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Fat Gandalf's Bar & Lounge (OOC chat) - Chapter Two

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No worries! This is only a game after all! =)
That's O.K. though, see. With Toph dead, I guess I'll need someone to play General Steel (I have all of these NPCs you know). Steel is such a big fellow, you know, that his mech only has one seat.

That's O.K. too though, see. If Steel gets lonely in there, Psychie-as-General-Steel can just order Mario to sit in his lap.

(How's that for an awkward image?) =) =) =)
Sherwood, you are quite the card. As your new General in Charge, I will use my newfound powers for . . . EVIL! Ha! And you will be my first target for retaliation! Take that, you!
Sherwood Sherwood Kaerri Kaerri Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus Psychie Psychie

O.K. Your character's starting gear can be found here. Enjoy!

Extra gear can be requested from Cpl. Booty, armorer of the Big Bunker (Sherwood's request is already in).

In the following spoiler are some notes you may find worthwhile.
1. Armor. You will notice that your characters are all being issued the same basic mega-suit (with choice of light or heavy version). This is because I want your characters in fully sealed environmental armor. For the sake of roleplaying, your characters will be "dressed up" in mega-suits that will look like the A.T.A.C. or T.A.S.C., mega-suits, but are in all other ways identical.
2. Current available weapons can be found in the Small Arms and Heavy Weapons (RDF and ASC). I highly recommend checking those out prior to making any requests.
3. Keep in mind, If your character is using a two-handed weapon, that character cannot parry with an arm shield.
I should add the following - among the PCs, there are only three items I am aware of your characters possessing (besides things you should have like wallet, keys, etc.). They are:

1. Mario's pen knife. =)
2. Herc's little tree (which is in his barracks, I take it).
3. Herc's laser pistol and E-clips which he earned in his prologue.

Unless I've forgotten something, your characters have no other items. So, if you want to take something along, now is the time to request it from your ganja-smokin', reggae-lovin', armorer. =)
Mario did request a SDC laser pistol to have as a standard issue side arm earlier; was that not yet delivered?
Sherwood - I don't remember him receiving it (I can't even recall the model). I vaguely remember the request (in OOC chat?) Who did he request it from?

Actually... this is an easy fix - if Mario wants an S.D.C. laser pistol, this is probably the best place and opportunity to get it. Did he want it in place of the standard sidearm he was getting or in addition to?

Kaerri - The items on Elinor's character sheet are approved. =)
It would be in addition to the MDC pistol. There are times that I want to be able to pull some heat on someone without vaporizing them.
FYI, I have copied and pasted the equipment list to my character sheet.
Sherwood - Oh wait. I do recall having such a pistol in the game because there wasn't one to choose from the ASC books.

FYI, I have copied and pasted the equipment list to my character sheet.

With your armor and shield selections?

O.K. Let's get this out of the way here in OOC with what time I have left tonight.
1. Yes to the S.D.C. Laser Pistol. It's the LP-3 with two magazines, holster, and cleaning kit.
2. Cpl. Booty does have the HPW-6. He does not have the wearable power pack (Steel's Slayers took the last one). Cpl. Booty can hand out up to 10 E-clips (5 on a bandolier, 2 bandoliers) for each heavy weapon.
3. Mario has already been assigned the IPP-5H Heavy Ion Pistol.
4. Any other requests?
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Ok. Just making sure that everyone is on the same page as each other. Thanks Dann.

Mario will gladly accept the HPW-6 with the two bandoliers. I'll edit the sheet accordingly.

But let me ask again: Did you make your armor and shield selections?
Yeah, the heavy armor and shield, even if I won't be able to use the heavy shield with the Heavy Squad Weapon.
Good deal. And hey, concerning the shield, "It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it," right? =)
Absolutely! With any luck (bows to the Dice Gods) we won't be needing the personal weapons on this mission at all.
Psychie, you're terrific!

I will admit to having a fascination with the Robotech game ever since Sherwood introduced me to it in part because of the coolness of the "toys" in the universe. =)
I am picturing the HLW-6 as being similar in use as the Smart Guns from Aliens. Is that on line with what you see, Dann?
I'm afraid not, Sherwood. For one thing, in Robotech: Masters Saga Sourcebook, there is a picture of the HLW-6 on page 187. The HLW-6 is also described as having three barrels, not one like the Aliens Smartgun.

And finally, I've already converted the Colonial Marines Smartgun into Mega-Damage form thanks to a Rifts campaign I ran years and years ago (having long-ago bought the well-thought-out Colonial Marines Technical Manual half the job of putting it into Rifts was already done).

Given the two weapons, I'd take the Smartgun over the HLW-6 any day; it's accuracy and firepower is incredible (assuming you have the harness and training, of course). =)
No worries. It was just a mental picture I had. Is it still a two handed weapon?
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