fighting Style Twin blade E, Incurable F, Penetrating (14)
  • Forge- Artisan blacksmith F, Magic F, Fire affinity F - Using her fire affinity Kaori can forge a weapon using her own mana to heat the metal. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Artifice- Artisan Artificer F, Magic F, Fire affinity F, Arcana F- Using her fire affinity Kaori can forge a catalyst using her own mana to heat the metal. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Double strike - Fighting Style Twin blade E, Incurable F - Kaori swings her blades at the right time, and over time, she has been able to deliver blows that are harder to heal by magical means. Grade E - 1 post cooldown
  • Artisans Eye- Artisan Blacksmith F, Artisan Artificer F, Appraisal E- With a trained eye, Kaori can look at a catalyst or weapon of the same grade and determine all the information on an Item. Grade E - 1 post cooldown
  • Razor’s shredder - Fighting Style Twin blade E, Penetrating F- Kaori slices through weapons or armor of grade F weapons and armor below deliver. Grade E - 1 post cooldown
  • Iron Sword F X2 (0, crafted her own)
  • Light armor F (7)
  • wand F (0, crafted her own)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Smithing hammer
  • Pickaxe
Change Log:
Character Creation
  • Artisan Blacksmith F (7)
  • Artisan Artificer F (7)
  • Mining F (7)
  • Arcana F (7)
  • Appraisal F (0)
  • Magic F (7)
  • Fire Affinity F (7)
  • Fighting Style Twin blade E, Incurable, Penetrating - weapon can ignore grades of an item when it is used to defend. F - 1 grade (14)
  • Iron Sword F X2 (crafted her own)
  • Light armor F (7)
  • wand F (crafted her own)
  • Strength - D (14)
  • Intelligence - E (7)
  • Speed - E (7)
  • Precision - D(14)
Last edited:
Nachtum "Nacht"

"Fools set the rules in this world. Just take a look around, its undeniable."

Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency: 2-3 times a week
Discord Name: MEMERShiro#8637
Current RP: N/A
  • Find the origin and purpose behind his ability to see death
  • Return to his home
Equipped Titles: [Human], [Avenger]
Weight: 165lbs
Backstory: N/A
Current Life: A young man hailing from a distant land. Who possesses a peculiar magic which allows him to control his weapon as if it were a literal extension of his will. When he was young he had a near death experience which affected him mentally and physically causing his body to be frail. Ever since then he's been able to perceive the death of others in the form of light. When this ability was eventually revealed he was exiled from his homeland. His people saw the awakening of this ability as an ill omen, and feared what it could mean. He now wanders, searching tirelessly for the reason behind his ominous power. Holding onto the hope that he could one day return home.
[Race] Titles
  • [Human] - Humans are normal humans and the most dominant and numerous race in the world.
[Society] Titles
  • [Avenger] - Character was unable to save much of anything, but they were able to inflict punishment upon those that did harm. Character is more likely to be sought out by those who seek retribution more so than those that seek salvation.
Points at Start: 105(+28)
Points Earned: 58
Points Spent: 189
Points Not Spent: 2
Strength - C
Precision - G
Intelligence - D
Vitality - H
Speed - F
Teleport F
Precognition F
Fighting Style[Caelum Sword Arts] E- A traditional combat style originating from Nacht's home. The Caelum Arts are meant to be used in tandem with his peoples ancestral magic. Prioritizing quick attacks that overwhelm the opponent from multiple angles. All the while incorporating his psychokinetic abilities to move the sword through the air, attacking and blocking.

  • Caelum Arts Form I- Deflect F - One of the most important techniques a student of the Caelum Arts is ever taught, is how to block. Using their Weapon Psychokinesis the practitioner weaves the weapon around them to stop attacks from just about any angle. An interception that opens the opponent up to a retaliatory strike.
  • Caelum Arts Form II- Homing F - A fundamental skill in the Caelum arts. Making use of their Magic the wielder launches the weapon into the air then exercise their control upon it. Making the blade pursue the opponent relentlessly.
Super Sense(Death) E- Nachtum sees the death of living creatures as light. Their departed souls resembling stars rising to the heavens . In his homeland, It is said that the light of expiring souls stems from the door to the land of the dead. The dead or dying have to be within 10ft for him to see it.
Item(Drive Blade) D

  • [Tempus Impetum] - Caelum Sword Arts E, Teleport F - Nachtum teleports to his enemy and follows up with an attack from his sword. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • [Tempus Eludere] - Caelum Arts Form I- Deflect F, Teleport F - Nachtum performs a stationary Teleport where upon reappearing he quickly shifts into a block or parry. This ability would allow him to go from a slash into a block much faster without having to counteract his momentum or move his body physically allowing him to react to attacks faster than the average sword wielder. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Mors Tempus] - Precognition F, Teleport F, Supersens(Death) E - An ability meant as a last ditch effort from Nachtum. When an attack against him would be fatal Nachtum is shown a vision of his death. Automatically in response his body his shifted out of reality and then to another position in order to dodge the attack. If the attack can't be avoided then the ability does not activate. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
A sword created in Nachtums homeland, an old weapon improved upon and maintained over a long period of time. The swords modular nature allows for additions and augmentations to the spells housed within. It is a natural catalyst for his peoples magic thanks to the mana conductive material used in its forging. The engine at the hilt of the sword is filled with a myriad of enchantments that act as enhancements to the wielder. Nachtum due to his constitution, makes liberal use of this ability in battle. Though overuse of the blades enhancers will cause mana fatigue.

  •  Magic D
  • Bolster [Speed] D
  •  Bolster [Vitality] D
  • Bolster [Strength] F
  • Spell Duration F
  • Healing F
  • [Exceed Drive] - Magic D, Bolster [Speed] D, Bolster [Vitality] D, Bolster [Strength] F, Spell Duration F, Healing F - Nachtum presses a switch on the hilt of the blade, causing the engine to come to life as it revs up. Activating the spells contained within the sword soothes his body and amplifies his physical capabilities for one hour. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown

Change Log:

Character Creation 7/10/2022:

  • Lowered Vitality to H gained 14 points
  • Lowered Precision to G gained 7 points
  • Lowered Speed to G gained 7 points
  • Spent 14 points for Strength D
  • Spent 14 points for Intelligence D
  • Spent 14 points for Fighting Style[Caelum Sword Arts] E
    • Added Tech Core Homing
    • Added Tech Core Deflect
  • Spent 14 points for Magic E
  • Spent 7 points for [Weapon Psychokinesis] Affinity F
  • Spent 7 points for Magic Range F
  • Spent 7 points for Super Sense(Death) F
  • Spent 56 points for Item(Drive Blade) E
    • Spent 14 points for Magic E
    • Spent 14 points for Bolster [Speed] E
    • Spent 14 points for Bolster [Vitality] E
    • Spent 7 points for Bolster [Strength] F
    • Spent 7 points for Spell Duration F
Post RP#1 It Came From the Dark Continent 7/26/2022
  • Gained 13 points
  • Acquired Title [Avenger] EQUIPPED
  • [Weapon Psychokinesis] Affinity F Scooped to account for Rule change
  • Magic Skill [Magic] E Scooped to account for Rule change
  • Magic Skill [Magic Range] F Scooped to account for Rule change
  • Gained 7 points from scooping [Weapon Psychokinesis] Affinity F
  • Gained 14 points from scooping [Magic] E
  • Gained 7 points from scooping [Magic Range] F
  • Spent 21 points for Teleportation F
  • Spent 7 points for Speed F
  • Changed Fighting Style[Caelum Sword Arts] E due to lack of necessary skills for original function
  • Ability [Volatilis Gladius] No longer applicable
  • Ability [Telum Obice] No longer applicable
  • Ability [Tempus Impetum] Created
  • Ability [Tempus Eludere] Created
Post RP#2 The Blind Dessert: Part 1 11/9/2022
  • Gained 45 points
  • Spent 28 points on Item(Drive Blade) D
    • Spent 7 points for Magic D
    • Spent 7 points for Bolster [Speed] D
    • Spent 7 points for Bolster [Vitality] D
    • Spent 7 points for Healing F
  • Spent 14 points for Precognition F
  • Spent 7 points for Super Sense(Death) E
  • Spent 7 points for Strength C
  • Ability [Mors Tempus] Created
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Alys of Nhev


Appearance:A very tall young woman, built like an athlete and dressed in the baggy haphazard garb of a carefree wanderer. Her Skin is toned a peachy brown with short messy hair a chalky white and eyes a cloudy pink. Dashing looks hidden behind the giddy expression of a jolly disposition, yet her eyes are suspiciously sharp.

Rp'er Name: squidpeanut

Post Frequency: hopefully weekly, but likely to change over time.

Discord Name: squidpeanut#1555

Current RP:

Slay monster, chase excitement, stand atop the metaphorical peak of strongest being in all of creation just to enjoy the view.

Equipped Titles: Human, Polearm Apprentice, Warrior, Nhevian

Height: 7’3” (221 cm)

Weight: 237 lb (107.5 kg)

Backstory: An insatiable lust for power fueled by intangible memories of impossible experiences. These memories are whispered in a voice Alys has never heard, yet knows to be her own.

Current Life: Alys was born to a tribe of nomadic shepherds Living in a range of mountains far east from the lands of Ryke. Her family herded sheep and goats Traveling between several prime spots for their animals to graze from season to season. It was a beautiful and peaceful life, that Alys found utterly boring. Her soul yearned for the kinds of adventure and excitement that flocks of sheep and the same rocky paths simply could not provide. It wasn’t long then before Alys began seeking out caves and caverns hidden amongst the highlands, pretending to hunt dastardly monsters and reclaim stolen treasures. However, these expeditions yielded little more than startled bats and above average pebbles, save for one where Alys stumbled upon something strange hiding behind an unassuming rock. It was a young orphaned shadow ferret, a species of fae animal that lived in mountain caves and underground caverns drawing from the magic of the ambient shadows to channel spells through their chitinous antentae. It was clear the creature wouldn’t survive on its own and so Alys decided to nurse it back to health. Alys named the Shadow ferret “Ven” and very quickly the pair became inseparable, going everywhere together with Ven riding on Alys’ Shoulder or climbing up and down her clothes.

Thus did Alys spend her childhood and teenage years making the most of the familiar terrain and foggy skies of trapped her sense of adventure in distant tales and ancient legend. Until one day She heard word from a cousin who had helped lead a merchant caravan through the mountains. The merchants had spent most of the trip bickering about current events and political hearsay going on in the lands to the west, and while most was of little value to someone living on a distant mountain from all of that, there was a part that grabbed Alys’ attention and her imagination. Word of an adventurer’s guild in a small nation far to the west called the Protectorate of Ryke. A place where people lead lives of fighting fearsome monsters and protect the common man. A place where Alys’ fantasies seemed to be reality and where she could not stop thinking about at every waking moment. She relentlessly pressured her parents to give her their blessing to travel west training daily and developing a fighting style through the help of Ven to prove That she would be able to take such a journey. Eventually Her parents caved to her wishes and Alys set out for Ryke, arriving in the city of Ryken shortly after her 20th birthday.

Acquired Titles: Human, Polearm apprentice (F grade polearm skill), Warrior (strength based weapon skill and E or greater in vit), Nhevian (Str E, Vit E, Athletics F, Human Title, "A person hailing from the mountainous lands of Nhev, notable for their increased height and prolithic physical aptitude.")

Points at Start: 105 (+7)

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 112

Points Not Spent: 0


Strength - E

Precision - F

Intelligence - G

Vitality - D

Speed - D


  • Skill Athletics F – Alys’ Mountainous Frame and active lifestyle makes her skilled in acts of athleticism. -7pts-
  • Skill Fast F (12MPH) - Able to move at an increased spead and is less fatigued by quickly walking or jogging. -7pts-
  • Skill Climbing F - Nearly two decades of living amongst treacherous mountain terrain has made Alys a master of climbing -7pts-
  • Skill Fighting Style [Spear of the Towering Mountain]F -Deflect- A polearm based fighting style native to the mountains far to the east of Ryke. Developed for the purposes of self-defense by peaceful nomads living amongst rocky terrain, the style is heavily based around fighting defensively and controlling the flow of battle -7pts-
  • Skill Fighting Style [Spear of the Flowing Mana] F -Blight [Shadow] F- A polearm based fighting style where excess amounts of mana infused into the body is directed through the use of martial prowess and physical athleticism. This Style was invented By Alys as a Way to harness Ven’s Shadow magic. Her body acting as a sort of living catalyst to make up for lack of knowledge, training, or general aptitude in the realms of casting magic.-7pts-
  • Skill Companion F -35pts-


  • Nox Charger – Fighting Style [Spear of the Flowing Mana] F, Fast F, , Blight F – Alys runs at her opponent for a powerful attack, adding together her speed and the magic flowing through her for a devastating blow. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Jagged Rebuke - Fighting Style [Spear of the Towering Mountain] F, Deflect F - Alys uses her impeccable speed to deflect incoming attacks with the body of her spear. -Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Weapon: Partisan grade F- A simple partizan gifted to Alys by her father. Well made but otherwise unremarkable.


  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Traveling Clothes
  • Carving knife
  • whistle


  • N/A

Change Log:


  • Link
  • Point Expenditure:
  • Title Change:


Appearance:A creature very close in appearance to a normal Ferret, though with purple eyes and black fur which emanates an intangible shadowy aura. A pair of flexible black insectoid antennae emerge from the ferret’s head, the tips of them glow a faint and foggy white while being used to cast spells.

Rp'er Name: The designated narrator of the RP where this companion is present

Post Frequency:[/B] IDK

Discord Name: Squidpeanut

Current RP: same as Alys unless something goes horribly wrong

Goals: Keep Alys alive, Improve his arcane abilities, come to terms with the fact that he feels dissatisfied with his lack of visualizable long term goals, Figure out why he was isekaied into the body of a magic ferret.

Equipped Titles: Fae, Shadow Fae, Spirit Ferret, Companion, Small

Height: 2ft

Weight: 5.2lb

Backstory: Daniel Albany was a young engineer who lived in upstate New York. He was studious and timely with a passion for digital media particularly computer games and online comics. He worked at the meet processing plant in Utica and managed the upkeep for many of the machines there. He was spry and healthy and on the up and up, having gotten the position just out of college. It was a good day to be Daniel. Up until one of the machines used to make prepackaged hamburgers exploded due to a buildup of steam pressure and killed him instantly. Being very much dead Daniel saw something that looked like the northern lights but soon learned it was a divine entity offering him another life in another world. Daniel eagerly accepted.

Current Life: Daniel was reborn as a cave dwelling Shadow Ferret in an obscure corner of the peaks of Nhev. His mind a chaotic mess of animal instinct and human memory. It was a strange experience to be sure, with the young creature spending the first couple weeks of his life just trying to figure out what he even was, inside and out. Eventually settling on the conclusion that he was more so a ferret with memories of a human life than a human who now found himself in the body of a magic ferret. A philosophical conclusion that the ferret (who no longer felt comfortable referring to himself as Daniel) had very little time to appreciate as his nest was attacked by a pack of wild monsters who craved the taste of Fae meat. The ferret with memories of being a man named Daniel managed to escape, though it was clear that his Shadow Ferret mother and Shadow Ferret siblings did not. Unsure of how he could survive a rocky mountain as a lone ferret pup not yet able to cast a single spell, he curled up behind a rock, and waited for death to take him.

Though it did not, as what soon claimed him was in fact Alys who stumbled upon him while searching for imaginary gold doubloons. The young Alys nursed him back to health and named him Ven as “Baby Shadow Ferret” was far too long to say on any regular basis. Ven would have said how much he agreed, but all that ever came out were cute high pitched squeaks. Regardless Ven was more than happy to stay with Alys, realizing that she needed him to keep her on the straight and narrow just as much as he needed her to not live in fear of being eaten constantly. The two quickly became inseparable and so Ven has been with her ever since.

Acquired Titles: Fae, Shadow Fae (Intelligence D, Magic E, Shadow affinity F, Fae Title) Spirit Ferret (Fae Title, animalistic features "Tube Shaped Body" and "Natural limitations of being a Ferret"), Companion (Created by the companion skill), Small (Per D, Spd D)

Points at Start: 70 (+21)

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 91

Points Not Spent: 0


Strength - H

Precision - D

Intelligence - D

Vitality - G

Speed - D

Skills: (

  • Skill Feature: [Tube-like Body] F- a tube like body which makes it easy for Ven to fit through small gaps and traverse cramped spaces -7pts-
  • Skill Magic E -14pts-
  • Skill Bolster strength F -7pts-
  • Skill Shadow Affinity F -7pts-
  • Skill Feature [Natural Limitations of Being a Ferret] – Ven is limited to the noises and expressions of a normal ferret, he also does not have apposable thumbs. -0pts-
  • Skill Feature [Magical Antennae] Ven possesses a pair of insectoid antennae emerging from his head. These antennae are a naturally growing part of his physiology which allow him to channel magic in much the same way as a Magical Catalyst. -0pts-
  • Appraisal F -0pts-


  • Sudden Shield of Shadow – Magic E, Shadow affinity F - Ven quickly manifests a shield of magical shadow as a means to block incoming attacks, the shield can be upwards of 2 feet in diameter and rapidly begins to dissipate shortly after creation - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Shadow puppeteering – magic E, Shadow affinity F – Ven pulls from the ground the shadow of a person they are physically touching, this shadow than is used by Ven to attack and defend before collapsing back into the ground with an inky splash upon the spell’s expiration. – Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown.
  • Power infusion - Bolster Strength F - Ven infuses an individual with raw shadow magic to enhance their physical strength. The enhanced individual also exhibits the same shadowy aura that Ven's body naturally produces, of which the effects are purely cosmetic. - Grade F - 1 Post Cooldown


  • Magical catalyst: magical antennae E, A pair of controllable insectoid Antennae which are attached to Ven’s head and allow for the channeling of magic. -14pts-


  • Ferret stuff


  • can ferrets even own property?

Change Log:

  • Link
  • Point Expenditure: 42 points spent on stats, 35 points spent on skills, 14 points spent on equipment, 21 points gained by lowering stats
  • Title Change:

Personality:Despite his animalistic appearance Ven is quite intelligent, Owing in part to his past life as a mechanical engineer by the name of Daniel Albany (note, Ven does not internally identify as Daniel and regards himself as a distinct and different entity. Though one possessed of Daniels knowledge and memories.) Memories of this previous life allow Ven to have a decent/modern understanding and frame of reference for things both mundane and human, as well as fantastical elements that Echo the works of contemporary earth fiction. To put it more plainly, Ven is smart and has a degree of “meta” knowledge on most things. This has allowed him to develop a dry and sarcastic sense of human bound entirely to his inner thoughts as any attempt to speak them would just come out as various squeaks and chirps. Another big part of Ven’s personality is how he perceives the world around him and Alys especially. Ven is fairly skittish. Being very much aware of how big people and monsters can be and how delicious he most likely tastes, it doesn’t take much for Ven to feel like his life might be in danger. Luckily for him he’s best friends with an over seven-foot-tall spear weirding killing machine who takes him with her wherever she goes. Ven and Alys are very close, having years of experience doing things together and are very emotionally in tune with one another. However, Ven lacks Alys’ self-confidence and unquenchable thirst for adventure so he has a tendency to try and rein her in and stop her more extreme decisions. Which then takes us to

Behavior:In terms of mechanical function its best to sort of think of Ven as an extension of Alys. He’s almost always going to stay on her person and he’s not really designed to have a large independent impact on any given story. In social situations he’s meant to add color mostly either by echoing and pantomiming Alys’ current sentiment or by trying to keep Alys out of trouble with individuals and institutions alike. Little Asides with Ven expressing himself through things such as body language, pantomiming, squeaking, or shadow manipulation are the backbone of what this character is meant to be. His impact on the story is meant to be limited for the sake of brevity and not forcing narrators to constantly consider where Ven is or what he’s doing (He’s on Alys’ shoulder, silently judging all of you).

In combat Ven prefers to be with Alys for the sake of safety and effectiveness. He rides on her shoulder, making sure to keep his profile as small as possible and poised to hide behind Alys to avoid attacks. For the most part he acts as support, bolstering Alys’ strength and using his magic to fill in the gaps with her fighting style. A lot of this involves trying to block incoming attacks with his magic or attacking in tandem with Alys during close quarters combat. The qualities and expressiveness of Ven’s personality still shine through during combat, but he’s unlikely to treat a fight as anything less then a serious situation that he should be paying attention to.

For any more questions about how Ven acts feel free to ask me personally.
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Zobuuris 'WireJaw' (Scooped)
Rp'er Name: Garbage Pail Kid
Post Frequency:
1-3 Days
Discord Name: Garbage Pail Kid#4084
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Zobuuris wants to eventually build up a ranch from scratch. where he can keep rescued animals whom have nowhere else to go, creating a sanctuary for creatures of vitae he loves dearly.
Equipped Titles: [Dragonborn] [Beast] Feature skill for claws,teeth,tail-E Strength-E Vitality for scales-Born of dragons, as their name proclaims, the dragonborn walk proudly through a world that greets them with fearful incomprehension. Shaped by draconic gods or the dragons themselves, dragonborn originally hatched from dragon eggs as a unique race, combining the best attributes of dragons and humanoids. Some dragonborn are faithful servants to true dragons, others form the ranks of soldiers in great wars, and still others find themselves adrift, with no clear calling in life.
Height: 7'9"
Weight: 340 Lbs.
Backstory:Zobuuris was once a Bounty Hunter who bagged criminals of all varieties, defending those who can't defend themselves, those were the only emotions that tied him to his past life while the rest is a haze, only remembering a betrayal leaving him gunned down; unknown to him that he was actually protector a child whom he considered a daughter. Friends turning against him for the bounty on her head.
Current Life: He now lives in a room above a modest bar, emulating the bounty hunting he could remember from his past, finding fulfillment in helping all sorts handle problems they couldn't otherwise. A yearning form something...someone out there. The child he had lost in his previous life somewhere in this world too, his amnesia holding back a desire to find and save her.
Acquired Titles: [Beast] [Dragonborn]
Points at Start: 105(+14)
Points Earned: 45
Points Spent: 164
Points Not Spent: 10
Strength - C|21 Points
Precision - F
Intelligence - H|+14 Points
Vitality - D|14 Points
Speed - D|14 Points
  • Fast-Grade E|14 Points[24mph]- Able to move at an increased speed and is less fatigued by quickly walking or jogging.
  • Fighting Style|21 Points [Tengri-Kai]-Grade D- A martial art that has been passed down through a draconic line who were dedicated to distilling the aspects of dragon kind into a brutal, but fluid martial art. Dragonborn use every weapon they are born with, claws that groove like knives and tails that bash like hammers, and fire like napalm. Training is often grueling as they use their own flames to strengthen their scales to withstand greater damage, though lapses in memory has left him with his more advanced tricks lost for the time being.
    [Corvithian Cleave]|7 Points-E Grade-Linked(3 Attacks): When he swings with his claws; they slice through the air with a surprising bout of speed that allows him to swing out two additional swipe right after his initial attack
    [Mortal Claws]-F Grade-Penetrating: His claws have been honed with dense and fibrous scales, allowing them to break through dense armor and structured defenses with mighty swings
    [ Phalanx Tail]|7 Points-Grade F-Deflect: His wide Oar-Brimmed tail is capable of blocking incoming non magical damage due to the thickness of the scales that grow on it.
  • Appraisal-F Grade- this ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown
  • Jumping-F Grade|7 Points(vertically 3yrds/horizontally 10yrds)-Character is particularly skilled at jumping and can leap vertically and horizontally large distances. They do not get hurt when landing on their feet so long as they fall from a height equal to or less than their vertical jump limit.
  • Feature [Hardened Scales]-His body is covered in blue scales that act as natural armor, withstanding physical and magical attacks.
  • Full [Physical] Resistance-Grade F|21 Points
  • [Ranahan Cattle Toss] 3 Attacks-Tengri Kai D, Technique Corvithian Cleave E, Fast E, Mortal Claws F- He dashes into a roll toward his enemy, whirling his claws with a flurry of attacks at the end of the roll. His claws are heavy-set, but slice through the air with an unexpected speed.-Grade D-1 Post Cooldown-1 Grade of Item defense
  • [Carazon Wagon Wheel]10ft Jump-Tengri Kai D, Technique Mortal Claws E, Technique Corvithian Cleave E, Fast E, Jumping F- After a running dash; He leaps into the air, and crashes onto his opponent with armor breaching slashes.-Grade D-1 Post Cooldown- Grade of item defense
  • [Draconian Tower Shield]-Phalanx Tail F-He prepares for an incoming attack by swinging around and bringing his large tail up to block with a shield that could protect him and his allies.
  • Natural Weapons[Grade E Claws]|14 Points
  • Natural Armor[D Grade Heavy Armor]
  • Leather-Bound Journal
  • Rations
  • Watch stuck on 2:59
  • Canteen
  • Dumpy apartment above bar in Ryken
Change Log:
  • July 14-
  • Removed [monster] from titles, separated points for H grade stat, Removed Athletics skill and lowered jumping skill to F, made natural armor light, graded claws E, added range, number of attacks to abilities
  • July 15th- Changed Mortar Claws to F Grade, Removed range from wagon wheel
  • August 21st-Increased Str to C & Vit to D/Upgraded Tengri Kai to D, Added Deflect and upgraded to E/Added Physical Resistance Grade F/Added Draconian Tower Shield to abilities
    August 25th/2022
  • Lowered Phalanx Tail to F grade-7 Points
  • October 29th-Scooped
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Rp'er Name: Lulidew
Post Frequency:
2 times a week
Discord Name: dm me for it
Equipped Titles: human
Height: 5'3
Weight: 100 lbs
Backstory: She does not remember much from her previous life, only that due to some reason she had a deep hatred for evil.
Current Life: She would be reborn into this world as a young orphan with nowhere to go. Fortunately, a blacksmith was willing to take her in as an apprentice, providing her with meals and a cozy bed in return for her service. After spending a few years improving on her blacksmithing, she decided to embark on her journey to fight against all evil.
Acquired Titles: human, blacksmith expert
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 141
Points Spent: 224
Points Not Spent: 22
Strength - B (28)
Precision - A (35)
Intelligence - F
Vitality - B (28)
Speed - F
Character grade: D
  • Regeneration F (7)
  • Artisan Blacksmith B (35)
  • Artisan Artificer B (35)
  • Artisan Tailor B (35)
  • Appraisal D (0)
  • Attentive student D (21)
  • Arming sword C (crafted with artisan blacksmith skill)
  • Heavy armor C (crafted with artisan blacksmith skill)
  • Kite shield C (crafted with artisan blacksmith skill)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Blacksmithing tools
  • 1x Rudolph joining any rp of choice (except world rps)
Change Log:
  • Gained 29 points from scooping Tobias
  • Spent 84 points on str B, vit B and precision B. Spent 28 points on artisan blacksmith C, 7 points on regeneration F
9 Aug
  • gained 7 points from summer event
  • spent 21 on attentive student D

28 Aug
- gained 1x Rudolph asset from marketplace

21 Oct
- gained 105 from the threads gather
- spent 7 on precision, 7 on artisan B blacksmith, 70 on artisan B tailor and B artificer
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Ninelle Lifeblossom
Link to New CS
  • dfb82bo-fb4575ef-998a-46ce-bd0a-d06044f7198d.png
A little nature fairy, with an odd, artificial right wing made up of fabric and metal frames. Though not visible most of the time, much of her body is a whitish metal and man-made, including the right-side of her face which holds an artificial pastel-green eye to match her real left eye. She has long colourful hair, typical of a fairy, coloured plum. Her torso is split between flesh and metal right where her amalgamation of a heart lies, half made up of her real beating heart, and the other half made up of an artificial core. Gears, screws, nails, and magic also exist within her body, acting as replacements for some internal organs and functioning. She wears long-sleeved and covering clothing, often paired with cloaks/robes and a wooden mask to hide her mechanical features, though her right wing is not something she can hide.

Theme: Link
Rp'er Name: SilverFeathers
Post Frequency: Every few days/when it's my turn
Discord Name: Feathers95#5653
Current RP: [Isekai Hell] Runaway Slaves [Part 2]
Goals: Find the one that put her back together. Look for other survivors. Recall lost knowledge/memories. Vengeance? Rebuild?
Equipped Titles: [Fae] [Fairy] [Construct] [Abomination] [Tiny]
5 inches
Weight: 5 lbs
Backstory: All Ninelle could remember from her past life was a world of white. White tiled floors, white walls, white curtains and white-clothed people with white masks. Living her life with constant syringing, tubes and laying in bed, it wasn't much of a life at all. Her only solace was the world of fantasy and fairytales, inspired by the many books her family would send her. In the end, her life ended quite simply and inevitably in that world, though in a way she couldn't have expected. In the dead of night, a foreign figure unplugged the machine that kept her alive. Someone that she faintly felt looked a bit like herself. Her most vivid memory of that time were the figure's tears as everything else faded away.
Current Life: Ninelle was reborn into a warm bustling village of fairies, situated in a hidden mystical grove filled with colourful mushroom houses and glowing flowers. It was like its own little magical paradise, with everyone so friendly and willing to help each other out like one big family. Born into a line of nature fairies, Ninelle grew up helping crops and flowers bloom all around town. One sudden day, something happened. Something she didn't quite understand till this day. Whilst flying around town, the world suddenly turned white and everything faded away. The feeling was too familiar. She had died, or at least, she felt she should have. But then she somehow awoke, and her home village had become nothing but a large crater in the ground. Her body had also changed, large parts of her were replaced by gears and metal, and one of her wings was replaced by a contraption made of strange leathery fabric. It seemed, though her memory was fragmented and disorderly, someone had saved her, and she had no idea who or why.
Acquired Titles: [Fae] [Fairy] [Construct] [Abomination] [Tiny]
Points at Start:
105 (+28)
Points Earned: 129
Points Spent: 140 (+28)
Points Not Spent: 94
  • Strength - H A tiny fairy's natural strength.
  • Precision - B A tiny fairy's natural precision.
  • Intelligence - D A novice mage's natural wisdom.
  • Vitality - H A tiny fairy's natural vitality.
  • Speed - B A tiny fairy's natural speed.
  • Overall - E
Misc Skills
  • Appraisal E The eyes of a person from another realm.
  • Mixed Race F (Fae/Construct) What is she? Even she doesn't know.
  • Languages: Common & Fae
  • Flight F (3 mph/30ft) A strange new wing that flapped and creaked at her whim, though stiffly. It will take time to recover the natural flying skills she once had.
Secondary Skills
  • Agriculture F She spent her whole life raising and caring for all sorts of plants. How is this all she knows?
  • Nature F It was raining on a night with a full moon... there was something special that would bloom at this time, what was it?
Magic Skills
  • Magic E
  • Nature Affinity F A type of magic that comes most naturally to her, though she faintly feels as if she used to be able to use it more fluidly in the past.
  • Tangle Affinity F (1 post) To bind and catch... she vaguely remembers something, a time when she saved a friend's life.
  • Spell Duration F (1 hour)
  • Magic Range F (30ft)
  • Plant Manipulation (Grade E / 1 Post CD)
    • Magic E, Nature Affinity F, Tangle Affinity F, Spell Duration F, Magic Range F
    • Control a single plant within 30ft for 1 hour
      • (Can attack, such as slap, stab or slash, grow them some, or ensnare a target if an appropriate plant.)
  • Leaf Storm (Grade E / 1 Post CD)
    • Magic E, Nature Affinity F, Spell Duration F, Magic Range F
    • Send a storm of razor-sharp leaves towards a target within 30ft that can remain for 1 hour
  • Vine Buddy (Grade E / 1 Post CD)
    • Magic E, Nature Affinity F, Tangle Affinity F, Spell Duration F, Magic Range F
    • Sprouts a single large vine from a surface(e.g. floor/wall) within 30ft to be controlled for 1 hour
      • (Can attack, such as slap, stab or slash and ensnare a target.)
  • Flower Bed (Grade E / 1 Post CD)
    • Magic E, Nature Affinity F, Spell Duration F, Magic Range F
    • Create large soft flowers to cushion a fall/blow or act as platforms within 30ft for 1 hour
  • Fae Wand (Magic Catalyst E)
    • The last memento she has of her grandmother, found where her favourite magic shop once stood. It is a tiny dark-brown twig coiled on its end, with oddly shaped charring and burn marks. The emerald gemstone that acts as its core is nothing but dust and fragments now, though still held securely inside the wand miraculously.
  • Fae-sized backpack
  • Fae-sized leaf bedroll
  • Fae-sized fruit and nut rations
  • Fae-sized waterskin
  • Fae-sized robes and clothing (that cover the mechanical aspects of her body, apart from her wing)
  • Fae-sized wooden mask (that hides her face)
  • ---
Change Log:
  • Total: 105 (+28)
    +14 for strength H
    +14 for vitality H
    -28 for speed B
    -28 for precision B
    -14 for intelligence D
    Overall: 8.4 -> 7 = Grade E Character Grade
    0 Appraisal E
    -7 Feature Skill: Mixed Race (Construct)
    -21 Flight F (3 miles per hour)
    -14 for magic E (D GRADE INT REQ)
    -7 for nature affinity F (E GRADE INT REQ)
    -14 for magic catalyst E (D GRADE INT REQ)
    Starting Gear
    Fae-sized backpack
    Fae-sized leaf bedroll
    Fae-sized fruit and nut rations
    Fae-sized waterskin
    Fae-sized robes and clothing (that cover the mechanical aspects of her body, apart from her wing)
    Fae-sized wooden mask (that hides her face)
  • 09/08/22: +7 for Isekai Hell's Summer Writing Comp (August 2022)
  • 18/08/22: +31 for [Isekai Hell] Summer Moon Festival!
    • -7 for Agriculture F (E GRADE INT REQ)
    • -7 for Nature F (E GRADE INT REQ)
    • -7 for Tangle Affinity F (F GRADE MAGIC REQ)
    • -7 for Spell Duration F (E GRADE MAGIC REQ)
    • -7 for Magic Range F (E GRADE MAGIC REQ)
    • Abilities also updated accordingly.
  • 03/10/22: +31 for [Isekai Hell] The Forbidden City
  • 30/10/22: (Reminder to add things to CS) for [Isekai Hell][World] - Lay Low Longing
  • 09/11/22: +60 for [Isekai Hell] Runaway Slaves [Part 1]
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Theme: Rex Incognito
Rp'er Name: Sitrus
Post Frequency: Not gonna lie, probably 3-5 times a week. Maybe multiple times in a day if my schedule is pretty chill
Discord Name: Sitrus#6365
Current RP: None
Goals: At present, Lebron's driving force is the need to learn, discover, and explore the new world he's in.
Equipped Titles: Human, Apprentice Swordsman, Warrior
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 181 lbs
Backstory:We won't be going in to the specifics of Lebron's previous life. He was a professional who never managed to squirm his way out of debt up until his death in his late fifties. Although never achieving much and turning into a shell of his former self, his will live a better life was palpable even in the after. Then poof, resurrection time.
Current Life:Lebron's memories of his past life are blurry at best. He recalls bits and pieces from time to time, but nothing incredibly concrete. His name probably wasn't even Lebron. Surprisingly, Lebron easily adapted to his current circumstances and adjusted accordingly. He now lives by the pay check, working odd jobs around Ryken.
Acquired Titles: Human, Apprentice Swordsman, Warrior
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - E
  • Appraisal F
  • Attentive Student F
  • Mimic F
  • Magic E
  • Magic Range F
  • Focus - Appraisal F, Magic E, Magic Range F - Channeled magical energy allows Lebron to appraise targets from afar (10 ft) - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Observe and Imitate - Appraisal F, Attentive Student F, Mimic F - Through keen observation, Lebron tries to copy an action or ability to the best of his skill - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Steel Shortsword F (Catalyst F)
  • Leather Armor F (Light)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Adventurer's Garb
  • Leather Pouch
  • Backpack
  • None
Change Log:
  • Character Creation - 28 points spent on Stats to acquire Strength E (7), Intelligence D (14), and Speed E (7).
  • Character Creation - 56 points spent on Skills to acquire Appraisal F (0), Attentive Student F (7), Mimic F (28), and Magic E (14), Magic Range F (7).
  • Character Creation - 21 points spent on Equipment to acquire Steel Shortsword - Catalyst (14) and Leather Armor (7)
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Peng Deming

Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Dante Verren
Post Frequency:
Bare minimum once a week but usually at least twice a week.
Discord Name: Dante Verren#3894
Current RP: Currently None
Short term: Acquire renown, obtain a position under a worthy leader, and obtain subordinates
Long term: Purge political corruption and refashion the stagnating systems of power into more efficient ones.
Equipped Titles: Human, Redcliffe Contributor, Quartermaster of Sol, Courtier of Light
Height: 5'5
Weight: 122 Ibs
Backstory:Before his reincarnation Fenhua was a solider. He began his military carrier fighting for his homeland against invaders and corrupt imperialist at the age of 10. He wasn't strong enough to fight in major battles, but the small skirmishes from village to village were fair game. By the time he was 16 the war was over and although he had only played a small part in the war he was convinced by the charismatic leaders that the victory did not belong to one man, but the people. His military career did not end their he continued in the army gaining rank after rank, fighting in battle after battle. Eventually he shouted orders more often the he spoke normal words and became paranoid anytime he did not here the sounds of gunfire made him nervous. Battle was addicting and so was the constant stream of propaganda served by the great comrades who led his people. It was only when he ascended to the rank of a generals staff that he began to realize the sinister truth that existed in his homeland. The rampant corruption, the fear of the great leader's iron fist. It was choking. How many fellow officers did he get to know just to find they one day mysteriously disappeared? He himself would find the same fate awaited him when one day in a particularly bad mood and fed up with the slow progress of the command structure he let loose a single comment that spoke poorly of his higher ups. He was never seen again...at least not in that world
Current Life: Perhaps he had thought that being reborn by god into a fantasy world by a god meant things would be different. What a fool Peng Deming was. Born to farmers in the eastern empire he had no chance to shine. He wondered what sick joke it was to be born in similar circumstances that he had been born into in his previous life. Not satisficed at all with that existence he quickly moved away from the life of a farmer once he discovered he could use magic. Moving to the city he got his first real taste of what the Eastern empire was really like, and it disgusted him. There he found the same inefficient powers locked in a useless stagnation due to rampant corruption and compliance. It was just like his old home, just instead of comrades and great leaders, it was slaves and kings. Fed up with it he left the empire, heading west to Ryke. He hoped that there things would be a bit better. Perhaps there he could earn power, prestige, and perhaps even find someone who had the ability or even the capabilities to bring his dreams to fruition.
Acquired Titles: Human, Redcliffe Contributor, Quartermaster of Sol , Courtier of Light
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 39
Points Spent: 144
Points Not Spent: 5
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Magic D
    Magic Affinity F
    Spell duration E: up to 1 hour duration time
    Bolster Strength F: Increase Str by 1 point
    Bolster Speed F: Increase Spd by 1 point
    Magic Target F: Up to two targets
    Magic Range F: Up to 10 feet
    Wind Affinity F

    Secondary Skills
  • Focus F- 7 points
    Warfare F- 7 points
    Persuasion F- 7 points
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Order 1: Bolt of Magic Pain: Magic F, Magic Affinity F, Magic Range F: Fires off a bolt of magic that strikes into a target at closer range. The bolt enhances the pain of the magical force causing damage. Spell range 10 feet, Grade E- 1 post cooldown

    Order 2: Touch of Strength: Magic E, Spell duration F, Bolster Strength F: The user channels magic through their catalyst into their hand and touches a target. That target receives an increase of one letter grade to their strength. Spell duration 1 minute, Spell range touch, Grade E- 1 post cool down

    Order 3: Touch of Speed: Magic E, Spell Duration F, Bolster Speed F: The user channels magic through their catalyst into their hand and touches a target. That target receives an increase of one letter grade to their speed. Spell duration 1 minute, Spell range touch, Grade E- 1 post cool down

    Order 4: Twin Bolts of Magic Pain: Magic E, Magic Affinity F, Magic Target F, Magic Range F: Fires off two bolts of magic that strike into two different targets at a closer ranger. The bolts enhance the pain of the magical force causing damage. Spell range 10 feet, Grade E- 1 post cooldown.

    Order 5 :Words of Growing Strength: Magic D, Spell duration E, Magic Target F, Magic Range F, Bolster Strength F- Magic flows from the user’s catalyst into two targets raising their strength by one letter grade. Spell duration 1 hour, spell range 10 feet, Grade D- 2 post cool down

    Order 6: Words of Growing Speed: Magic D, Spell duration E, Magic Target F, Magic Range F, Bolster Speed F- Magic flows from the user’s catalyst into two targets raising their speed by one letter grade. Spell duration 1 hour, Spell range 10 feet, Grade D - 2 post cool down.
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Magic Wand D
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Camping gear (Bedroll, rations, fire starter)
  • Traveling robes
  • Small pouch of coins
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • N/A
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)
  • 105 points spent on character creation: 7/19/2022
    Intelligence - C - 21
    Magic Wand E- 14
    Magic D- 21
    Magic Affinity F- 7
    Spell duration E- 14
    Bolster Strength F- 7
    Bolster Speed F- 7
    Magic Target F- 7
    Magic Range F - 7

    32 Points earned from pnation.com/threads/isekai-hell-the-first-step.516886/page-4#post-11461944
    Magic Wand D- 7 points
    Focus F- 7 points
    Warfare F- 7 points
    Persuasion F- 7 points
    5 points unspent
    Acquired Title: [Redcliffe Contributor] - Your contributions to the reorganization of Redcliffe have affected the County of Sol, this is a chance to start anew for the people. You will be remembered in Sol County for your help.
    Equipped Title Redcliffe Contributor
    Updated 09/20/2022

    7 points earned from : Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] A Prelude
    Wind Affinity F
    Acquired title [Quartermaster of Sol] - By the order of Count Lineuss Light, you've been brought up into the ranks of Sol County to be Lineuss' helper, one of his closest advisors of supplies and reserves. Godspeed.
    Acquired title [Courtier of Light] - With Lineuss' blessing and trust, you've become a close asset to Lineuss. A courtier, his companion. You will be known to be in cahoots with him.
    Equipped Titles Quartermaster of Sol and Courtier of Light
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Theme: None
Rp'er Name: _Yang _Yang
Post Frequency: Every other day
Discord Name: Yang#3407
Current RP: A Village in Need, Return of Trolls
Goals: To become a great adventurer. Or something like that.
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Backstory: A rather cheerful young man, Myr is always happy to be of use to someone. He always looks for the silver lining in even the worst situation, even if he doesn't completely understand what's going on. Friendly, personable, and overall a general source of sunshine, Myr is your every day average Joe.

Getting into university is probably the crowning achievement of Myr's life. Before that he didn't really have any direction, content with taking every day as it came. It was at a childhood friend's suggestion that he study medicine; he handles seeing blood and delivering bad news well enough, so he figured he should go along with her suggestion. His grades were usually good enough, often skirting the line between pass and fail but he succeeded to get into his school of choice. As such he has put in all his effort into becoming a doctor.

He didn't die in his previous life though. Myr just sort of woke up on the presence of god. One would wonder, why choose him for such a grand responsibility ? For obvious reasons, Myr would look like the ideal choice. He's kind, charitable, and brave. Sadly, the downside was that Myr doesn't actually go out of his way to do anything. In other words, unless he's explicitly told to go do heroic deeds, he's content with doing nothing. Being a complete pushover and general doormat doesn't help things, either.
Current Life: His first few weeks in Ryken went quite smoothly. Getting the gist of what had happened to him, Myr tried his best to blend into life within the kingdom. After learning of his latent abilities, Myr transitioned from offering his services to local inns and stores, to seeking work with the adventures guild and traveling adventurers.
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned:
Points Spent: 161
Points Not Spent: 2
  • (F) Strength
  • (E) Precision
  • (D) Intelligence
  • (F) Vitality
  • (E) Speed
  • (F) Acrobatics
  • (F) Appraisal
  • (F) Attentive Student
  • (E) Energized
  • (F) Focus
  • (E) Magic
  • (F) Magic Area of Effect (10 ft.)
  • (F) Magic Range (10 ft.)
  • (F) Magic Targets (1 Extra Target)
  • (F) Precognition (Few Seconds)
  • (F) Sixth Sense (Danger)
  • (F) Teleport F (10 ft.)
  • Aestimatio - Appraisal F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Energized E - Myr appraises a target from a distance within 10 feet from where he stands - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Periculo Sensu - Precognition F, Focus F, Sixth Sense (Danger) F, Energize F - Myr calms his mind to foresee incoming attacks immediately around him, thus giving him the opportunity to properly react to them quickly. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Ictu - Teleport F, Energized F - Myr warps away to a place within 10 feet from where he stood - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Verto - Teleport F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Energized E - Within 10 feet from where he is, Myr warps a target to another location within the same area - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • (F) Orihalcum Staff - Catalyst
    • A plain 6-feet-long staff lacking of any sort of ornaments, decorations, or carvings, making it appear more similar to an iron rod than typical wooden staves.
  • (F) Light Armor
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Leather Pouch
  • Leather Sack
  • None
July 21, 2022 - Character Creation
  • Point Allocation
    • Gained 58 points from Scooped Character (Gamatsu)
    • Spent 28 points points to increase Precision F, Intelligence F, and Speed F, to Precision E, Intelligence D, and Speed E
    • Spent 112 points to acquire Appraisal F, Attentive Student F, Teleport F, Magic Area of Effect F, Magic Targets F, Energized E, Magic E, Magic Range F, Acrobatics F, Focus F, Precognition F, Sixth Sense (Danger) F
    • Spent 21 points to acquire Orihalcum Staff F - Catalyst and Light Armor F
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Katriel Pendragon
Baroness Katriel Pendragon

Rp'er Name: Garbage Pail Kid
Post Frequency:
1-3 Days
Discord Name: Garbage Pail Kid#4084
Current RP: N/A
Goals: To grow her fashion business and lavish the world in beautiful clothes, and get disgustingly wealthy while doing it
Equipped Titles: [Human] [Baroness]
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120lbs
Backstory: The life she had before was one of mediocrity as a receptionist for a CEO who cared only about her looks. She had spent most of her life in business school that amounted to nothing, and felt like everyday was repeating. One day, in an attempt to to retrieve a report she dropped on her way to work, she was hit by a truck
Current Life: She had come from refuse and detritus, but used a newfound cutthroat nature that proved to be integral; grifting, and scheming her way into a profitable future.
Acquired Titles: [Human] [Baroness]
Points at Start: 105(+42)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105(+42)
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - H|+14 points
Precision - E|7 points
Intelligence - E|7 points
Vitality - H|+ 14 Points
Speed - H|+ 14 Points
  • Misc Skills
    -Companion-F Grade| 35 Points
    [*]Goals:Serving Katriel and her Barony to the best of her ability
    Equipped Titles: [Beast] [Rat-kin]
    Height: 7'0"
    Weight: 126lbsAcquired Titles: [Beast] [Rat-kin] A primarily underground species that has a complicated history of drug use and near extinction; They are crafters, inventors, and even scholars though most now server under the church that saved them from themselves.
    Points at Start: 70
    Points Earned: 0
    Points Spent: 70
    Points Not Spent: 0
    Strength - B|28 Points
    Precision - F
    Intelligence - F
    Vitality - F
    Speed - E|7 Points
    • Fighting Style|14 Points [Ash Vein]-E Grade-A poisoner style that uses a vile rat-kin poison enchantment that turns the veins and skin ashen, burning it's victims from the inside out; making it an infamous style even among dwellers of the underground.
      -[Fester]-Grade F-Continuing-the poison's makeup causes it to be very persistent, capable of infecting and multiplying infected cells
      -[Agonryque Pathogen]-Grade F-Incurable-A virulent disease found in underground vermin is used in creating Ash Vein, making it difficult to analyze and counter.
    • Fighting Style|14 Points[Kusarigama-Jujutsu]-E Grade-A whirlwind of blade and chain make this weapon art versatile, and deadly in expert hands.
      -[Vile Weave]-Grade F-Flexible-The kusari-fundo is made of a malleable and lightweight metal that allows her to shift the direction of her kama mid-air using her arms and legs; making it difficult to predict her patterns
      -[Wing Clipper]-Grade F-Reach-Distance is her style's proficiency, using the poison stained kama combined with her snapshot swings to keep her foes struggling at bay.
    • Feature[Rat ears/Rat Tail/Fur]
    • Caustic Reaper(10ft-1 Minute) - Fighting Style [Ash Vein] E, Fighting Style [Kusarigama-Jujutsu] E, Fester F [Continuing] , Vile Weave F [Flexible], Agonryque Pathogen F [Incurable], Wing Clipper F [Reach] - She puts her whole body into a full toss of her Kama, swinging her leg into the chain and driving the insidious blade into her enemy at an unexpected angle - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
    • Pirouette Sweep(10ft) - Fighting Style [Kusarigama-Jujutsu] E, Vile Weave F [Flexible] , Wing Clipper F [Reach] - She slackens the chain to the floor before kicking her knee up, spinning with grace and sudden momentum; Whipping the ball outwards and ensnaring her foes legs in the chain before she yanks her leg and sends them to the floor. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
    • Chain Garrote-(10ft-1Minute)-Fighting Style [Ash Vein] E, Fighting Style [Kusarigama-Jujutsu] E, Fester F [Continuing], Vile Weave F [Flexible], Agonryque Pathogen F [Incurable], Wing Clipper F [Reach]- She wraps the chain around her wrist with the ball in her palm before throwing it with a spin on it, attempting to whip it at them in an unpredictable angle; She brings her foot down on the chain, rending their throats raw-Grade E-1 Post cooldown

    • Ration
    • Baroness Crest
    -[Asset]-Baroness-Grade B|28 Points
    -[Asset]-Avant Garde Boutique + attached textile mill-Grade B|28 points-Pendragon Barony located in the northern region of Sol County
  • Secondary Skills
    -Artisan [Seamstress]-Grade F|7 points
    -Business-F Grade|7 Points
    -Etiquette-F Grade|7 Points
    -Culture[Ryken Fashion]-F Grade|7 Points
    -Visual Arts-F Grade|7 Points
  • [Bargain Banshee] - Business F Grade, Culture F, Etiquette F - She tries to haggle any and everything she purchases, using her eloquence. charm, and business sense to try and convince the person in question to think on her counter offers when it comes to mercantile transactions - Grade F
  • [Art of The Dress] - Seamstress Grade F, Culture F, Visual Arts F, Avant Garde Boutique Grade B - She puts her artistry to work on a single article of clothing, either from scratch or a repair(upon request) - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
  • [Royal Scathing Tirade]- Baroness B, Companion F- Her temper flies off the handle and berates, scolds, or chides the target of her ire, using her status and her bodyguard to condescend and diminuate-Grade B-4 Post Cooldown
  • N/A
  • Avant Garde Boutique + Textile Warehouse located in the pendragon barony in northern Sol County|21 Points
Change Log:
  • July 28th-Added Companion, Superbia underneath Skills
  • August 4th-Lowered Superbia's Kusarigama Fighting Style Grade and removed Blight
    /Increased Supes Strength to D
    /Removed persuasion and intimidation from Katriel
    /Made Pathogen E Grade, and Strength B Grade
    /Gave Katriel Culture and Visual Arts F, added them to Art of the Dress and Bargain Banshee
  • Bumped Seamtress down to F grade/bumped up Supes Kasurigama to E Grade/ Removed Anti poison/Lowered Agonruqye Pathogen to F Grade
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Theme: Sun Will Rise
Appearance: Dracaene by Pachyphytum. Given her lizardfolk heritage, Naga possesses several reptilian features including several horn-like protrusions around her forehead and across her upper back, fangs, claws on both her hands and feet, along with reddish orange scales across her body.
Rp'er Name: Pitou
Post Frequency: Daily
Discord Name: None
Current RP: None
Goals: Naga has no grandiose priorities at the moment and just hopes to explore the world and learn how to fend for herself.
Equipped Titles: Beast, Lizardfolk, Martial Artist
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 120 lbs
Backstory: In her previous life, Naga was a sickly child who saw the hospital as her second home. When she wasn't admitted for medical treatment, she was bound to her bed, with only a window being her sole connection to the outside world. With only her father by her side, Naga was unaware of what life had to offer. At the young age of five, her frail body had reached its limits and she was left with no choice but to succumb to sickness.
Current Life: Naga recalls her previous life as a vague dream. She found herself in the slums of Ryken as an orphan who lived off the streets. Despite the predicament she was tossed into, her mind appeared to have matured. Although she lacked the experience, Naga was capable to at least surviving long enough until she had a roof over head and warm food in her stomach.
Acquired Titles: Beast, Lizardfolk, Martial Artist
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - E
  • Natural Weapon E
  • Feature: Scales E
  • Fighting Style: Natural Fighter E - Naga fights with what she was born with, making use of any part of her body as natural weapons.
    • Deflect F
    • Multidimensional F
  • Attentive Student E
  • Appraisal E
  • Defend - Natural Fighter F: Deflect F, Fighter E: Multidimensional F - Naga parries or deflects an attack, most commonly with her arms or legs, avoiding or mitigating the damage she would have received - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Natural Weapons E
  • Scales E
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Backpack
  • None
Change Log:
  • Creation - Points Spent: Strength D (14), Vitality D (14), Speed E (7), Natural Weapons E (28), Feature: Scales E (14), Fightint Style: Natural Fighter E (14), Attentice Student E (14), Appraisal E (0)
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Tupu "Tup" Maa



Rp'er Name: DSLIX
Post Frequency:
Daily but depends on rp group
Discord Name: DSLIX#8123
Current RP: NA
Goals: Figure out the world, Find a comfortable place to stay, and get business running again.
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human, Beast
Height: 7'0
Weight: 300 Ibs
Backstory: Tupu came from a more modern world filled with multiple races like humans and beast creatures but the only difference is there was no magic just martial arts and the violence that followed it. The world was ruled by whoever was stronger or had more influence. He tried to assume the role of a normal student while trying to complete school. After completing school he became unmotivated to go back to school as he noticed more and more of his peers were falling to the rising crime of martial artists. Forcing him to enter the cruel world of Martial Arts to protect himself and whatever family he had left. While looking for a master he stumbled upon an old man who claimed to have amazing martial techniques and sold him a manual of it before mysteriously disappearing. Confused yet satisfied with the product Tupu studies it extensively trying to master every movement of "The Twelve Calamity Fists". After soon breaking through to the second movement and opening his own escort and mercenary business he found himself to be mysteriously teleported to a new world after falling through a puddle.
Current Life: Tupu finds himself laying down in the middle of a grass field when he opens his eyes for the first time in the new world. He tries to recollect himself and since he can't find any reasonable explanation he decides to try to find civilization.
Acquired Titles: (all titles the character has including the ones equipped and not equipped)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 18
Points Spent: 119
Points Not Spent: 4
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - C
  • Regeneration F
  • Heightened Senses F (Smell)
  • Jumping F
  • Fighting Style (Martial Arts) E
  1. 1st Calamity: Rupture Palm F (Penetration)
  2. 2nd Calamity: Earth Shaker E (Tangle)
  • Energized F
  • 1st Calamity: Rupture Palm - Jumping F, Martial Arts F - Tup quickly jumps towards the target and strikes them in their chest with his palm (Penetrating) - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • 2nd Calamity: Earth Shaker- Martial Arts F - Tup would grapple the opponent and trip them in a natural judo fashion (Tangle)- Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Simple Leather Armor (Light) F
  • Natural Weapons F (Fists and Feet)
  • Wallet
  • Bedroll
  • Lighter
  • A gold watch
  • Waterskin
  • None
Change Log:
Gained 18 points
Gained Title: Fresh Meat
Used 14 points to upgrade Vitality from F to E and Speed from D to C
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anime, vampire, fantasy, silver hair, red eyes s-3808964931.png
Theme: Theme
Rp'er Name: Saxon
Post Frequency:
Depends on pacing.
Discord Name: Saxon#1232
Current RP: N/A
Goals: She wishes to become the demon lord!
Equipped Titles: Vampire, Warrior, Provocative
Height: 5'0
Weight: 110 lbs
Backstory: Nissa was a fairly popular student at school, she was a reasonably hard worker, and she worked at a local restaurant near her house. She didn't need the money but used it for spending money. Her life wasn't really all that interesting, or she didn't think much about it. She would work until around 8 in the evening and created this for a few years. On her way home one day, she had turned the corner of a street, and a car that didn't have its lights on hit her and killed her on impact.
Current Life: Her earliest memory is the cave that she woke up in after being hit by the car. She woke up in a strange body that was paler and felt different. She didn't notice that her sense of warmth was gone; on top of that, she felt cold, but it didn't bother her. Looking around, she saw a jar of blood near her, and she noticed she had a strong desire to drink. She resisted the urge for a few days until she was starving and had tried to eat regular food and ended up throwing up. Eventually giving in, she drank the blood and instantly felt better.
Acquired Titles: Monster, Undead, Vampire, Warrior
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 73
Points Spent: 175
Points Not Spent: 3
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - D (14)
Precision - F
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - E (7)
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Feature: Fangs (0)
  • Feature: Blood Drinker (7) Instead of using food as substance blood is now the substance required for the user.
  • Fighting Style Nightblade E (sword), (Drain F (strength), Deflect F (14)
  • Magic F (7)
  • Blood Affinity F (7)
  • Appraisal E (0)
  • Heightened Sense (Hearing, Smell) E (14)
  • Resilient F Aging (7)
  • Feature: Pointed Ears (0)
  • Feature: Bat Wings (0, Cosmetic)
  • Disguise F (7)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Bloodfeast - Fangs F, Blood Drinker - Nissa gets into close quarters with her target or a willing target and bites into their neck using her fangs and drinking some of their blood in the process. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Draining Strike - Fighting Style Nightblade F, Drain F - Nissa delivers a strike that saps the target's strength by 1 grade for a single post. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Blood Needle - Magic F, Blood Affinity F - Using either the blood on her sword or opening one of her blood jars she can use blood magic to make needles made of blood and thrown at a target within 5 feet. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Natural Weapons E (28)
  • heavy armor E (14)
  • Longsword E (14)
  • Wand F ( 7, catalyst)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Blood jars
  • blood skin- same as a water skin just for blood
  • Pack
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)

  • 30 July, 2022
  • Natural Weapons F (14)
  • Heavy armor F (7)
  • Longsword F (7)
  • Wand F (7)
  • Feature: Fangs (0)
  • Feature: Blood Drinker (7)
  • Fighting Style Nightblade F, Drain (strength) (7)
  • Magic F (7)
  • Blood Affinity F (7)
  • Appraisal F (0)
  • Heightened Sense Hearing F (7)
  • Resilient F Aging (7)
  • Strength - E (7)
  • Intelligence - E (7)
  • Vitality - E (7)
23 OCT 2022
  • Added title [Provocative] - Character has a talent for getting under people's skin in order to annoy or anger them. Can be useful to draw people into making rash decisions.
  • Spent 7 points E=>D Strength
  • Spent 7 points E=>D Intelligence
  • Spent 7 points E=>D Vitality
  • Spent 7 points F=>E Heavy Armor
  • Spent 7 points F=>E Longsword
  • Spent 14 points F=>E Natural weapons
  • Feature: Pointed Ears (0)
  • Feature: Bat Wings (0, Cosmetic)
  • Upgraded Appraisal to match Character grade
  • Spent 7 points Disguise F
  • Spent 7 points Fighting Style Nightblade E => E (sword), (Drain F (strength), Deflect F (14)
  • Spent 7 points Heightened Sense (Hearing, Smell) F => E (14)
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Ogdenn Parvati
Ogdenn Parvati

Rp'er Name: Garbage Pail Kid Garbage Pail Kid
Post Frequency:
1-3 Days
Discord Name: Garbage Pail Kid#4084
Current RP: Crooked Blades Induction
Goals: To help Zeke build the greatest ship he, and, the world has ever seen, proudly believes he will become a famous Engineer through it.
Equipped Titles: [Human] [Tinkering Adept]
Height: 4'5"
Weight: 90lbs
Ogdenn was a clockmaker in his previous life, loving the work he did for Mr. McArthur's Shoppe, until a new automatic revolution replaced his job with a machine. McArthur threw him out without a second question and left him sad and fuming. Ogdenn waited that night and came up with an insidious plan to pay his employer back. When his shoppe was without a peep, he entered and altered one of the very pieces his small hands cultivated...twisting his work. A week passed before someone bought that very time piece, winding it and putting it into his breast pocket. The poor man never leaving the store before the contraption went off and killed him on the spot. McArthur being blamed for it and jailed. Ogdenn being too full of himself decided to mock him at his cell window, where his little shoes lost traction, and sent him to a watery grave.
Current Life:He is a crew member of The Crooked Blades, acting as their engineer and protoge to Zeke.
Acquired Titles: [Human] [Tinkering Adept]
Points at Start: 105(+7)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 0 112
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - G
Precision - C|28 Points
Intelligence - D|21 Points
Vitality - E|7 Points
Speed - F
  • Fighting Style|21 Points [Shotgunner]-Grade D-Ogdenn has found a knack for shotguns, and their make; making use of their short range with surprising efficiency thanks to the engineering that went into his Ch1m3ra
    Full Choke Mk2(10ft)-Grade F-Range-An attachment to the barrel that allows Ogdenn to fire at greater range
    FLIR Scope Mk1(20ft)-Grade F-Blind Fighting Ranged-This attachment allows Ogdenn to accurately target his shots
    Shrapnel Slugs(10ft Area)-Grade F-A slug he designed to spread his gunfire at a wider range of suffrage
  • Artisan|21 Points [Tinkerer]-Grade D-maker of mundane, mechanical items and materials with a more scientific requirements
  • Feature [Darkvision]-Grade F (20ft)|7 Points
  • Heightened Senses (Sight)-Grade F|7 Points
  • Climbing-Grade F|7 Points
  • Engineering- Grade F|7 Points
  • Capra Barrage(10ft/10ft area/20ft dim or darkness)- Fighting Style [Shotgunner] D,FlIR Scope F [Blind Fighting Ranged], Shrapnel Slugs F [Area], Full Choke Grade F [Range], - Ogdenn brandishes his Ch1m3ra shotgun and fires a blast of shrapnel at an enemy within range - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Eureka! - Tinkerer D, Engineering F - His brain ignites all of it's neurons and comes up with a new blueprint or invention - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Grease Monkey-Tinkerer D, Climbing F- Ogdenn uses his nimble hands and body to climb, crawl, and duck into any mechanical malfunction and fix the problem-Grade D-2 Post Cooldown
  • Ch1m3ra[D Grade Shotgun] (Created with Tinkerer Skill)

  • Wrench
  • Bandolier
  • Multi-Headed Screwdriver
  • WD-40(57 ounce can)
  • Duct Tape
Change Log:
September 18th

  • Increased Precision to C|7 Points
  • Increased Vitality to E| 7 Points
  • Added Darkvision Feature F|7 Points
  • Added Heightened Senses(Sight) F|7 Points
  • Added Climbing F|7 points
  • Increased Int to C
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Baron Shimeji Dashi
Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency:
Discord Name:
D. "Deez Nuts" Rex
Current RP: None yet
Goals: To establish himself as an effective Baron, to support the next generation of with his training and wisdom.
Equipped Titles: Beast, Baron, Martial Artist, Redcliffe Contributor, General of Sol, Courtier of Light
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 135 lbs
Voice: James Hong

Like many others... he too once came from another world.

Long ago. Too long now, they once called him a great hero. Performed great deeds for great people. Defeated great foes and earned many friends. Was bestowed many titles and many riches.

But all good things come to an end. A great defeat ended his rise. A defeat from the hands from the hand of those he once called friend. A hero who, like Dashi, came from another world, fell to the corruption of the Demon Lords. That "hero" did great damage to both the world and to Dashi and his circle of friends. While that "hero" was slain in the end, it had ended what could have began the turning of a new age for the Demon Lords still lived...

Dashi never did recover from that phyrric victory. Having been gravely injured, and his hope in changing the world shattered. He retired into hiding, to a small fishing hut in South Ryken.

Long ago that was.

His deeds and heroism long forgotten. Those he served with and served for long dead and their grandchildren having replaced them. Not but a few mentions left, and what deeds he performed that went into the bards tales have since changed names and content. His weapons having rusted to dust and skills and strengths have waned. Just another hero defeated, like the thousands that came before...

A regretful peace until the end of his days.

And then he died, with a fishing pole in his hand and a line in the water.
Current Life:

He saw god. A bearded being who explained to him the state of the world, and that for his deeds long ago he was granted a chance to help once more. That while Dashi may have lost faith in himself, the deity had not lost faith in him. There was still work to be done, and it was time to come back.

There were spirits being reborn in this world, spirits like him, and they would be the deciding factor in the fate of this world. They could use his help to make a change.

The deity could not bring back Dashi's former power, but he could grant Dashi back his youth and his body. That he may once more mold himself into hero.

The "hero" who betrayed Dashi and turned his back on the world... had also returned...


He awoke with a start, had he really died? Sure enough his body was once more in its prime. As if the clock had been turned back to the days of old.

Dashi found in himself a renewed since of determination. A revival of the very spirit that had set him in the path in the first place. Perhaps it was the new body, perhaps it was that he new had to face his old friend. But either way he knew what he had to do.

And he knew where to start.

There had been a lot trouble around these parts. More than usual. And not just because the Pendragon Barony had recently been busted for illicit dealings. Disturbing whispers have reached his ears of villainous troubles spreading. Yet at the same time, rumors of those who those rising to try and stop it. Rumors that stirred in Dashi a spark of adventure he had not felt in ages. A new generation of heroes was coming. He could smell it in the air. It was those the god had spoken of. .

In no small part do to the troubles of the Pendragon Barony, Dashi decided to make a change here first. He called im the last of his favors, spent the last of his prestige, and used the majority of what was left of his retirement fund.

Dashi was able to get himself the title of Baron and was immediately arranged into a marriage with the last Pendragon heir.

He had his work cut out for him...

He packed up his few things, and left his quiet dojo to move to his newly acquired estates. Quite the odd turn of events... but Master Dashi was perfectly fine with odd.
Acquired Titles:
[Beast], [Baron], [Warriors], [Martial Artist],[Redcliffe Contributor],[General of Sol], [Courtier of Light]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 78
Points Spent: 182
Points Not Spent: 1
Char Grade: D

Strength - D
Precision - D
Intelligence - D
Vitality - D
Speed - D

Weapon affinity: Natural weapons

A style that draws heavily upon the inner power of one's body and spirit and releases it to potent effect. Chi, as it is called, infuses many of this styles physical attacks, and a skilled user can even use that chi to create projectiles of that energy.

Veil of Spirit Technique F: Blight F
Through intense training, one can focus the flows of their inner ki into any part of their body that they wish. Characterized by an intense glow, this ki can be infused into one's attacks to enhance their damage potential.

  • Wealth F
  • Asset: Nobility B: Baron
  • Appraisal D
  • Persuasion F
  • Leadership E
  • Focus F
  • Mentor F
  • Natural Weapons F
  • feature [Fox Tail]
  • Feature [Fur]
  • Feature [Fox Ears]
  • Feature [Snout]
Grade F Ability.
Cooldown: 0 post
Veil of Spirit Technique F, Focus F, Ki Release Style F

A decisive palm strike against a target. Empowered by ones own ki, the strike delivers a deceptively high amount of force.
  • .
  • .
  • .

Other Abilities

B grade ability
Cooldown: 4 posts
Leadership D, Persuasion F, Title: Baron, Asset: Nobility B, Character Grade D

There are times when once must use one's official authority to issue a command and have it be heeded. By making a proclamation, the noble expects his will to be done within the authority of his station.
D grade ability.
Cooldown: 1 post
Wealth F, Persuasion F, Character grade D

To make a purchase, and to grease either wheel or palm, or even just help a fellow out, a bit of gold makes everything a little easier. Improving morale and opinion, or helping overcome obstacles. Sometimes its as easy as flashing a few coins. Gold: the language everybody understands, and a little charity can go a long way.

Alternative, can be used for funding groups, however with the spread out nature of supplying money for such causes or projects, may not be as effective as it would be on an individual basis, per narrators discretion.
D grade ability
Cooldown: 1 post

Leadership D, Persuasion F, Character Grade D

Using ones natural charisma, you focus it one those around you to convince them of your words or ideas. Used in conjuction with a speech or a snippet of wisdom or inspiration. People can trust you know what your doing, and have their interests at heart.

For maximum effect, it is best used when focused on one person where the individual has the speakers full attention. Effect may be reduced when addressing crowds at narrators discretion.

  • Natural Weapons F
  • Fine robes
  • Antique pipe
  • Push of fine tobacco
  • Fishing rod
  • Fishing lures
  • Parchment
  • Quill and Ink
  • Wealth F


Battle Maids: The Axe Gang

Loyal Battle Maids trained by Dashi himself. This particular maid battalion is known as the Axe Gang, and are known for ruthless tactics and vicious brutality, attacking in numbers to overwhelm their target.

And they can clean up every drop of blood they spill.

This group was hand picked by Dashi to personally accompany him into his Barony.

Str: D - 14pts
Pre: F
Int: E - 7pts
Vit: F
Spd: D - 14pts

Fighting Style E: 14pts
Boar School
Weapon: Axes
Focus on goring and weakening the foe with attacks designed to maim and bleed.

Gore F: Continuing F
Duration: 1 hour or until target can stop the bleeding or heal.
Brutal attacks meant to cost lasting harm. Attacks that leaves one bleeding and in great pain.

Butcher E: Drain Strength F
Duration: 1 hour.
Pin point hacking and slashing and chopping designed to rip and tear at a targets muscles and limbs. Drains a targets strength.

• Domestic Arts F: 7pts
• Weapon F Hatchet 1: Wealth F from Dashi.
•Weapon F Hatchet 2: Wealth F from Dashi

Boar Rush F
Gore F, Boar School E
Cooldown: 0 posts
Duration: 1 hour, or until target can stop the bleeding or heal.
A vicious attack designed to leave wounds that get worse with time.

Rip and Tear E
Gore F, Butcher F, Boar School E
Cooldown: 1 post
Duration: 1 hour
A brutal attack, hacking away at a targets limbs and body. Cleaving muscle from bone. Draining their strength with every blow, and apply continuous damage as they bleed out with each deep wound.

Group Service
Domestic Arts F, Character Grade E
Team work makes the dream work. Working together they get their chores done in record speed with record quality. Better than any single maid can do alone.

Change Log:

Character Creation 8/3/22
+39pts from Hinkiro Scoop
  • Str E - 7pts
  • Int D - 14pts
  • Vit E - 7pts
  • Spd E - 7pts
  • Wealth F - 21pts
  • Leadership F - 7pts
  • Persuasion F - 7pts
  • Asset: Nobility B - 28pts
  • Fighting Style F (Ki Release, blight) - 7pts
  • Natural Weapons - 14pts
  • Focus F - 7pts
  • Appraisal E - 0pts
  • Ability: Heavy Palm Strike F
  • Ability: Barons Edict B
  • Ability: Pocket Change E
  • Ability: Charisma E
  • Minions: Axe Maids - 14pts
  • Added Warrior title
  • Added and equipped Martial artist title


  • First Step : 9/18/22
  • +32pts
  • Added Title: [Redcliffe Contributor]
[Redcliffe Contributor] - Your contributions to the reorganization of Redcliffe have affected the County of Sol, this is a chance to start anew for the people. You will be remembered in Sol County for your help.
  • Equipped Title: Redcliffe Contributor
  • Str D: 7pts
  • Pre D: 14pts
  • Vit D: 7pts
  • Spd D: 7pts

  • Prelude: 10/3/2022
  • +7pts
  • Added and Equipped title:
[General of Sol] - By the order of Count Lineuss Light, you've been brought up into the ranks of Sol County to be Lineuss' helper, one of his closest advisors of war. Godspeed.
[Courtier of Light] - With Lineuss' blessing and trust, you've become a close asset to Lineuss. A courtier, his companion. You will be known to be in cahoots with him.
  • Leadership F > E : 7pts

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4'5" | 89 lbs
Theme Music
Rp'er Name: swagbert
Post Frequency: I can post daily on a good day but on off days, it might take a day or two to get a post in.
Discord Name: swagbert#9862
Current RP: The Blind Dessert - Part 1

Goals: Raphael isn't naive enough to reach for anything grand. Most of what he goes for are things he can actually reach.
  • His main priority at the moment is to be a competent combatant. Though he doesn't see himself as a fighter or plans to be known as one, Raphael wishes to be able to protect himself without needing to rely on anyone else. The world he was thrown into certainly has its fair share of dangers. The least he could do is prepare himself for such perils.
Equipped Titles: Human, Apprentice [Blacksmith], Apprentice [Artificer], Apprentice [Marksman]

Backstory: Raphael never met his mother and had no siblings. Couple that with his father being in the military and the fact that they moved around a lot, it wasn't a surprise that Raphael grew up distancing himself from others. He wasn't a loner, but he learned to avoid any form of attachment. Experiencing loss, regardless how juvenile or immature, and severing ties time after time, could do that to anyone. Eventually, Raphael just kept to himself and found solace in whatever activity he could find in the military bases he had no other option but to frequent. Sadly, the hobbies Raphael managed to pick up stayed as hobbies despite his apparent talent in them. His life was cut short after slipping in the bathroom. Unfortunate, but at least Raphael's neck snapping meant that his death was a quick one.
Current Life: Raphael witnessed his demise and after reliving the moment, he came to the conclusion that he deserved it. Although sad that he had to leave his father behind, Raphael knew that he was a strong man and would definitely find a way to manage. Moving on to the after life, Raphael was suprised to find out that things hadn't actually ended for him just yet; he was given a second chance. The opportunity to make the most of his life was definitely a hassle, but it wasn't something Raphael could just pass up. Accepting what fate had to offer, Raphael awoke in the body of a child, a nobody. He had no past nor name, but had skills and a metal arm that Raphael could make use of. Giving him a name and making up a story he could throw around, Raphael began his life as an immigrant who hoped to make Ryken his new home.

Acquired Titles:
  • Human
  • Apprentice [Blacksmith]
  • Apprentice [Artificer]
  • Apprentice [Marksman]

Points at Start: 105 (+7)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105 (+7)
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - E
Precision - D
Intelligence - G
Vitality - E
Speed - E
Acrobatics F
Appraisal F
Artisan [Blacksmith] E
Artisan [Artificer] E
Attentive Student F
Fast F (12 mph)
Feature [Arcano Mechanical Prosthetic Arm - Left] E

Through arcane means and skillful smithing and artificing, this prosthesis is linked directly to the nervous system. It no longer requires an external energy source, and can be moved at will like a natural appendage.
Fighting Style - Sharpshooting F [Arm Cannon]
Range F (10 ft.)
Fighting Style - Hunter F [Arm Cannon]
Accurate F
Jumping F (10 ft. Vertical | 30 ft. Horizontal)
Steady Hands F
DRIVE BY | Grade F | 0 Post Cooldown Description: Raphael rushes forward and leaps into the air, using his agility to position himself above or beside his intended target, before letting loose a blast of energy.

Components: Acrobatics F, Fast F, Fighting Style - Sharpshooting F, Range F [Arm Cannon] , Fighting Style - Hunter F, Accurate F [Arm Cannon], Jumping F, Steady Hands F
Arcano Mechanical Prosthetic Arm - Left E
Acquired using Artisan [Blacksmith] E and Artisan [Artificer] E.
Through the port-like construct built into the palm of Raphael's prosthetic arm, he is able to launch condensed spheres of mana as projectiles.

Half Plate [Heavy Armor] F
Acquired using Artisan [Blacksmith] F.
The armor Raphael makes use of is a combination of a horned helmet and fitted chainmail with black metal plates (breastplate, epaulettes, elbow guards, right arm gauntlet, tasses, and greaves) covering vital areas. Buckles and straps hold the whole suit together and distribute the weight evenly. Metal plates cover vulnerable areas, while the chainmail protect the joints and provide freedom of movement. It includes a layer of quilted fabric worn underneath to prevent chafing and to cushion the impact of blows.

  • Oversized Backpack
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Basic Smithing and Articifing Tools
  • Hooded Cloak

  • Raphael rents a small room from a local in within the walls of Ryken.

  • Stat Upgrades and Downgrade
    • Earned 7 points by downgrading Intelligence from F to G
    • Spent 7 points to upgrade Strength from F to E
    • Spent 14 points to upgrade Precision from F to D
    • Spent 7 points to upgrade Vitality from F to E
    • Spent 7 points to upgrade Speed from F to E
  • Acquired Skills
    • Spent 7 points to acquire Acrobatics F
    • Spent 0 points to acquire Appraisal F
    • Spent 14 points to acquire Artisan [Blacksmith] E
    • Spent 14 points to acquire Artisan [Artificer] E
    • Spent 7 points to acquire Attentive Student F
    • Spent 7 points to acquire Fast F
    • Spent 0 points by utilizing Artisan [Blacksmith] F and Artisan [Artificer] F to acquire Feature [Arcano Mechanical Prosthetic Arm - Left] F
    • Spent 7 points to acquire Fighting Style - Sharpshooting F [Arm Cannon]
    • Spent 7 points to acquire Fighting Style - Hunter F [Arm Cannon]
    • Spent 7 points to acquire Jumping F
    • Spent 7 points to acquire Steady Hands F
  • Equipment
    • Spent 0 points by utilizing Artisan [Blacksmith] E and Artisan [Artificer] E to upgrade Feature [Arcano Mechanical Prosthetic Arm - Left] to E
    • Spent 0 points by utilizing Artisan [Blacksmith] F to acquire Half Plate Armor F
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