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Completed Chapter II: Blades in Motion

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Eltheron Delioss

Eltheron had been moving quickly down the hallway when he heard the commotion, and mumbled voices behind him, echoing through the halls. Eltheron turned back, wondering what might be going on, have the other arrived already? He didn't know. He better find out.

When Eltheron returned to the main foray, it was still empty, and he made his way back towards the main entry hall, hugging the wall, he peered his head around the corner to see Henvei facing off with an Elven Knight. Hmmm, let's see what this mage is capable of... he thought to himself as he watched the scene unfold
Dina Ailsa

Dina cursed and regained her pace. Her mind was cluttered with "but"s. What should she do when they bump head-straight into their enemies?

"They know we're here." she said ignoring the dwarfs rant. They should be arriving soon. Was that it? She could see it. The doors were open and there was a dwarf in front of them. Irrelevant, we must get in.
Henvei's magic was effective, and the wind strike sent the knight backwards against the information desk. Papers and dust flew as well. He recovered moments later though, and was soon back on his feet. He cursed and threw a hateful look at the wizard while his mind undoubtedly considered his next step. And then, suddenly, he charged at Henvei, likely hoping to reach him before he could exercise another spell.

The rest of the fellowship was just approaching the library. The street was empty save for a dwarf leaning against one of the pillars supporting the extended roof. Behind, on top of the stairs, the double doors of the library were wide open.
Meric King

Meric gestured with his hand as he began to lightly jog towards the doors. Meric drew his sword at the entrance, and glared as he saw the Elven Knight battling Henvi. He shouted, "You are scum, Knight of the Bitch!" He sheathed the sword then took the bow off of his back, and strung an arrow. "You, Human! Move so I can put an arrow through this traitor,"
Laurolf Fangür

As soon as Laurolf was close enough to see the Dwarf leaning against the pillar, his arms reached behind his back as the massive battle axe was lifted from it's sheath. He only glanced at the Shadow Elf that ran past him inside the Library, but didn't mind, it was only fitting Laurolf was left to deal with his own kind. "Stenvakt or Fangür!?" He now shouted, stopping a few feet away from his kinsman. Whoever this Dwarf was, it shouldn't take long for him to recognize Laurolf - After all, as Runemaster of Goliath and the only Runemaster alive, Laurolf was the only Dwarf able to lay legitimate claim to the throne of Knalga.
Dina Ailsa

Everyone got moving and the first fray began. Dina got a feeling that getting inside the Library wouldn't be a wise choice for her. She decided to join the dwarves. She knew that if the leaning dwarf was hurt she couldn't help him immediately but she also knew that in battle she wouldn't be of any help at all. Now standing really close to the ajar doors Dina could see her comrades engaged in combat against the elven knight. Even she could tell that the Knight was overpowered. Dina's right foot climbed the first of the stairs that led to the doors. She froze there waiting for the Spectrals to contact her.
The dwarf seemed to only have taken notice of the approaching group when Meric darted past him and inside the building. But when Laurolf challenged him, his astonishment went way past a simple startle.

"M-master Fangür? Yer alive?" His attention was focused solely on the other dwarf. "And here, of all places! They said you were dead." He glanced sideways as if remembering something, and then quickly spoke again. "I am Ozren of house Nergír." Laurolf had heard of house Nergír; they were minor nobility, just barely enough to have a presence in the palace. They weren't much involved in matters, up until the last war. "We've never met, but we've bled together two years ago. A sad affair that got us both where we stand today. Aye." He seemed overall happy to see his kinsman, even managing a smile.

From her watching point at the top of the stairs Dina could see Meric aiming an arrow at the enemy knight, unable to take the shot with Henvei in the way. The knight was charging at him with a raised blade. If Eltheron was around, he was nowhere to be seen. Then came the contact. She felt a cold presence in her mind and heard a familiar ghostly voice.

"You are here." said the specter. "The enemy is already alerted to your presence. A small contingent of knights from Reindir were dispatched here early this morning, but they are only a scouting force. Their role was to secure Aboran in preparation for the arrival of Ilhirel's agent. The one who will actually conduct the search of the library. That agent has not arrived yet. It is vital that you complete your work here before that happens. Tell the others. Make haste."

Another voice joined to finish. "Enter the library. Cross the reception room and use the stairs on the far side. Descend. We will open the way."
Dina Ailsa

"We must make haste. Knights from Reindir that are in the city are just a scouting force. Ilhirel's agent will be arriving soon and we must be done with our task by then." Dina said and mounted another stair. She could hear the conversation between the dwarves but her eyes were fixed on the battle before her. Maybe battle is a word too strong for what was going on. However it should be called, this collision of the opposed sides was but the first of many. But the lack of greatness doesn't make this struggle less important.

"Put an end to it! We're running out of time!" she said. Every moment counts.
Laurolf Fangür

Laurolf squinted his eyes, "Nergír?" He mumbled, "Bloody hell, didn't think any of the other nobles made it out of Knalga." He thought, completely ignoring Dina and the ruckus echoing from the library. Not all of them needed to enter the library and if it came down to it, Laurolf could hold off any of Ilhirel's hounds, while the others went for whatever the specters wanted them to find. "An army of bloody demons, wouldn't be enough to be killin' a Fangür, boy." He said, without lowering his guard - Laurolf now glanced at Dina, "Ye' lot go on ahead, lass, I'll be right behind ye', eh?" His eyes lowered back to Ozren, "So what's someone like ye', doin' in Aboran? Beard deep in Ilhirel's territory, hm!"
"If you lot are going in, flesh is bound to come looking for you, and that's the way they'll come in." the drakkar pointed at the entrance. "I think I'll stay by the door." He chuckled. Xenthriss had been quiet all the way through town, keeping to himself, glaring from under his hood at the people passing, thoughts of fire and blood running wild in his mind. Now he moved to stand by the entrance next to Dina, leaving the dwarves alone in the street.

Ozren nodded at Laurolf. "Indeed. I'm..." He paused, his face assuming the shape of a sudden realization. "Wait! If yer alive, that changes things!" Unable to stay in place, he paced left and right obviously excited. "Master Fangür! Say, would you consider joining the Resistance?"

The Resistance was a well-known movement initially formed by the remnants of the Royal Army at the end of the Great War two years ago. Today it was the only significant pocket of resistance against the Sorceress, fighting a guerrilla war and striking from the shadows, raiding camps and intercepting convoys. Everyone knew the Resistance was slowly failing though, fighting a losing war, and they were no longer at the peak of their former strength. Yet they still presented a threat to Ilhirel, perhaps the only one, and she still led a never-ending campaign to root them out.
Henvei Relkor vech Daltzen

If the scholar had heard his sharpshooter, he gave no show.

Instead, the magus kept his attention firmly on the knight. The elf had thought well: Henvei was forced to dodge aside, sliding down the floor on a thin layer of water extruded from his boots. The Folk barred his teeth, hissing as an animal as he went; nevertheless he was retreating. Combat had never been his strong suit, and Henvei wished to keep all sharp things as far from himself as possible.

Eltheron Delioss

Eltheron took this moment to act, Fool mage, starting a fight he could not end. The mage was retreating from the charging knight, Eltehron just hoped for the best in regards to his kinsman's arrow. Eltheron charged down the hall staying half crouched to keep the knight between himself and Meric. Swords drawn, Eltheron focused on only one thing, his blades sliding between the knight's armor plates, and smoothly into the soft flesh of torso and neck. His own father had always taught him that a two-pronged attack was best.

He just hoped he could manage from his shadowy state.
With Henvei sliding gracefully off to the side, Meric had a clear shot of the knight and, hesitating only long enough to smile, loosened the arrow strong and true. The knight's charge at the mage missed, and Meric's arrow hit him in the shoulder where the armor was weaker. As result, he ended up on the ground and was rendered vulnerable for the next few moments.

This condition would have proved fatal in combination with Eltheron's silent approach, had his blade connected with the target. Though he managed to interact with things in the Shadow Realm earlier and thus put in the extra effort needed, it seemed that it wasn't so simple this time. Or perhaps the rules were a bit different when it came to actual living things? Knowing next to nothing about his new gift, the elf was left puzzled.

At least no one could see him make that embarrassingly ineffective lunge.
Eltheron Delioss

Frustrated, Eltheron stood over the knight, Atleast he's down now... I must find out more about this gift. Eltheron gave his head a slight shake, then focused on dropping his shadow form, holding his arm up, calling out, "Hold Meric! It's only me." Concerned the skilled elf may take him for an enemy also. Eltheron looked from Meric to Henvei, "The others?" he asked, his foot firmly planted on the knight's chest to keep him down.
Dina Ailsa

"Waiting for the path to be cleared." Dina waved at Eltheron from the doors. She was starting to get annoyed. Why are they taking so long?! She was tapping the ground with her foot impatiently.
With the immediate threat eliminated and nothing left standing in their way, everyone seemed a bit more relaxed. The knight was conscious, pinned down by Eltheron. The arrow protruded from the place where his shoulder plates met. It wasn't a serious wound. He'd live. Not only that, but apparently he'd laugh as well, because he just did. His sword lay on the ground a few feet out of his reach, at Henvei's feet.

"An organized effort. Should've known the dwarf wasn't alone. Such colorful company could only be the Resistance." he shot Meric and Eltheron with a spiteful look. "Elven traitors. But besting me has gotten you nowhere. Reinforcements are underway." he laughed. "You won't leave Aboran alive."

He was right, and they all knew it. They remembered the second knight who got away during the fight with the dwarf outside. When the other half of the company passed by the barracks he had just made it inside. By now he could have rallied every available town guard there, though it would take time for all the Reindir knights stationed around Aboran to get the news. Once they did, however, they would become the main concern since the library was the main objective, while the town guards protected the town in general, likely unaware of specific plans involved.

At least Dina and the others had a clear shot to take at the secret section before enemy reinforcements arrived.
Eltheron Delioss

Eltheron's face twisted in a silent snarl as he crouched down atop the night, leaning in with his full weight on top of the armor plating. "Traitors...? You serve the usurper and you dare call us traitors?" Eltheron had since sheathed his swords, but he pulled a small knife from within his left gauntlet. Spinning the blade in his right hand, then holding the point less than an inch from knight's exposed eye, "You, and any of our kinsmen that serve that bitch deserve the fate that will befall you. No pity, no remorse, no tears will be shed for the likes of you." With a curse in his native tongue Eltheron spits on the Sorceress' crest on the armor, he then moves the blade closer to the elf's eye. "How many knights have arrived in Aboran? And what contingent makes way here?" With a quick slice across his cheek Eltheron adds, "And don't lie to me traitor."
Laurolf Fangür

Laurolf smiled but stayed quiet, "The ol' resistance, still be up n' about, eh?" He thought, then shook his head. "Nay, brother - As much as I'd love to be huntin' 'at bitch's hounds again.. Well, I cannot be trustin' the protection of someone in the hands of elfkind, as nimble n' agile as they may be, hm!" He started walking towards the library's entrance, but briefly stopped next to the fellow Dwarf and patted him on the shoulder, "But tell ye' mates, that hope be still livin', quite literally in flesh n' blood, eh?" He grinned and pointed towards Dina.

Laurolf walked up the steps, and saw Eltheron "questioning" one of Ilhirel's hounds. He sighed and grasped the smaller hatchet hanging in a sheath on his waist. The Dwarf walked over to the knight and put the hatchet right through the elf's skull, "Yer wastin' time, Eltheron." He said, pulling the hatchet out, causing blood and bits of flesh to splatter onto the floor. "Ye' can be cuttin' their balls off, and they'd still be bloody lying. Trust me, I know." Nonchalantly, Laurolf sheathed the smaller hatchet and turned towards Dina, "Shall we find this chamber of yer's?"
Dina Ailsa

"Right away." Dina said and headed for the stairs at the other side of the room as Spectrals instructed her to. Dina tried not to look at the fallen knight. She often saw blood and dealt with quite a few great wounds and death was never what she wanted to see. Even if it's of the one standing against us. She made them this way, it's some foul magic I'm sure of it. Maybe none of the non-demon forces are acting of their own will. She moved quickly and was now starting the descend down the stairs. Where to after I reach the end of them?

Dina was expecting Spectrals to contact her again soon.
Henvei Relkor vech Daltzen

With all of this commotion, Henvei quickly swished his arms back to his sides, the Codex disappearing just as it had arrived. With luck, none would notice it, or give it second thought. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, the Folk soon returned to his normal state.

Well, almost normal. His voice had lost much of that...annoying quality which had made it so annoying. "The rest of you?

" He asked, looking from the elves to the dwarf. The magus' eyes had not yet lost their animal edge, but instead, turned their eyes to other matters. "The chamber is to be found. I myself must make to the library. I suggest you decide your own courses quickly."

He turned his savage eye to the elf's corpse, then to Eltheron. "Best aside, friend. I have business with this elf."

Laurolf Fangür

Now that's the spirit, lass! Laurolf chuckled and glanced at Eltheron, it looked like he was about to say something, but was interrupted by Henvei. Laurolf just shook his head and mumbled something in the Dwarven language, then walking after Dina.
Eltheron Delioss

When Laurolf had cleaved the kngiht's skull Eltheron had half a mind to backhand the dwarf. But there was little point in starting troubles with those he needed to be working with. He gave the stout warrior a shake of his head and a roll of his eyes then sheathed the blade and wiped the blood spatter from his face with his cloak. Before he stood he gave the dead elf one last disgusted once over. Weak willed excuse for an elf...

"Do what you want with the wretch master Mage. His disgrace leaves him no honor." Eltheron said to Henvei, then turned and caught up with Laurolf. "So master Dwarf, spend a lot of your time interrogating elven knights do you?"
It was just when the girl approached the stairs that led to the second floor that something unexpected happened. The stone floor gave way in front of Dina, sliding downwards in a circular fashion so as to form a spiral staircase. After the initial spiral, the corridor straightened out and descended like usual stairs down into absolute darkness.

Then the sounds of feet marching and armor rattling came from the street outside. Xenthriss looked at the Chosen from the doorstep. "Town guards coupled with more of those knights." he chuckled. "You'd better go on ahead. You wouldn't enjoy watching me enjoy myself." He laughed a deep, insane laugh that sent shivers down everyone's spines in the half dark of the reception room.
Laurolf Fangür

"Laurolf." He corrected the elf, then hemmed. "And aye, I used to. Quite a while back." He said, whilst watching the spiral staircase unfold before them. It wasn't actually that unexpected, not by Laurolf anyway - After all, the specters had spoken of a secret underground chamber, so it only made sense it would've been hidden in such a way. When the Drakkar started rambling, Laurolf just shook his head and mumbled, "Bloody maniac." Descending down the stairs, after Dina.
Eltheron Delioss

Eltheron watched as the Drakkar turned to face incoming soldiers, and he was inclined to agree with Laurolf, Maniac indeed... He then proceeded to follow the dwarf down the steps, drawing his blades as he went.
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