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Multiple Settings Magical Girl / Mahou Shoujo Megathread! [F4A 1x1 RP]


One Time Luck
Hi, hello! Ever since I made this account I've been interested in doing a general interest check for some magical girl stuff. I've put it off though, because it's such a broad genre and I don't have any super developed plot I want to try out yet (I do however have some characters to choose from!) and I'm more so hoping to find someone who is just as into magical girls to vibe and plot something with. So this advertisement is my way of including all the necessary info, what I like about the genre, what I do versus don't want to include, and some vague ideas that should help any readers get an idea if we're interested in the same thing.

About me:
I'm a 24 year old female roleplayer who has been who has been going at it for over 10 years now. Over the years I've started to focus more on F/F plots and this extends to more than just romance (although I am certainly not against writing FxF romance) - it's my overall preference for the main characters in most stories. I can write cute and romantic plots, but am equally excited about writing action, drama, angst, and other more intensive plots with female leads. Aesthetically, I'm pretty interested in anime and manga although my interests expand much further than that. I mostly just like the cute styles!

I write third person paragraphs that can get pretty long, but never really novella length (not actually sure what would be considered that). Expect fluctuating reply lengths depending on the pace of the scene, but never any less than a longform paragraph. Because of this I feel comfortable writing with anyone in the same ballpark range as me. I don't have any strict requirements outside of that. Open to showing writing samples if asked.

Most roleplaying I engage in also requires a bit of OOC discussion. I rarely jump into things or create a plot without knowing a bit about my partners preferences, interests, and if they like an idea first. Although I am pretty OOC friendly, I'm not expecting anyone to chat me up like crazy, just be prepared for a bit more discussion than simply sharing characters and immediately starting.

Now, onto magical girls!

What I'm looking for:
I love female-casted stories. At least for our mains, I play any gender outside of that. I also like character-focused stories, ones that focus on the characters bonding, overcoming conflict, and developing relationships. Any kind of relationship! Romantic, platonic, friends, partners, siblings, whatever. I even find it interesting to write characters who don't get along or are straight up dislike each other at first. Additionally, I like youthful coming-of-age type stories with characters still figuring their lives out.

Although I love seeing this stuff in slice of life and romance plots, all of these things combined is what attracts me to the magical girl genre. Instead of containing it to a realistic modern plot which I sometimes do, I want our characters to get fantastical magical girl powers, change their lives with them, and fill our story with lots of cool powers and action! While at the same time, I want our characters to struggle with normal high-school girl worries and interpersonal conflict as well, and having these two worlds often clash, which to me is like the ideal mahou shoujou set-up.

Because I have a soft spot for anime, mahou shoujou makes the most sense for this, but I'm open to writing just about anything that fits these tags. Ideally, we can bring our own unique ideas and interests to the genre and make something that stands out more. I love the tropes and magical girl formula, but I don't want us to be limited by them either, which is why I want to elaborate a bit about what is most important to me.

Magical girl content I'm most interested in:
My favorite vibe from the genre has to be "cute meets badass action!!!" Although it's not everything to me, I am drawn more to the magical girl stories with some form of action, fighting, and conflict that isn't just revolved with sheer kindness (although the magical girls can certainly try!) than I am the ones without it. I think any type of combat is fun in these stories and the fact that they can get so colorful and filled with magic makes it a tempting thing to include and just a little bit goes a long way - it does not have to be super extreme or on an epic scale to show off some strong female characters using cool powers and I'm open to different levels of violence, but I lean heavily towards a shonen aesthetic where the characters are resilient and the violence is not very realistic or gruesome.

I am also into the lighter and girlish tone of the genre. The cuteness and sometimes overt fluffiness of magical girl series is not something I want to hold back on at all, although I like to balance it so we're not doing anything too childish. I love to explore slice of life scenarios, girls in high school, relationship drama, angst, coming-of-age conflict, and even light yuri elements if you're into it, alongside their more exciting lives as magical girls. I'm quite a fan of the fun energy the mahou shoujo genre has to offer plus the entertaining situations that comes with our characters obtaining some kind of power and I am more than happy to indulge in sillier cute segments alongside the actual development of our story, I don't think it should be serious all the time.

I also feel like theming is pretty important to the genre. It's important to define our magical girl's powers and what it means to be a magical girl in our story, such as what their ambitions and goals are and what they are fighting against, which can lead to leaving and taking some of the tropes. Coming up with a specific theme or motif such as the type of powers they have, magical girl designs, reasons for becoming a magical girl and using magic, or more story-driven themes like common flaws our characters struggle with or an overarching message will make our plot a lot more unique while still dabbling in the typical clichés.

I'm also fine with "alternate" magical girl ideas. Things that are a little harder to define as mahou shoujo but still draws from it in some places. Some examples include fantasy elements like witches or mages, sci-fi/cyberpunk blends with technology combined with magic, supernatural/horror themed magical girls, weird and surreal or psychological twists on mahou shoujo (huge fan of FLCL over here), comedic magical girl stuff that parodies the genre in some way, or even things focused more on more shonen-ish fighting rather than magical powers.

Romance is also fine with me by default, but as I said earlier in the ad, my real interests come from creating compelling relationships more than a completely romance-steered plot.

Content I'm not super interested in:
I avoid most grimdark stories in this genre and although I am fine with serious subject matter and angst, I like for there to be plenty of room to have fun as well. Emotional and social conflict, characters struggling with flaws they have, or past trauma are the kinds of serious topics I'm interested in engaging with and less excessive misery and plots that are purposely trying to be as dark as possible.

In that same context I'm not interested in most forms of gore. Refer to what I wrote about action to get more of my thoughts on that, but nothing with any sort of realistic gore is something I want to see in this genre.

I would also like our characters to be older than some of the magical girl ages depicted in anime. High-school is the ideal setting/age group for me, anything lower than that becomes a bit too limited for me. On the opposite side of that coin though, I'm not too interested in playing magical girls who are seasoned adults. Although I think that could be an interesting story in itself, like I said in other parts of this ad, I am mostly interested in writing characters who are still young and stubborn but growing through the events of the story.

One final note I have would be: In case I didn't highlight this enough in the ad, my partner does not need to be female to write a magical girl story with me. I am fine with writing with any gender, so long as they are interested in this type of plot.

If you find yourself interested in some of the stuff I mentioned in this ad, then please go ahead and send me a personal message! Even if you aren't interested in every element, there should be plenty of stuff to start a discussion and I'll happily answer any questions you might have. I'm going to go ahead and guess that if this basic idea is enough to attract your attention, then by all means you should message me about it, even if there are some differences in our ideas. If you wanna talk about inspiration, ideas you have, or series you like, I'm all ears as well!

I'm not interested in doing a group or public forum RP for this idea so please keep it in our personal messages if you reach out, thanks! Hope to talk more about this potential magical girl RP with some of you nice people! 😄
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Y'know what, color me interested!
As a whole I'm not 100% certain about if I'm gonna be the best fit to what you're looking for, if mainly because of character-related business on my end, but I'd be more than happy to discuss and figure things out first if that's what you're looking for.
Y'know what, color me interested!
As a whole I'm not 100% certain about if I'm gonna be the best fit to what you're looking for, if mainly because of character-related business on my end, but I'd be more than happy to discuss and figure things out first if that's what you're looking for.
Sure, sure! I'm interested in chatting about it. Worst case scenario is we're not compatible, best case we get to do a magical girl RP! Please send a message whenever is convenient. :D

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